I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 935: downside

"Monster Power Company" was supposed to be Pixar's project. Eric dropped the Disney hand-painted animation department. After the reorganization of the new Disney animation studio, the director and screenwriter Peter Dougt of "Monster Power Company" was transferred to Disney Animation. This project has also followed, becoming the first work of the Disney Animation Studio after the digital transformation.

After Paramount bought the hand-painted animation studio, he has successively launched two works, "The Wind in the Wind" and "The Lion King 2". Although the salary increase of the hand-painted animator has caused a sharp increase in the cost of the two animations, the overall Both of these 2d animated films have achieved commercial success.

Therefore, as the first work after Disney abandoned the hand-painted animation department, if the box office of "Monster Power Company" did not reach a satisfactory level, Eric’s move to lose the Disney hand-painted animation department was destined to be taken out again. Amnesty criticism and ridicule, perhaps even inside the Firefly Group will be criticized.

However, Eric is a lot easier than the expectation and embarrassment of Kasenberg, who is directly responsible for Disney Animation Studio.

Because I really like the wonderful idea of ​​this animated film, from the beginning of the project, Eric has been paying attention to all aspects of this animated film for more than two years, and has added some interesting story details. Eric is still very confident in the box office of "Monster Power Company". What's more, the profit of animated films is not at the box office, and the surrounding products are the big profits of this type of film.

Speaking of it, by the end of last year's "Titanic" and this summer's "Seabed Story" two major hot films, coupled with the "Lion King" series of peripheral product development rights still in the hands of the company, the Firefly Group The amount of this year's products has almost doubled compared to last year, but in the first three quarters, the revenue of peripheral products has reached 2.5 billion US dollars.

Due to the release of another new 3D movie "Monster Power Company" at the end of the year, plus Thanksgiving and Christmas are the peak seasons, the company expects that the company's peripheral products revenue is likely to exceed $1 billion in the last quarter.

This means that the Firefly Group's 1997 peripheral product revenue will reach 3.5 billion US dollars.

The $3.5 billion in peripheral product revenue is almost 10% of the annual Firefly Group's annual revenue, which was usually around 5% in previous years.

Moreover, compared to the average profit margin of about 11% of all businesses of the Firefly Group, the net profit margin of peripheral products has reached 25%. Therefore, only the peripheral products will bring more than 800 million US dollars in profits to the Firefly Group this year.

A little comparison, you know how amazing the income of the Firefly Group's peripheral products.

According to the data already disclosed, in the first three quarters, the revenue of the products of Time Warner Group added up to only 370 million US dollars, and the profit is even less pitiful. This is because Warner Bros. released "Batman and Robin" this year. Although the box office suffered a fiasco, it somewhat drove the surrounding of Batman.

Even Viacom, which relies on the zero channel of the Baishida chain store to develop its peripheral business, although "Lion King 2" has brought a good box office income to Paramount, it does not have the surrounding development of the "Lion King" series. Right, Viacom’s revenue from peripheral products in the first three quarters was less than $600 million, and the profit figures of the surrounding products of the Firefly Group were not as good.

After attending the premiere of "Monster Power Company" and revealing his face at the party later, Eric left early.

Back to the sharp corner manor, time has passed ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

Entering the villa hall, Eric saw the lights in the reception area on the west side of the glass curtain wall.

All the way, I saw Aniston wrapped in a blanket, the kitten squatted on the sofa and slept soundly. A white firlr player with headphones fell on the floor next to her, and there was a copy on hand. Opened Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Carefully took the firlr player and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the coffee table. Eric did not bother Aniston and walked lightly to the kitchen.

After cooking a pot of coffee and sitting down on the sofa next to Aniston, Eric gave himself a cup of coffee and began to look at the thick pile of documents placed on the coffee table in the reception area.

After spending a month in the UK, although the Firefly Group is functioning as usual, the huge scale of the Firefly system is there, and the accumulation of things that Eric has personally handled during this period is still a lot of things. Documents related to the company's administrative affairs are placed in the office. The piles on the coffee table are basically film project materials.

Compared with this year's series of heavyweight films, Firefly's movie distribution plan will be reduced a lot next year.

In addition to Michael Bay's "The Day After Tomorrow", there will be no longer any heavyweight next year.

Originally there could be a sequel to "The Matrix", but Eric gave the right to "The Matrix" to the Anbel Films founded by Spielberg and others. The Paramount, now responsible for the release, has already called "The Matrix." 2" is set in the summer of next year, but there is no news of "The Matrix 3". I don't know if Ann Berlin and Paramount will be as eager as Time Warner, and will be able to put "The Matrix 3" at the end of next year. take it out. Since the original Allenburg took over the back-to-back shooting plan of the Wachowski brothers, and later did not come up with the sound of modifying the script, Eric is still not too optimistic about these two sequels.

Although with the popularity of the first part, the two sequels will certainly make Ann Berlin and Paramount a profit, but Eric has nothing to regret. At the beginning of the $300 million sequel to the "Matrix" sequel, Eric has invested in the Shamrock Fund to buy technology stocks. Now that the $300 million has doubled, it will not double in the next two years. questionable. In comparison, the two "Matrix" sequels, even if they are based on the previous $1.2 billion global box office, plus the later videotape revenue, the benefits for Anbert and Paramount will never exceed 600 million. Dollar.

Taking back the drifting thoughts, Eric looked at the document in his hand.

This is a 3d-x format movie planned by the company x, called "Return to the White Age." Before the Firefly acquired x, the film was already approved. x company is easy to change, the film still has to start shooting, the decision right fell to the firefly side.

