I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 950: Write it down

A simple chill for a while, Judy Foster's agent, Joey Funicello, took the initiative to hide in the meeting area not far away, and gave the exchange space to Eric, Eric also Let Caroline return to her office in the studio.

Once again, I introduced Judy Foster to the use of light boxes and robotic arms. Eric opened the computer in the studio and showed her the samples taken with the light box and the robotic arm. This is probably the case. In addition, this film will be the first live movie of almost CG, and in the future, it will be the first film to be released simultaneously on 2D screen, 3D screen, IMAX screen and 3D-IMAX screen. I am going to make a revolution in the traditional movie playback mode, and I hope that you can get involved."

Judy Foster and Eric sat together at the computer desk, listening to him telling about it, but my heart was somewhat incomprehensible.

In past experiences, when a Hollywood director or producer talked to her about a film, she either shut her out with a pretending gesture, or was eager or even humble.

Only the young man in front of her, after telling her a lot of technical problems, said this ‘I hope you can get involved,’ the tone is flat and plain, as if she is a protagonist. Moreover, this guy is obviously looking at her exquisite appearance in the process of telling these, but she finds it difficult to resent his kindly appreciation of his eyes.

After feeling that Eric had finished speaking, his mouth was smiling with a smile, his eyes became even better, and Judy Foster could not help but avoid his gaze.

The eyes glanced around in the studio, noticed that a screen-sized LED screen and another diagonal baffle stood not far from the left, and curiously pointed to the past: "Eric, what is that?"

"That, it is used to make facial expressions."

Eric stood up and made a gesture of please, and Judy Foster naturally followed Eric.

Taking Eric to open the LED screen, Judy Foster also noticed that the side of the diagonal bezel is green, which should be a green screen, but I don't know how to use it.

Eric opened the LED screen, let Judy Foster stand on the foot of the diagonal bezel, half lying on the baffle, picking up an astronaut helmet and handing it to her, saying: "In the film There are a lot of close-up facial close-ups. In this case, the usual shooting method, the actor's eyes and the reflection of the helmet glass are prone to BUG."

Eric said, turning on the LED screen, and starting to play a space background image: "Actually, this is similar to the principle of the light box. In order to make the reflection of the actor's eyes and the helmet glass show the cosmic background, you need to be on this screen." Performing in front of you."

Judy Foster took the helmet and watched a piece of space scene documentary played on the LED screen. Although she was somewhat impressed by Erik's excellence in detail, she still said: "Eric, you have not considered it. Budget thing?"

Eric first had some doubts. He noticed that Judy Foster’s eyes looked at the documentary on the LED screen and shook his head and said: “This HD video is just used to test the shooting effect, the reflection on the eyes and the glass. You don't need too high resolution, so you can make a very simple picture as needed, and don't spend too much money."

Judy Foster took off his helmet and smashed the short hair of pale gold. He realized that Eric was still looking at her. He suddenly felt that he seemed to be passive today, so he subconsciously wanted to get some initiative, saying: Rick, according to your description, this movie seems to pay more attention to visual effects, and there should be no room for the heroine to play too much."

"If you read the script carefully, you should find that this is not the case. This film has only two clear characters, most of which are still the heroine's one-man show. If you want to make such a movie very exciting, we will Every effort must be made to dig through all the details. Every breath of the heroine, every look, sometimes needs to convey some emotions to the audience. Therefore, on the contrary, the heroine has a lot of room to play, and the film’s requirements for the actress’s acting are also very high."

Having said that, Eric’s mouth once again smiled and said: “So, if your acting doesn’t meet my requirements, even if you have beautiful blue eyes, I won’t send you an invitation.”

Judy Foster noticed from the smile of Eric's mouth that he might have realized that he had just deliberately found something, and he was embarrassed.

However, when I heard the last sentence and remembered the script I had seen, Judy Foster looked up and couldn't help but blurt out: "But I do have beautiful blue eyes."

Judy Foster felt that something was wrong, but she did not turn her eyes this time, but confidently met Eric's eyes.

Eric shrugged and said: "This is indeed a problem. I will modify this line."

Judy Foster said: "Eric, I have not said that I have promised to appear in this film?"

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Of course," Judy Foster nodded, his chin lifted slightly, saying: "I plan to have a photo for a year and have a baby with my girlfriend."


A pretty woman threatened to have a baby with another woman. This is really frustrating.

"Ha ha."

Looking at Eric's stunned look, Judy Foster finally laughed. After a while, she continued: "However, my agent hopes that I will not give up this opportunity. I am also very interested in this script. So, Mr. Director, what should I do next?"

Eric shook his head helplessly and said: "With regard to this movie, what you need to do in the next six months is to exercise and make sure that your physical fitness is enough to support high-intensity shooting."

Judy Foster nodded: "I have always had the habit of fitness."

"This is the best, but the crew will still arrange some special training for you. In addition, what you have to do is try to figure out the character as much as possible. The deeper the understanding of the character, the more you will perform in the future. ”

Judy Foster saw Eric reaching for himself, handing over the helmet in his arms and walking down the bezel. "This is what I want to ask you today. The information in the script is very limited, so, I hope that you can tell me more about the heroine Ryan Stone."

Eric took Judy Foster to a workbench and poured a cup of Caroline's freshly brewed coffee for two people. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "This may be possible. The beginning of the story begins."

Judy Foster held a coffee cup and looked at Eric's serious expression and made a joke: "Long-long-ago..."

"Yeah," Eric nodded with a smile. "A long time ago, Stone added a little girl at home, but Old Stone wanted a boy more, so he gave the little guy a boy's name. Yep.

