I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 959: Large series

Although it is a celebration party that hopes to get better and better, but there are too many MGM and two TV stations to attend today, the atmosphere of the party is not as noisy as it used to be. Although the music is on the scene, it is opened up. There are also many people dancing on the open space of the dance floor, but on the whole, everyone is gathered in groups of three and five and whispering with champagne.

"The popularity of cable TV has become a general trend. The development of E! Entertainment and Brvao TV has lagged behind Lifetime, but compared with many cable TV operators who have not yet come to mind, our time is still very abundant. The next thing you need to do is to continue to increase the investment in original content, increase the marketing efforts of TV stations, and stand firm before other TV station operators wake up."

Overlooking the entire Los Angeles terrace, Eric and Amy Pascal have taken advantage of this vision and are talking about the future of the two TV stations.

"Eric, "Desperate Housewives" has been successful, have you not said that there is another reality show that is very suitable for Brvao TV?"

As the producer of Beverly Girl, Chris Jenna was also fortunate to be invited to this small group. When Eric finished, the woman asked me.

Although Amy Pascal, several people think that Chris Jenner is too eager to show, I look forward to Eric, and they also want to know Eric's other reality show.

In fact, creative things are the most indispensable in Hollywood, but whether it is a studio or a TV station, they often have a superstitious authority. Once your project is successful, then your next thoughts, It will be sought after by everyone. If you are just a newcomer, even if you can come up with ideas, it will be difficult to get recognition from Hollywood.

Eric nodded and said: "This reality show is similar to Beverly Girl. It is also a reality show. The actors and potential audiences who participate in the reality show are housewives, if you are from Beaver. If Lishanzhuang starts recording, this reality show can be called "Beverly Housewives." However, compared with "Beverly Girl", this series of reality shows can do a lot, just in Los Angeles, you are completely You can make "Beverly Housewives", "Orange Housewife", "Malibu Housewives", if analogy to other regions, such as New York, San Francisco, Chicago, even overseas London or Paris, the same applies."

Amy Pascal and others listened to Eric and looked at each other.

They all realize that if Eric's whole idea can really be made into a huge series of housewives as he said, then this series is enough to support the original content of Brvao TV.

However, the reality show has a life cycle after all, and they are still skeptical about whether this series can be continued.

What Amy Pascal thinks of, says: "Eric, you just said that this housewife series can do a lot, as if "Beverly Girl" is not, why?"

"Young people are like fresh, after Beverly Girl, maybe we can develop a few more "Manhattan Girl", "Chicago Girl" and the like, but these are easy to lose interest to young people."

Eric certainly knows that the reality show is easy to get high ratings, but it is also easy to make the audience lose the freshness. It explains: “However, the housewife series is different because they are oriented to a family of housewives with very fixed daily life patterns. It can be said that the lives of many housewives for decades are almost constant. Once they are used to certain things, such as a TV show, they will keep up with the habit. So, I think, Compared to the "Beverly Girls" series, the life cycle of the housewife series will be very long, and such a reality show, the cost is very low, and even several different areas of the housewife reality show can be developed at the same time, broadcast at different times. Out."

After that, Eric added with a smile: "Of course, this is just my guess. Everything needs reality to prove it."

In the original time and space, the branch of the housewife series was very large, and Eric’s reverse reasoning based on the results was basically a fact.

Chris Jenner was very excited at this time. If Eric said that it can come true, as a producer, this series is enough for her to maintain her position in the TV circle for more than ten years: "Eric If this is the case, the Brvao channel may never lack TV shows."

Eric listened to Chris Jenner’s words of compliment and shook his head and said: "This is definitely impossible. A hot TV show may give a TV station a high degree of attention and ratings in a short period of time. But it is definitely not enough to support the development of a TV station. A good TV show is more like a kind of fire. If you want to keep the bonfire burning, you must constantly add fuel."

In recent years, although “Wuwang City”, “Tianqiao Pride” and “National Supermodel Contest” have always been the pillars of Lifetime TV, Lifetime TV has always invested in the development of new programs and the purchase of copyrights. spare no effort. Lifetime's overall ratings and financial revenues have continued to rise, and Lifetime TV has even opened two sub-stages.

Continued content investment, viewing and revenue increase have formed a very benign cycle. As long as the management team does not have too stupid decision-making mistakes, Lifetime TV will continue to grow and develop in this virtuous circle.

Eric naturally hopes that E! Entertainment and Brvao will form this stable and benign development.

Three TV stations, one for urban elite women, one for housewives, and the last one is for teenagers who are interested in entertainment fashion and news gossip. Therefore, there are not too many factors in the three TV stations that may cause internal competition. Form a complementary state.

Since it was a celebration party, it was naturally not suitable for talking about business affairs all the time. Everyone exchanged for a while, and soon they dispersed and looked for interested guests to chat.

Eric and Shantou stayed on the terrace for a while and were about to leave. Kris Jenner and the three girls came together: "Eric, introduce, this is my daughter, Kurt. Nie, Kohler, and what you have seen, Kim."

This is the first time Eric has seen the three sisters of Kardashian’s family face to face. The three girls are still less than 20 years old at this time. There are not many knives and they are very green.

Eric has changed a lot of things. Beverly Girl and the future housewife series are enough to satisfy the ambition of Chris Jenner. The other party obviously will not spend any more time on her daughters. She is so shrewd. Women, naturally, will be very clear. It is very big to want to raise their own three mediocre daughters. It is estimated that there will be no real-life show like "A Walk with Kardashian" in the future.

Courtesy and three women embraced one by one, Eric just looked at the more familiar Kim Kardashian, smiled and asked: "What are you doing recently?"