The film is planned for only 45 minutes and has a budget of $15 million. Prior to this, x company was basically assisting some museum x documentary films. Although the film is planned to be only 45 minutes, if it comes out, it is also the first x-format movie.

Eric simply flipped through the script, which is rough, but think about it, this film is not for storytelling, but mainly to promote 3d-x technology.

After thinking about it for a while, Eric picked up the pen on the coffee table and gave a line at the end of the document, agreeing to the filming of the film. There are still two years to implement the '4200' program. This film can indeed be used to show the visual effects of 3d-x in advance, and also let the team of x company continue to accumulate technology.

Putting the folder aside, Eric has flipped through several other scripts.

Due to the long cycle of special effects, it is inevitable that fireflies will experience short-lived troughs in this area. Since Firefly next year's heavyweight big film is only the "After the Day", Eric is going to find a few low-cost movies with good box office potential to fill the gap.

At present, the "Teddy Bear" has been established. Although it is also a special effect movie, "Teddy Bear" is much simpler than "Iron Man" and "The Lord of the Rings". It is expected to be released at the end of next year.

In addition, Eric asked Kasenberg to send people to Japan to collect horror film scripts.

Right now, the two horror scripts of "Midnight Ring" and "The Curse" are placed in the pile of documents in front of him. This is Eric’s e-mail in the UK, selected in a series of Japanese horror stories. Out, the detailed script he has not had time to see.

Eric remembers that "Midnight Ring" was released in 1998, and originally thought that fireflies could only get the remake.

But the accident is that when the firefly staff collected the horror film script in Japan, although the classic horror film has already completed the script, it has not yet started shooting.

The Japanese naturally won't know that "Midnight Rings" will break the record of the Japanese horror film box office. Since the script is being watched by the Hollywood giants, the hands are naturally presented, so the fireflies can easily break the script. Another "Curse" is directly obtained from the original screenwriter and director Qing Shui Chong, but there is no twists and turns.

Quietly reading the script for a while, Eric looked up and was about to pick up the coffee, but saw Aniston not knowing when he woke up, glaring at a beautiful nephew lying there and looking at him motionless.

Eric smiled and slammed his hand and said, "Come, hug."

Aniston heard Eric teasing a kitten and suddenly burst into dissatisfaction. However, Xiao. Niu quickly smashed her blanket and floated lightly.

Eric watched Aniston rush toward himself, and quickly put aside the folder on his knees, reaching out and smashing the little girl.

Kissing on the sweet face, Eric laughed: "I have said that you will go to the premiere with me. I am staying here, not deserted?"

Aniston's pointed chin squatted on Eric's shoulder and lazily whispered: "I don't want to go, I don't want to be discovered that I am reconciled with you guys."

"Oh, you are doing this like plugging your own ear and stealing the bell. The last time you made such a big move, you still expect others to know," Eric glared at her waist and smiled.

Aniston dissatisfiedly squatted on Eric's shoulder, but he was wearing a coat, and the taste was not so good. He quickly released his little white teeth and said: "In any case, if you have them, they will know, I have to pretend I don't know."

"Well, this is also true," Eric still smiled, and the big hand on Aniston's waist was unsatisfied with the hem of her close-fitting sweater.

"You guy," I felt the movement of Eric's big hand. Aniston twisted his hips. I don't know if I was resisting or catering. After a while, I feel that Eric is getting too much and too much. : "Don't be here, go to the bedroom."

"Okay," Eric took the little girl. She got up and said, "Let's go to the bath first."


The next day was awakened by the knocking on the door.

Eric just opened his eyes and was not fascinated. The bedroom door had been pushed open. Drew smirked and rushed in and jumped directly to the big **: "Hey, little girl, good morning."

With that said, Shantou did not hesitate to grab Aniston with a cold little hand.

Originally a little confused, the little girl saw Drew, immediately awake, like a cat encountering a natural enemy, did not hesitate to grab a pillow to block Drew, the mouth did not show weakness: "Xiao Bicchi, you Thought I can't beat you?"

"Hah, come and try."

"Wait, don't run."

With that said, the two have been entangled together.

Eric reluctantly put on clothes in three or two, watching Aniston and Drew not say hello to important parts, knowing that they have a sense of proportion in their hearts, there is no dissuasion, and they intend to let the cat fight.

Going to the door, I am going to wash in other washrooms, seeing the twins at the door, and telling them: "If you look at them, they will open them when they are in a hurry. If Drew wants you to help, you should not hear them. And this kind of thing."

Looking at the twins nodded and understood, Eric was relieved to leave.

After simply washing, I went to exercise for a while before I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

The eggs were being fried, and Aniston and Drew finally appeared in the outside restaurant. Although the two women still screamed, they didn't mean to do it again.

"Oh, after the workout is over, I am ready to eat," Eric said, lifting the chin on the prepared bread: "Take these to the restaurant, what else do you want to eat, and go to the refrigerator to find it." ”

Shantou smiled and said, "Eric, MGM is preparing a movie that lacks a heroine. If you want a sweetheart type, it is better to be thirty."

** Don't be outdone: "Hey, then you are just right, it's better to be hanging in the tree for five minutes just like in "Screaming"."

Eric knocked on the heads of the two women and said, "Okay, today's confrontation ends here. I want to go over 30 years old, go to Meg Ryan, and look for me in a horror movie." Well, who is going to bring me the newspaper today?" (To be continued.)


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