I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 918: Forced obsessive

When I heard that Eric met his own requirements and let all of Apple’s existing board members resign, Steve Jobs’s expression did not ease down. It’s still a bit aggressive: “So, Eric, the technical license for the ARM architecture?”

Eric knows exactly what kind of person Steve Jobs is. This kind of guy with strong control desire, if you respond with his emotions, will be affected by the other party unconsciously.

Relaxing in the office chair, Eric shook his head: "Steve, this request I can't promise you, but as a shareholder of Apple, Apple needs to use ARM chips in the future, and Firefly Electronics will not refuse."

ARM chip technology is related to Eric's future layout of the entire smartphone era.

Eric plans to make Qualcomm, Yahoo, Firefly Electronics, and Nokia companies form a strategic structure for Intel, Microsoft, and IBM, and completely monopolize the entire smartphone industry chain.

To complete this layout, it is a necessary precondition to prevent ARM technology from spreading everywhere like the original time and space.

If the ARM mobile chip in the firefly system layout can achieve Intel's dominant position in the PC chip market, even if Apple still needs to be a smart phone in the future, it must purchase chips from manufacturers in the firefly system.

In the past, the reason why Apple's mobile phone will occupy more than 90% of the profits of the smart phone market, in addition to its own high-end accidents, the fierce internal competition of the Android platform is also the most important reason for the unprofitable manufacturers using this system.

As long as the firefly system can master the core chip technology and operating system and realize the monopoly position in the smart phone market in advance, it can avoid the recurrence of such fierce competition, or limit the competition to the most downstream manufacturers, so the firefly system You can safely enjoy the richest and most stable pieces of fat in the smartphone industry.

Steve Jobs is still a bit uncomfortable: "Eric, if you refuse to open ARM license to Apple, Apple will file a lawsuit based on the evidence we have in hand."

In the conference room, when I heard Steve Jobs's words, everyone looked at Jobs with a strange look. Even Larry Ellison, who was sitting next to Eric, couldn't help but look at his friends.

Eric has simply drove off all of Apple’s original board members and has helped them solve the biggest obstacles in controlling Apple. Now they are still staring at such small things. Isn’t this uncomfortable? Larry Ellison couldn’t help but feel that Jobs was too ignorant to do so.

"If you want to sue, that's your business," Eric said. "But, if I were you, I wouldn't waste time on this kind of thing. What you should consider now is How to make Apple come back to life. In addition, Eric looked at several members of Apple’s original board of directors and said: “Although they left, the new board of directors, the firefly investment still needs to get their seats and the corresponding vote. Right, there is no room for negotiation, and you should stop taking what is the condition that you are referring to Apple’s conditions, threatening me, Steve, really, I don’t care if you are willing to re-review Apple. On the contrary, everyone knows that the most concerned about Apple in this conference room is your own. So, are there any other questions now?"

Steve Jobs’s face was uncertain for a while. When everyone thought he would run away, Jobs’s eyes were still staring at Eric, and he said again: “There is not enough liquidity on Apple’s books. I need $300 million."

"Larry raised a total of 2.5 billion US dollars. After buying Apple, there are still 50 million left. I will say hello to everyone. This money will not have to be returned to investors. The firefly investment will be supplemented with 50 million yuan. You are 100 million, and you will finish it when you finish it."

"Yahoo's software has been delayed in the release time of operating systems outside the Windows platform, and it is very imperfect. I want Apple's operating system to receive the same treatment as Microsoft."

"I can't guarantee that Yahoo's software will be synchronized with Microsoft on the Apple operating system. However, if it is not perfect, I will tell them to improve. Also?"

Steve Jobs thought for a moment and shook his head.

"That's it, I have to go to Oakland to see it, go first." Eric said, nodding to others, and got up and walked outside the meeting room. Larry Ellison made it to Jobs. Look, he did not move, helplessly got up and sent Eric to leave.

In the conference room, other people also got up and prepared to leave. Jobs still sits in a chair in the wood carving, watching Eric's figure disappear, but his eyes are a bit complicated.

With the rise of Silicon Valley, a large number of wealthy individuals who rely on the high-tech industry to accumulate hundreds of millions of nets have emerged. Atherton in the northwest of Palo Alto has gradually become one of the most famous wealthy districts in San Francisco.

In the evening, in a mansion in the pleasant Atherton community, Caroline politely sent away several cleaning company employees back to the living room. Melanie was standing in front of a fax machine and receiving from Los Angeles. The information passed over was staring at a long wooden table next to it.

"Mei, what are you looking at?" Caroline came over and helped Melanie to collate the information together, and curiously looked at Melanie's line of sight at the table.

"Look," Melanie pointed to the long table and said: "The decoration of this house is mostly warm, and although this table is a pale yellow wood color, it looks like a cold color."

Caroline is even more puzzled: "What happened? I don't think there is anything wrong with it?"

"We are not saying that BOSS is getting worse because it is more and more serious. If you don't want to live in a hotel, you can buy this house. Jie Jie is actually a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder," Melanie said. "You think about it, he saw this. Will the table be very uncomfortable?"

Caroline smiled and said: "Eric is not such a harsh person."

"It's okay with BOSS's harshness and harshness. It's a disease. Doesn't anyone say that BOSS is similar to Howard Hughes? Howard Hughes is getting more and more serious from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and finally can't eat anything. This is slowly dying."

Caroline’s face suddenly showed a worried look, and circled around the table, saying: “Should, shouldn’t it be so serious?”