Because of the obsession with the boy in Old Stone, Ryan has been very cold to this daughter during his growing up. This inevitably had a very profound impact on Ryan. Ryan became inferior, but she wanted to prove herself. So she was not good at communicating with people, no friends, but her academic performance was excellent and she eventually became a Doctor of Medicine.

Because of this growth experience, Ryan has high IQ, high education, and high income after he is an adult. However, because of the defects in emotional intelligence, she is not good at getting along with others, and is not good at running a family. Therefore, life is not happy, marriage, divorce, and The daughter lives alone.

The daughter died in an accident, letting her lose her most important spiritual sustenance. As a result, she gradually became numb, depressed, began to close herself, feared to change, and used all her energy in the boring work of day and night.

Flying to space to participate in the repair of the Hubble telescope became the biggest change in her life. Taking this job is just to ensure that my research funding is not cut, still out of fear of change.

On the last day of the space mission, a disaster came.

The death of his companion made Ryan realize the fragility of life again, but she is still not a strong person. In the face of danger, she will yell and scream like a little girl, facing a desperate situation, she will even close her eyes and wait for the death to come..."

With Eric as a hypnotist with a bit of confusing narrative, Judy Foster involuntarily began to build the role of Ryan Stone in his heart.

When Eric finished speaking, Judy Foster had already entered the show without knowing it.

She feels that now she should hate noisy, even hate people talking loudly, like to be alone in a daze, or stay in a laboratory and do an experiment without expression, until repeated, until night falls. drive home.

Mechanically solve the dinner, a person squatting on the sofa and smashing a few episodes of soaps that don't know what it is.

Then take a shower and lie in bed, until sleepy.

A person should not be like this, so she feels that she should have some hobbies, even if she puts on a set of exposed gaudy clothes to go to the nightclub to find ONS.

However, she found that because of the unsatisfactory life, she has lost interest in anything, and occasionally a small face appears in her mind, reaching out, but can not touch any warmth, so tears Flowed out.

No, this is not my own tears, I will not live this kind of walking dead.

When the two personalities began to clash, she woke up.

I noticed Erik, who looked at herself with a serious but indifferent look. Judy Foster suddenly got angry and wiped the tears on his face. "Iren, you like watching women crying." ?"

Eric shook his head: "Of course not. When a woman cries, it is usually ugly. If she has makeup, it will be even worse."

Judy Foster heard a little confusion at the moment, remembering that he didn't have makeup after today, only to let go of his heart, but couldn't help but squint Eric: "You just deliberately brought me into the role?"

“Yeah,” Eric nodded, taking a pack of paper towels from his pocket and handing it over, then praising: “You are a very good actor.”

Judy Foster took the paper towel that Eric handed over and wiped the tears on his face. In his tone, he took a few minutes: "You must be very little."

Eric took the coffee pot and gave the two people a cup and smiled. "Is it a pleasure?"

"It’s far worse than when I took Xiaojin." I wiped the tears on my face and slammed a few words. Judy Foster also recovered from the emotion of Ryan Stone, saying: "Ai Rick, continue to talk to me about Matt Kołoski."

Eric nodded and said: "Matt Kołoski is probably the opposite of Ryan Stone. His life is not perfect, but he never gives up his love for life. He likes antique cars and listens. Very old songs, sharing the anecdotes encountered in life over and over again in the process of walking in space. In fact, in the whole story, Wachowski did not change Ryan’s character, he only stimulated Ryan’s survival time and time again. Instinct. Compared to Ryan, this character is much simpler."

"But I like this character more," Judy Foster said: "Eric, I suddenly felt that if I write it out, it must be a very good novel, so why don't you take it? Write it out?"

"I am actually very curious. What will happen after Ryan is born, whether it will continue to swear, or rekindle the enthusiasm for life." Eric said: "However, I can't get so much time to do this now. Well, it’s better to do this, can you write?”


"Yeah, as a talented woman in Hollywood, how can you not even write a novel, so it is better to try. After the publication of the future, if I have a royalty, I will not share it with you."

"Oh," Judy Foster laughed, but he was obviously moved. Hesitated for a moment. She said, "So, can I write according to my own thoughts? I want to focus the narrative of this story in space. Before the trip. There is also the story of Kołoski, and I want to write some, this is a very interesting person."

Eric nodded: "Of course, you can just write according to your own mind. I only have one condition, this novel must be published after the film is released."

"This is natural."

"So, the last thing, since you have promised, let's talk about the pay. Although this is more suitable for your agent and my producer to talk privately, I don't want this to be given to this. What twists and turns does the project bring, so how much do you think is appropriate?"

Judy Foster didn't expect Eric to mention this topic. She really didn't have any preparations. When she thought about it, she turned her back on this question: "Eric, how much do you plan to do?"

"Your pay in "Time and Space Contact" is 9 million US dollars, this time you are 10 million, how about?"

Judy Foster nodded. Although she had already won two Oscars, she was not a boxbus star. Eric's pay offer is still very sincere.

However, she couldn't help but ridiculed: "Eric, everyone is right, you really are not generous."

Eric showed his painful expression and said with determination: "Would you like, add another dinner?"

Judy Foster felt very happy when he got along with Eric. When he thought about it, he nodded. "Okay, but I want to bring Joey together."

"Why bring another man, it's not good, you can call your one, um, girlfriend, how?"

"Jiao Yi," Judy Foster glanced at Eric, with a smile on his lips. "Joy actually occasionally works part-time with my bodyguard. I still remember him punching that." I want to take up the situation on the face of my cheap unscrupulous producer."

Eric looked at the strong middle-aged man who had been sitting in the newspaper not far away, and whispered in a worried voice: "Does he dare to play the director?"

Judy Foster’s mouth is more intense, with the expression of Eric’s thief’s guilty conscience, which also lowers the voice and whispers: “Dare.”

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