I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 911: Air corridor

After the weekend, from Ventura back to Los Angeles, Eric ordered Kelly to pick a team from the assistant office to specifically build the construction of the East Coast private airport and two Boeing 747-400 and two Gulfstream V passenger aircraft. Purchase business. Eric himself focused on the selection of several movies and the expansion of the Firefly Studios.

With the one-time launch of Iron Man, Spider-Man, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the intensive casting of the "Speed ​​and Passion" series, these heavyweight films have almost all the ages of Hollywood. Paragraphs, coupled with the firefly system, have made a big splash in recent years, making many unnamed actors jump into Hollywood stars.

Therefore, although the Pierce Brosnan incident just happened, many Hollywood big names are quite vocal about the firefly system's '吝啬', but in recent times, Hollywood is still very lively, want to get the role in these series. The actor almost made all the stops.

"So, "X Files" is over, are you still in contact with Brad Pitt?"

Sharp Point Manor, Eric and Famik Jensen made breakfast in the restaurant, and heard her telling herself that Brad Pitt wanted to play Tony Stark, half smiled Asked. After the completion of the "X-Files", during the first half of the year, Famik did not pick up any more appointments. Instead, he ran around and started to do charity. He had just returned to Los Angeles these days and has recently lived in Sharp Point Estate.

"It was Xie Lisha who called me," Famik Jensen explained, seeing Eric's face confused and laughing: "Xie Lisha Cody, the agent of Pete, you should have seen her." After working together for so many years, everyone is getting along well, so I will help her by hand."

Eric vaguely remembered the woman, Xie Lisha Cody, who seemed to have a good ability and joined ICM, but she has not seen it for many years.

After so many years, the two people's status in Hollywood is already different, and Eric has no prejudice against Brad Pitt, or there is no feeling at all.

Putting a few breakfasts into the restaurant and sitting down at the table, Eric analyzed the tone: "Brad Pitt's acting is good, but his image is not suitable for Tony Stark." After thinking about it, Eric’s mouth was filled with some inexplicable smiles. “But, another character, I can let him try it, Thor Thor. But if he wants this role, he needs to wait patiently. The "Raytheon" movie will only start after "Spider-Man" and "Iron Man" are released."

In the past, Marvel once hoped that Brad Pitt could play Thor, but Brad Pitt had begun to transform himself to the director and producer. This kind of change role did not attract him. Force, the two sides failed to reach a cooperation.

But now it's different. Because of Eric's intervention, Brad Pitt has gained a lot of popularity with the role of the X-File actor, but after the series, he became another in the film circle. Newcomer.

Moreover, influenced by the stereotype of the "X-Files" role, he wants to develop in the film circle and will never be as smooth as ever. However, Brad Pitt is indeed a good candidate to star in Thor, and the film "Raytheon" will not start until two years later. At that time, the influence of X-Files will begin to dissipate.

Famik Jensen nodded and said, "Then I will reply to Xie Lisha."

"Right, and you, what happened to the cartoon of X Warrior I gave you?"

"It feels very interesting. I really like the role of Qin Gree," Famik Jensen said. "When are you planning to shoot X-Men, I haven't heard anything?"

"This also needs to wait another two or three years," Eric explained. "My plan is to open the Marvel movie universe through two movies, "Spider-Man" and "Iron Man", so that the next project Advancing is much simpler. You can shoot a few movies in the past two years to find the feeling. TV dramas and movies are always different."

"In this case, I have recently returned to the Netherlands. My sister is preparing a movie and says that I want to play a role."

Speaking of it, Famik Jensen has three sisters in his family. The other two are directors and one is an actor. Only two of them are developing in Europe. Eric heard Famik say so, and some reluctantly advised. "I just have to come back and go, I want you, let your sister come to Hollywood to develop."

Famik Jensen said: "My sister's temper is much better than me. She also knows my relationship with you and will not come over."

Eric laughed: "It seems that I am more fortunate, catching the least strong one among your sisters."

Famik Jensen gave Eric a white look and said, "It's not your bastard."

Eric smiled smugly, and finished eating breakfast in three or two. When he reached out, he would bring Famik over to show off his side of the bastard. She felt that she had a long leg to block her attack and handed it down. I hugged my long legs from the shorts and said with a smile: "Well, I am going to work, come, kiss."

Famik was helplessly holding his face and letting Eric kiss it, his mouth was smiling, and he muttered dissatisfiedly: "I bought a ticket back to the Netherlands today."

Eric kissed Famik's lips and bowed down on the seductive long legs. He listened to the girl's itch laugh and said, "No, I recently rented a Boeing 767. When are you going to leave, I will let you send you."

Busy for more than half a month, the selection of "Iron Man" actor has entered the second round, the audition list has also been reduced from the initial screening of hundreds of people to 50, Eric also intends to personally participate in the recent rounds of audition .

However, Eric rushed to Firefly Studios, and Kasenberg also rushed over with several theme park designers.

It turned out that the team of designers responsible for the development of the Firefly Studios theme park project has come up with a set of solutions for the development of theme parks in the western block of Lincoln Avenue. Due to the price hikes in the eastern part of the park, the studio could not expand to the east in a short period of time. The company could only focus on developing the western block of Lincoln Avenue.

