I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 944: Only losers will be laughed at

Eric watched the daughter in her arms staring at the nine squares in the hands of Steve Mitnick. It took about half a minute to think that the problem was a little difficult. I was going to remind the little guy that the sum of the three connected numbers should be 15, The Hawaiian little hand pointed to the center of Jiugongge: "The middle is 5."

Steve Mitnick, Ian Garnier and Tina Brown, who are far away from Boston, are all more surprised. This problem is much harder than just a simple digital summation.

Steve Mitnick reached out and filled the number 5 in the center of the Jiugongge. Then, Hawaii quickly filled the nine squares, and the sum of any three straight lines connected to the nine squares was accurate.

In the hands of the nine squares and the opposite side of the small and repeated points for a moment, Steve Mitnick recovered from the surprise, said with a smile: "Eric, still remember "Black Man", although I never thought that this guy is a Pandora, but your daughter may be."

No father is happy for the wisdom of his children. Eric proudly said: "Even if it is a Pandora, it is my daughter, this is certainly not wrong."

The two joked, but Hawaii retorted in a serious way: "I am not a Pandora, my mother said it was just a joke in the movie. You should tell me how Yahoo search works."

"Of course," Steve Mitnick nodded and saw that Eric had no objection and began to explain to the little guy the principles of search engine algorithms. Ian Garnier and Tina Brown also became interested. Insert a few words from time to time.

After just two questions, Steve Mitnick has not treated the small dots as a child under the age of five. It explains in detail the information capture, data processing and user search functions that search engines need. Under his enthusiasm, Hawaiian thoughts were even unknowingly led to the field of artificial intelligence.

After talking for half an hour, Steve Mitnick concluded: "So, summer and summer, if you can create intelligent algorithms that mimic human thinking in the future, then machines with such algorithms can Like humans, even they are better than humans."

Because her daughter did her back to herself, Eric didn't notice the brighter eyes of the little girl, and she couldn't know what Steve Mitnick had opened in her daughter's heart.

When Steve Mitnick was finished, Eric laughed: "Steve, are you not afraid that my daughter will make Skynet destroy the world?"

Steve Mitnick is looking forward to nodding, with a hint of madness in his eyes: "If summer and summer can really do it, I will be willing to be killed by the t-800."

"I would rather I am reluctant. I don't want my daughter to have these chaotic pursuits. She can do her own money as a young lady. I will buy another Hermes at a time. I will buy one at a time in summer and summer. car."

Steve Mitnick rolled his big eyes and looked at Hawaii: "Hey, summer and summer, do you feel that your father is very vulgar?"

"Well," the little girl nodded seriously, and forgot her eyes and had just despised her father. She turned and said, "Dad, can I use a computer in the future?"

Eric said: "Baby, we have agreed, you must wait until at least six years old."

Steve Mitnick heard the conversation between the father and the daughter, dissatisfied: "Eric, with the current IQ of Xia Xia, don't say six years old, she is smarter than the sixteen-year-old child, you are just here. Bind her up."

Eric looked at the camera and said: "I don't want to blame me for not giving her childhood after growing up in summer and summer."

"How do you know that the childhood you gave is what she wants," Steve Mitnick retorted, and said to Hawaii: "Summer, ignore your father, you can secretly use a computer while he is away." Oh."

The little man's expression was very disappointing, but he still shook his head and said: "No, my father disagrees, my mother won't agree. If I secretly use it, my mother will be sad. I don't want my mother to be upset."

The three big men are still nothing. They have already done what the mother’s Tina Brown heard from the little girl. The mother’s love is rampant, her eyes are a little wet, and she immediately slams Eric. “Eric, you listen. Ah, can such a sensible thing be said by a normal four or five-year-old child? I suddenly feel that you are really abominable."

"Eric, as long as there is moderation, the children use the computer is actually nothing," Ian Genil, who has been less talkative, couldn't help but open his mouth.

In fact, Eric was very touched, and soon ‘surrender’ and said to her daughter, “Okay, but summer and summer, when using a computer, you must let your mother stay with you.”

Looking at the little girl happy, Steve Mitnick interjected: "Eric, I think I should also ask a math teacher for Xia Xia, and start teaching directly from junior high school mathematics."

"I think we are still talking about business," Eric directly ignored Steve Mitnick's words, and then said to her daughter in her arms: "Hey, summer and summer, Dad has promised you, now you can go out and play." ”

"Dad, can I listen here, I will be embarrassed," the little girl flashed her eyes.

Eric always felt that her daughter’s expression was very similar to that of Emma, ​​but she didn’t think much. She only thought that the children were probably like this. They nodded, but they whispered in the air and said: “In fact, summer and summer, you I don’t have to know so many things at all. The world’s knowledge is endless. If you are smart, you will never be able to get one-tenth of all the knowledge in the world. Sometimes you only need to master the channels of knowledge. And get the information you want when you need it."

Having said that, Eric flashed some thoughts in his mind, looked up at the camera and said to the three people on the opposite side: "Ian, Steve, Tina, do you know the 100th power of 10, I remember exactly There is such a special word, I remember, someone used this word to describe endless data. I have been considering splitting our search engine into a completely independent sub-brand during this time, I think, our search The engine should also have the ambition to collect all the data in the world. Then, the search engine uses this word to name it. Google, what do you think?"