Melanie walked over with a smile and pointed to a place next to the fruit plate on the table. "This table may not be anything, but you see, there is a scratch here, although only a short one, it is very Obvious. Oh, when BOSS comes back, I will show it to him, and then we can appreciate his fidgety look."

Caroline picked up the fruit plate and placed it on the scratch. Then she raised her face and said to Melanie: "Mei, you are not allowed to tease Eric."

Melanie looked at the fruit bowl that had left the center of the table, and had a sly smile on her lips, but nodded. "Well, I don't say it. But I am venting for you, that guy, obviously don't want to be responsible for you." It’s a shame to leave you there."

Caroline sorted out the information in her hand and shook her head: "I, I don't want Eric to be responsible for me, I am not a child."

"Oh, poor little Carly," Melanie came over and forced to hold Caroline, and then they together sorted out the documents that had just arrived in Los Angeles. These are personal resumes. After Melanie and Caroline left Eric's assistant office as his personal assistant, the two girls' original positions were vacant and needed to be filled.

The two women put together more than a dozen resumes at the table, and Melanie suddenly took another one out of it. She stared at the photo on her resume and said, "This is really beautiful. Carly, for your own consideration, I suggest that this resume be secretly thrown away."

Caroline reluctantly grabbed the resume from Melanie and dissatisfied: "Mei, we can't do this, it's very unethical." Caroline said and looked down at the resume, this is A girl named Marisa Mayer, though only a photo ID, still looks very beautiful: "Hey, she is just an undergraduate student at the Stanford Computer Department. It should not meet Eric's requirements."

Melanie knew that this Nizi would not allow herself to come, but she still picked up the resume and stuffed it into the bottom of a pile of information. She said: "Ms. Haines personally interviewed, if she does not meet the requirements, you Do you think it can appear here?"

Caroline didn't stop Melanie's little action this time. The two together sorted out the information, and the engine sound of the vehicle had already sounded outside.

The two women greeted each other, and Eric had already looked at the mansion with great interest. This mansion covering an area of ​​about one hectare was recently bought by Eric. On the one hand, with the development of companies such as Firefly Electronics, he will frequently come to San Francisco in the future and need a place to stay. On the other hand, Eric does not like the hotel more and more, and his current body is enough to support. He bought a house in any place he was interested in, so he had this house.

Melanie and Eric greeted each other and took a few bodyguards to a small villa dedicated to security personnel in the west of the manor. They simply introduced them and Melanie returned to the main villa. Going into the living room and seeing Caroline coming out of the kitchen with a pot of coffee in his hand, Eric wore his legs and sat on the sofa leisurely to look at a piece of information.

Eric looked up at Melanie and asked, "Is it arranged?"

Melanie nodded and looked at the long table on the west side of the living room. The stack of resumes was still on top, and the eyes turned around. If nothing happened, "Eric, Los Angeles has just applied for an assistant office position. The resume of the staff is sent over, do you want to look at it now?"

Eric took a cup of coffee from Caroline and followed Melanie's point of view. He felt that it was more convenient to read the materials at the long table, so he nodded and got up and walked over.

Carolyn looked at Melanie's face with some mischievous expressions, very helpless, holding the coffee pot did not let go, and quickly followed.

Eric sat down at the long table and was about to pick up the stack of resumes. He looked at the fruit plate on the table inadvertently. He felt a little embarrassed and naturally reached out and pushed the fruit plate to the center of the table.

Melanie noticed Eric’s movements and almost laughed.

Caroline glanced at Melanie, about to say something to draw Eric's attention, and noticed that his sight fell on the little scratch.

Eric stared at the scratch for a while, and it didn't matter if he meditated for a hundred times. In the end, he couldn't help but look up and was about to say something, but he just noticed that Melanie had not had time to recover the smile.

Seems to understand what it means, referring to the scratch, Eric asked: "What do you do?"

Melanie shook her head quickly: "Of course not, there is already."

"I didn't tell the furniture here to be replaced with new ones. How come?"

Melanie was stared at by Eric, and she began to feel guilty involuntarily. She moved to Caroline and continued to shake her head: "I don't know."

Eric looked at the place where he had just sat, his eyes recovered, and he fell on the fruit plate. He scanned the resume information in front of him and said, "That is what you did, dare to tease the boss, and be very courageous." ”

Carolyn felt that Melanie wanted to escape, and quickly explained to her: "Eric, this scratch has been there, and the fruit plate was moved by me."

At this time, Eric probably understood the ins and outs of the matter and said, "Well, Mei, call someone to send a new table. In addition, the table money will be deducted from your salary."

Melanie opened her mouth and suddenly gave birth to an urge to cry.

How can the furniture in this mansion be cheap, just this table, maybe her salary for a few months will be gone.

Caroline happened to have seen the purchase budget of all the furniture in this house. Naturally, this seemingly simple German import long table price was a little outrageous of 25,000 US dollars, so he asked for Melanie: " Eric, don't be so good, this table is very expensive."

Listening to the pleading in Caroline's tone, Eric looked at Melanie's crying tears, and then she didn't scare her again, smiled, but didn't sit here again, picking up the stack of information and getting up. To Melanie said: "Okay, I will let you go this time. If you dare to tease me next time, you will be deducted for a few months."

Melanie breathed a sigh of relief, although she had been arrogant for Caroline in private, but in fact, because of Eric's growing wealth and power, Melanie was deeply awed by the boss. She has more life experience than Carolyn's simple character, and she understands more about the power and status that Eric now has in this society.

This time, the little self-defeating, Melanie couldn't help but start to reflect, and vowed not to move these thoughts again. After all, she is actually more concerned about this lucrative and promising job than Caroline.

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