I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 897: Three consecutive

Back in Hollywood, the first thing Eric needs to solve is the contract between MGM and Pierce Brosnan.

The success of Royal Casino not only brought a huge profit to MGM, but also helped MGM’s market value break through the $12 billion mark in the near future, while also allowing Pierce Brosnan, who plays James Bond. The sequel to the lion's big opening, it is likely to be the first 20 million basic salary plus 20% profit sharing in Hollywood history, and only one willing to sign one at a time. If you count according to the box office of "Royal Casino", the value of this kind of remuneration contract is close to 70 million US dollars. In recent years, the average pay of Hollywood first-line superstars is less than 20 million US dollars, so the asking price is simply chaos, MGM Naturally impossible to agree.

Thanks to the emergence of Eric, the highest record of Hollywood actor's salary so far is still Jack Nicholson's $50 million in "Batman", and that is just an accident.

Hollywood, like Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson, both the starring and participating in the production of the big names, the salary from each film is often only 20 to 30 million. Although the Royal Box Casino's global box office is up to 1 billion, anyone knows that Eric's own participation and the popularity of the MGM movie universe are the key to the success of the film, Pierce Brosnan's The importance is far less than it is supposed to be.

With the release of "The Royal Casino", the six films in the first half of the first phase of the MGM movie universe were all over, and the world view of the entire agent movie universe was completed.

In the plan, the second half of the first phase of the Agent's film universe still includes six films.

At the moment, "Jiaojiaowa 3" has begun to shoot, it is expected that next summer's summer file release, "Mission Impossible 3" is also in the intense preliminary preparation process, the schedule is initially determined at the end of next year. The starring films of the two films have been confirmed in advance, and there will be no problems such as pay-for-sex disputes. However, if Pierce Brosnan’s pay-for-money problem cannot be properly solved, the four other films in the plan, Bond 21, Charlie 4, Mission 4, and Bond 20, are likely to be Because MGM and a few long protagonists of the protagonist can not smoothly carry out.

Amy Pascal and the agent of Pierce Brosnan talked for half a month, perhaps because they thought they were holding the seven inches of MGM. The other party just reluctantly agreed to reduce the share clause to 15%, $20 million. The fixed pay is not meant to be retreat. Eric didn't want to pay a contract for a few months or even a year and a half, so he decided to intervene personally.

Brantwood Country Club Golf Course in Santa Monica, not far from the Prea Vista Firefly Studios, Amy has a membership card for this club and proposes a meeting with Pierce Brosnan Arranged here.

Since returning to Los Angeles and Monday, Eric and Kasenberg habitually finished breakfast together. After some things have not been finished, they came with him.

On the court, Eric once again hit the air again, ignoring the snicker of the hoe, bending over to correct the golf ball on the ground, and to the side of Kasenberg, "So, now you understand why me They have to sign a long contract with Stewart. If they don’t do this, the situation we will face in the future is definitely worse than the current MGM. But a group of superheroes that are enough to destroy the earth, all of them will demand a high price, fireflies will It became a job for them."

Kasenberg looked at Drew and Amy Pascal, who were whispering nearby, and said, "I am just curious. How do you plan to solve this time?"

Eric put the ball on the ball and looked at the white shadow that was flying far away. He walked with the Kasenberger to the far-away point. He did not answer this question directly, but said: "Everyone should understand who is the real master of Hollywood."

Kasenberg swayed his head helplessly. "But, Eric, you will let more and more first-line superstars refuse to cooperate with us."

"You still don't understand, Jeffrey," Eric said. "At least, in the fireflies, the era of superstars has already ended prematurely. The next two decades, or even longer, will be the era of technology and special effects. The Firefly is brewing the Marvel movie universe, MGM's forthcoming "The Lord of the Rings" series, and many other projects planned, their selling points will be visual effects and the story itself, although the participation of first-line stars can be icing on the cake. But they are not required."

Although Kasenberg did not agree with Eric, he nodded and turned to look at Drew and Amy who were playing far away, and said: "So, Eric, your lower movie has Have you planned it, you have to know, this is what everyone asked me to ask."

In recent days, although the repression effect of the third week of the Royal Casino on other films has been greatly reduced, the third film of the Firefly Group's Bo Wei distribution system, "Taishan Forest", is still tepid.