"Going to school," Kim Kardashian squinted at Drew and the same mother and stepfather who left, and looked at Eric with a sigh of relief. "I graduated from high school this year. My mother plans to Let me go to the South Film Academy."

“Oh,” Eric waved to a passing waiter, took a glass of champagne from the other tray, and leaned back on the railing of the terrace, jokingly saying, “Are you sure?”

Although the Film and Television College of the University of South Africa is known as the College of the Rich and the Children, the family is not good and there is no way to go. Basically, it will not go to this department. Of course, if the results are too bad, it is estimated that the South Africa will also point to the face.

"Eric, you are really hurting this," Kim Kardashian tweaked and raised his hand, but did not dare to hit Eric. He just said: "But I don't really have any confidence, I I want to learn fashion design more."

"This is still a little more reliable," Eric nodded with a smile and looked at the other two women. Among the three sisters, the youngest Kohler Kardashian was the tallest, naturally attracting Eric’s gaze and said: "You call Kohler?"

Kohler Kardashian just saw that her second sister and Eric appeared to have some hot conversations. I was a little embarrassed. I heard Eric talking to myself and nodded quickly: "Yes, Mr. Williams, I like you very much." the film."

"Oh, which one?"

Kohler Kardashian is somewhat savvy: "Everyone likes it, starting with "The Little Ghosts."

The older sister, Courtney Kardashian, who felt that she was left out, broke the platform of her little girl at this time: "Cole, you made a mistake. Mr. Williams' first movie was "Return to Seventeen." ”

"Of course I know," Kohler Kardashian glanced at his sister and said, "But I was only four years old at the time. Later I also read "Returning to Seventeen."

Kim Kardashian saw his big sister and younger sister arguing in front of Eric. He felt a little shameful and quickly said to Eric: "Eric, can I invite you to dance together?"

"Oh, of course," Eric looked at the couple of Krists Jenner not far away, and the other was working with E! The president of the entertainment TV station, chatting, seems to completely ignore this side, and I don’t know what the woman is thinking about introducing her three daughters to her side.

Although there is not much interest in these three mediocre girls, it is quite interesting at this moment, and there are even some excitement.

When I heard Eric’s answer, Kim Kardashian squinted at her sister and took the initiative to reach and walked Eric to the dance floor.

Looking at Eric and his sister's departure, Courtney Kardashian and Kohler Kardashian glanced at each other and said, "I blame you."

When the voice fell, Kohler Kardashian immediately said, "It's not that you picked it up first. Now it must have a bad impression on Williams."

After all, Courtney Kardashian turned a blind eye to Los Angeles, and turned the railings to look at the lights of the entire city. After a while, he said in a tone: "I really want to have such a villa."

Kohler Kardashian naturally had the same idea in mind, but at this time there were still some hateful sisters who just picked their own language and did not hesitate to sarcastically: "Do you know how much this villa costs?"

Although Courtney Kardashian was only the first time to come to Drew's mansion, she listened to Kim saying that she came here.

Although the size of this mansion is not too large, but because the geographical location is really good, the current conservative price is also more than 15 million US dollars, according to the value of real estate appreciation in Los Angeles, may appreciate to 20 to 30 million in the next few years. Maybe not.

Although their fathers and stepfathers are considered to be the wealthy class in the United States, their family members cannot afford to pay for such a villa.

Thinking about how to rub on the smooth railing, Courtney Kardashian turned to look at the open-air dance floor not far away, but the light on the other side was dark, she did not find her sister and Eric.

"I saw in a magazine that Mr. Williams's current net worth may be close to $150 billion. I don't know what it feels like to have $150 billion."

Kohler Kardashian glanced at her sister and said: "Although it must be more than 100 billion US dollars, but there are 150 billion, you can see the gossip tabloid. However, if there is really 150 billion US dollars, we can I don’t want to buy 100 such villas with my eyes."

Courtney Kardashian subconsciously said: "100, how much is that?"

Kohler Kardashian thought about it and shook his head very confidently: "How do I know, you count yourself."

Courtney Kardashian looked at the dance floor and still couldn't find his sister and Eric. Some regret: "If I can become Eric Williams' girlfriend, He can help me buy such a villa with a wave of his hand."

Kohler Kardashian remembered the thing just now: "He has been taken away by Kim now, you dream, blame you."

"I didn't mean it, obviously you said it was wrong."

"I am wrong, you have to point out, are you still my sister?"

Courtney Kardashian secluded: "It's not necessarily true."

Kohler Kardashian immediately like a cat with only a hairy hair: "You have the ability to say this in front of your mother, seeing that she doesn't kill you."

"I didn't bother to argue with you," Courtney Kardashian said immediately, and immediately realized that he had lost some of his words.

Whether they are biological fathers or stepfathers, their sisters are not afraid at all. From small to large, they only feel worried about their strong and sultry mothers. If they are just known by their mothers, they will not be slap in the face.

Feeling that her big sister is soft, Kohler Kardashian is proud to say: "Hey, be careful, tell my mother."

"Let's talk about it," Courtney Kardashian, once she is not afraid of the threat of her little girl, she dares to talk to her mom about such sensitive things.

Kohler Kardashian naturally did not dare to say that she saw that her threat was invalid. Like her sister, she looked forward to the dance floor with some expectation. "Let's go over there, maybe, wait for William." Mr. James dances together."

Courtney Kardashian nodded and said: "You just heard that no, gold directly called Williams' name, you said, we are so okay?"

"I don't know, I want you, do you call it first?" Kohler Kardashian immediately shouted.

Courtney Kardashian had some heartbeat, blinked and shook his head, and found a reason for his timidity: "Mom said to make us polite."

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