Eric said, he wrote the word ‘google’ in the blank of the file in front of him and placed it in front of the camera to show the three people opposite.

Tina Brown and Ian Gurney naturally have no opinion. Just headed out, Steve Mitnick said: "Eric, the pronunciation of this word is correct, but you misspelled, 10 of 100 On the power, this professional word should be 'googol', not 'google'."

Steve Mitnick also wrote the correct spelling method in his notebook.

Eric’s expression didn’t look any different. He smiled and showed the words in his hand to Ian Gnelle and Tina Brown, and gestured to the word in the hands of Steve Mitnick, saying: “Although Misspelled, but I think that this 'google' in my hand should look better than 'googol', right?"

Tina Brown and Ian Garnier both smiled lightly, Steve Mitnick also compared it, and some of them agreed with Eric's opinion, but still said: "But it is too rigorous, If someone in the future knows that the name of our search engine is misspelled, it will definitely be laughed at."

Eric doesn't take it for granted: "Only the losers will be laughed at. When our 'google' becomes the world's largest search engine, then everyone will only think that my mistaken spelling at this time is a meaningful one. Anecdote. And, since I can think of it, the correct domain name without 'googol' has already been registered, so it is best for you to get the 'google' domain that belongs to us today.

In the next year, I hope that you will make every effort to build this search engine sub-brand. I said a long time ago, Yahoo in my heart should definitely not be an online media company. It should be a network technology company. We want to provide Internet users with tools to browse the online world, not content, because Yahoo's scale is huge, and we can't meet the differentiated needs of hundreds of millions of Internet users.

The portal is destined to be only the product of the primary stage of the Internet. As people become more aware of the Internet, they will want to gradually get rid of the media content we provide, and actively seek out what they are interested in, so the search engine is only It is the future of the Internet. ”

Ian Garnier and Steve Mitnick all agreed to nod, but they couldn't help but look at Tina Brown.

Tina Brown has always been responsible for Yahoo's media content department. If Eric intends to weaken the image of Yahoo Internet Media, Tina Brown will certainly be marginalized in the future.

Although I agree with Eric's point of view, Tina Brown's expression is inevitably with some loss.

Eric naturally understands the three people's minds and smiles. "Tina, don't worry, you won't be marginalized. I remember I still said that Yahoo's other business focus doesn't know you. Forgot? No?"

Tina Brown thought for a moment and said, "You mean, social networking."

Eric nodded: "Yeah, social network. I said that even if Yahoo is bigger, it will not be able to meet the demand for content from all Internet users, because our number of employees is limited and cannot be given to all Internet users. Providing what you want. Moreover, with the development of the Internet, other media companies will naturally build their own media content platform. However, there is a group that can compete with all the platforms that want to develop Internet content. Media companies, this is the huge user base of the Internet.

Like a search engine, we can build this large user base with a complete social network. By the time, in fact, our social network is the largest media platform in the world.

Therefore, while taking into account the Yahoo portal content department, I hope that you will focus more on the operation of Yahoo's personal homepage in the future. Although in my heart, this is not the ultimate form of social networking, but the Yahoo personal homepage is well managed, and it can accumulate experience for the future development of social networks. ”

Tina Brown had no loss in her eyes. After listening to Eric, she thought about it. "In this case, Eric, why don't we like Yahoo's personal homepage alone? Set up a special subsidiary?"

"Of course I thought about it, but the timing is still immature," Eric shook his head. "The Internet is growing much faster than I thought, so now it is the biggest investment in the search engine business. Good time, but want to popularize social networks, I still hope that when people can log on to the Internet anytime, anywhere, then promote."

Ian Gurney suddenly said: "Eric, this should be the purpose of letting us develop the mobile client operating system, and the firefly electronics yahoopad project?"

Since Ian Gernier saw it, Eric did not hide it and nodded. "Yes, in fact, yahoopad is only the first step. It is still very inconvenient for this machine to be able to log in to the Internet anytime and anywhere. It can only connect to the Internet if it has a wifi hotspot network. Therefore, in the future, if we want to promote this kind of machine, the first thing we need to do is to spread the wifi hotspot network to the whole country. As for the future, I hope that Big Telecom's mobile phone network can meet the function of connecting to the network at any time. In fact, some telecom networks have been able to connect to the Internet, but the high cost is simply not affordable for ordinary people."

Yahoo and Firefly Electronics are very closely connected. Ian Garnier also read some information about wifi technology. Hearing Eric’s plan to lay a wifi hotspot network across the country, he couldn’t help but say: “Eric, laying in the country. Wifi hotspot network, doing this is almost equivalent to building a new telecommunications network, even if it is the three major telecommunications companies, I am afraid it will not be easy to do so, know, even if it is a regional telecommunications network, construction costs They are all calculated in billions, not to mention the national telecommunications network."

Eric remembered the McDonald's, KFC and Starbucks chain stores in the big towns of the United States, and smiled and said: "I don't have to say that building a telecommunications company's wide-angle mobile communication network, you concentrate on doing your own thing. I will know when I get there."

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