Although the film review is good, the film only received more than 16 million US dollars for the first three days of the weekend, which is only half of the MGM's "Scream 2" released in the same period, due to the fall of the girl who was killed by Rachel Vichy. "Screaming Scream 2" received a $32.92 million box office in the first three days of the weekend. With the cost of "Screaming Scream 2" for only $24 million, MGM can fully recover the cost in the first week. In comparison, on the firefly side, the cost of "Taishan Forest" is $55 million. It is counted as "Jesus Police 2" which was defeated by the "Casino Royale" at the box office, and "Air Prison" which is also not too successful. Fireflies this year's several live-action movies can almost be described as the whole army, although there is a new line of "Death to 2", but that movie is not mainstream.

Therefore, even if there is a global fund of 1 billion box-offices that is enough to prop up the entire summer file, the tops of the fireflies are still very happy, especially Eric ran to the Royal Casino directed by MGM. "In the case of such a dazzling achievement.

"The lower part of the movie," Eric said, thinking: "When the women's team in the UK is set up, I want to direct a music MV, a very interesting MV."

Kasenberg couldn't help but smack his mouth. He wanted to scream "BOSS, can you do something right?" In fact, if Eric is his subordinate, not the boss, with Kasenberg's temper, he must have really come out.

Looking at Kasenberg's uncomfortable look, Eric laughed and comforted: "Well, Jeffery, this kind of thing is not going to come. You see, the Royal Box Casino's global box office can certainly reach 1 billion, since I have continuously produced two global box office films of 1 billion, then the lower movie, if it can continue to maintain this box office level, is it better?"

Kasenberger involuntarily imagined the scene depicted by Eric, feeling that his facial muscles showed signs of convulsions, saying: "You mean, three consecutive, one billion global?"

Eric nodded and said: "Yeah, actually, I still want to exceed the box office record created by Jim. However, after all, I can't do his kind-hearted excellence, and I will win by volume. If you can maintain a global box office of three consecutive films for $1 billion, it should be considered a pioneering move."

"Well," although Kasenberg felt that Eric’s plan was incredible, he did not doubt that Eric had the ability to achieve this miracle. However, just nodding, he immediately added: "However, Eric, you have to make sure that the lower movie must belong to the firefly."

"Of course, this is for sure," Eric nodded with a smile, beckoning to let Natasha, who was standing far away from the guest caddy, come over and change the club and continue: "And, I won't let everyone wait. It’s too long.”

The two talked while playing the ball. After a while, Drew and Amy led a middle-aged man of forty years old to come over.

When I came to the front, Amy just wanted to talk. The middle-aged man took the initiative to reach out and introduced himself: "Mr. Williams, hello, I am Pierce's agent, Rick Kozman."

Eric politely shook hands with the other party and said: "I remember I said, I hope Pierce will come over."

"This, I am really sorry, Mr. Williams," Rick Kozman looked embarrassed, his face looked good and flawed. "Pearce is in a hurry and can't come, he also deliberately asked me to apologize to you."

In order to avoid being too stiff with the film company during the film negotiation process, the stars usually do not come out personally, so that even if something happens, the two sides can reserve some room for buffering.

Eric naturally knows the rules and is not angry. When Rick Kozman and Kasenberg have said hello, he said: "If this is the case, then we will be open and honest, MGM hopes to be able to do it once. Signed four contracts with Pierce, two for the two, and two for the intersection."

Eric said here that Rick Kozman interrupted: "Mr. Williams, this is not the case, we will only sign a film with MGM every time."

Eric swept Rick Kozman and waited for the other person to take the initiative to shut up. He continued: "The four contracts, I have two sets of pay packages here. First, the two are paying 20 million each. The crossover is worth 15 million yuan each, totaling 70 million US dollars. If Pierce is willing to choose this option, MGM can pay the full amount in one lump sum. Second, the basic salary of the four films is all 10 million US dollars. Pierce can get it from the biography. 10% of the box office profit share, the profit of the cross-concentration is 5%."

Rick Kozman couldn't help but open his mouth several times, but he was patient. When Eric finished, he couldn't wait to shake his head: "Mr. Williams, this contract is too insincere. We will not agree, you know, "Royal Casino" can bring a $1 billion box office to MGM."

"Yeah," Eric nodded, looking at Rick Kozman, with a faint smile on his lips. "It seems that you are also aware of this. It is the Royal Casino that brought 10 to MGM. The $100 million box office, not Pierce Brosnan, brought a $1 billion box office to MGM."

Rick Kozman didn't think of his own words and put himself in, but he was also used to this scene, his expression did not change, insisted: "But, compared to Pierce's 007 for MGM The profit, I think we should get enough compensation."

Eric’s hand touched a club and seemed to agree with the nod. He said: “In this case, I recommend you to pick a second set of pay schemes. I think that Pierce will definitely get more and eventually get 100 million. No dollar is impossible."