"Mr. Williams, you see, we can build a flyover on Lincoln Avenue to connect the two East and West Studios. In addition, in order to connect the Titanic theme exhibition area and the western park, it does not affect In the daily operation of the studio and other areas, we can open an exclusive channel on the edge of the eastern park, and set some movie themes in this channel to increase the interest, to avoid tourists feeling boring on the road."

Eric looked at the designer's design slides and listened to the other side. He shook his head and said, "No, no one would like to walk a kilometer in a ramp. Moreover, the park in the east is also It should be part of a theme park tour."

“Then we can open several doors in the open area.”

"I am not talking about the door, but I feel that the idea of ​​the exclusive channel you are talking about is not going to work. It will create a sense of claustrophobia. If you have experienced it, you will know how bad it feels." Eric said, got up and walked to the slide projector, let the secretary who operated the slide switch a few pictures, then stayed on a design across the Lincoln Avenue flyover, staring at the drawing for a while, Eric lifted The hand crossed a long line in the air and said: "In this way, the extension of the bridge will be extended to build an air corridor connecting the Titanic exhibition hall and the western park. What do you think?"

When Kasenberger heard Eric’s words, his eyes lit up and he stood up and nodded. “I think this idea is very good. Most of the eastern parks are not suitable for open to tourists, but if there is such an air corridor. They will be able to visit the entire park in a condescending manner, which is much better than the idea of ​​ground access."

Several designers have also come together, one of them said: "But, such an air corridor, the cost will certainly be very expensive?"

Eric shook his head and said to the designer: "Gerry, don't consider the cost first, you think, we are not far from the south is Los Angeles International Airport with annual passenger throughput of 60 million. Although the airport passengers are big. Some of them go to the west of the 405 highway, but as long as one-fifth of them pass through Lincoln Avenue, this is 12 million. If this air corridor is built and becomes a landmark on Lincoln Avenue, it is equivalent to free every year. 12 million passengers from all over the world advertised Firefly Studios. This effect is definitely a bridge that is only safe for tourists."

The designer named Gary nodded and raised his hand to draw a line across the two parks. "Mr. Williams, if you don't consider the cost of construction, then we can make this corridor across the whole thing. The park will not only form a symmetry, but also a more beautiful appearance. At the same time, the four-kilometer air corridor will be more visually shocking."

After Gary said, other people also put forward their own ideas.

There are many very spectacular air corridors in Eric's memory. He has also walked through some high-altitude plank roads in his previous life. The design of these suspended corridors has left Eric very impressed. Now, with this opportunity and sufficient economic strength, Eric naturally imagines that Malibu's Freedom City Villa will create a space corridor of his own.

Everyone talked about it for half an hour, and the idea was basically finalized.

However, the concept can be endless, but to get a practical solution, you need the theme park designers to make detailed plans, such as what form the air corridor uses, what materials to use, how high to build, and so on.

After sending a few designers to leave, Eric came to another office building in Studios with Kasenberg, and the audition of the "Iron Man" actor was held here.

Because of the early greetings, I don’t have to wait for myself. The team members of Iron Man have already started auditioning.

Eric and Kasenberger nodded with a group of actors waiting in the hallway and shoved the door into the audition room. A 30-year-old white male was performing a plot with the staff and saw Erik and When Kasenberg came in, he couldn't help but pause. I don't know if it should continue.

"This, um, Mr. Rockwell, you can continue," Eric nodded as he smiled at each other.

Sam Rockwell didn't expect Eric to know himself. He quickly smiled and asked for a feeling, and then gestured to the female assistant who was reading the line.

Eric nodded to the director Jos Verden and didn't sit behind the audition table. He just took a chair with Kasenberg and sat down next to him. He took a stack of actors from an assistant. Information, looked up and watched the performance of Sam Rockwell.

Sam Rockwell is Eric himself personally picking in the last 50 candidates.

In the past history, Sam Rockwell participated in the audition of the "Iron Man" actor, but did not get the role, and finally played the villain Justin Hammer in "Iron Man 2", the main "Iron Man 2" The villain is a whip, and Sam Rockwell’s performance is not too eye-catching, but his play of Justin Hammer is indeed very similar to Robert Downey. Eric just remembered this, so he arranged the other party into this round of audition.

However, during the audition, although a few words were specifically mentioned, Sam Rockwell’s audition effect was difficult to satisfy Eric, and he always felt that something was missing.

At the end, Eric glimmered and told the staff to find a pair of black-rimmed glasses for Sam Rockwell to wear. His temperament finally reached the effect of Eric, and it looked like a street from the original. The image of the little nephew turned into a slapstick with a smirk and some cynical overbearing president.

Unfortunately, Tony Stark must not wear glasses.

When Sam Rockwell left, he realized that Eric had just taken a special attitude toward him. Everyone looked over and apparently asked Eric’s opinion.

Eric shook his head regretfully: "His acting is good, but if you don't wear glasses, you can't fully support the temperament that Tony Stark needs. If you wear glasses, you can't do it. Call the next one."

Jos Weeden was relieved, and they felt similar to Eric. However, everyone knows that Eric often makes some unexpected decisions, so I have some concerns. If Eric is inclined to Sam Rockwell, that's not a good thing.

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