Rick Kozman heard the figure of 100 million US dollars, and couldn't help but jump. If this is the case, then he can get a $10 million broker share. Throughout Hollywood, no broker has been able to get $10 million from a star at a time, even if Michael Owitz couldn't do it.

However, after a brief embarrassment, Rick Kozman quickly calmed down and understood another thing. Since Eric said this, he must be confident in the box office of the next few films. In this case, MGM is even less likely to allow Pierce Brosnan to leave.

Secretly proud of finding another chip, Rick Kozman smiled and said: "Mr. Williams, I just said that Pierce will only sign a contract with MGM once, and, just The paycheck is definitely not working."

"I think you misunderstood one thing, Rick," Eric shook his head and said: "I am not negotiating with you now, I am just notifying you of my decision."

Rick Kozman squatted down and looked at Drew and Amy next to him. He smiled and shook his head. "Mr. Williams, it seems that we are unlikely to reach an agreement today."

Eric ignored Rick Kozman’s eyes on Shantou and Amy and continued: “Of course, I don’t have time to delay this thing for too long. Now go back and talk to Pierce, you have one day. Considering the time, at this time tomorrow, if MGM has not recovered affirmatively, we will issue an announcement and start to select New Bond. Oh, in addition, Pierce’s original intention contract with MGM is Now, everyone is getting together."

Rick Kozman stared at Eric for a few seconds and immediately nodded deliberately. "Okay, in this case, I will tell Pierce about this."

After that, Rick Kozman no longer stayed, nodded with several others and turned and walked outside the golf course. In his heart, he decided that MGM would not easily replace the Bond candidate. He thought that Eric’s words were only to force them to accept the contract, so they did not make a defensive attempt. He believes that even if they don't give a reply tomorrow, MGM can't publicly replace Bond's news. After all, MGM's market value has only recently risen to a high of $12 billion, which is completely controlled by Royal Casino. The box office was very successful. If MGM daring to kick Pierce at this time, the stock price is likely to face a plunge. This is very unfavorable for MGM, which is about to finance the acquisition of several cable TV stations.

When Rick Kozman walked away, Kasenberg, who had been quietly listening, looked at the sorrowful Amy Pascal and tried to test: "Eric, is this a bit big?" ”

Eric gently swiped the ball on the ground toward the hole not far away and shook his head. "I don't have to gamble. If Bruce South does not accept the contract, then forget it. If we The second choice of concession, then, Kevin Costner, and Kate, three of them, will demand the same pay, when a movie actor pays more than the production cost, and then split a lot of profits, we also There is no need to carry on the whole plan. Instead of this, it is better to be tougher now, so that other people will not open their mouths again. Moreover, compared with the other two series, the risk of replacing Bond players In fact, it is the smallest. After all, this series has been replaced with several 007. Ok, Amy, don’t you have this expression, big deal, I will continue to be the producer of Bond 19 and tell me about you and the foundation. How about the cable negotiations on Rainbow Media?"

On the other hand, Rick Kozman and Eric and others are separated, as much as possible to suppress their impulse to look back, and the pace is not stopped, but the heart is inexplicably angry, or not Knowing what emotions are, in short, when he walks out of the golf course, he even feels a little trembling.

70 million US dollars fixed pay, 40 million base salary plus, well, this is indeed a lot of money, but this is four movies, maybe, okay, but they are absolutely afraid to lose Pierce, absolutely.

With such a firm belief, Rick Kozman came to the parking lot and got into his gray Chevrolet. Pierce Brosnan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, immediately looked forward to it: "Rick, how? ?"

Shaking his head, Rick Kozman suddenly decided not to tell Eric's conditions to Bruce South. Anyway, MGM will not dare to announce any announcements tomorrow, but it may shake the confidence of its customers. He said: "There is still no result, Peel, let's go back to Century City."

Pierce Brosnan felt that the agent's look was a bit unusual, and asked: "What did Eric say?"

Rick Kozman calmly started the car and said: "It's still those words, I hope you can reduce the pay, um, but also the emotional card. Rest assured, then I will try to be with Amy Pascal as much as possible. Contact, this woman should be our breakthrough point."

Seeing that the agent had started the car, Pierce Brosnan had to suspend the questioning. He had planned to go to see Eric with Rick Kozman, but he was persuaded by the agent before he stayed in the car. Since entering Hollywood, Rick Kozman has been his agent. The cooperation between the two has been pretty good these years, and Pierce Brosnan has no doubt that he will be holding on to himself.

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