I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 983: See you

Broken this relationship with Caroline, except for the more natural and relatives of the little cousin in front of Eric, and even rarely blush, and Melanie said a series of 'my gods' Other things seem to be as usual.

After completing the filming in Lone Pine Town, the crew returned to Los Angeles and began to close the scattered interior scenes.

Time goes into May, according to the shooting schedule, "Iron Man" will be finished at the end of May, into a long post-production stage. With the end of the filming, Eric is no longer as busy as the previous two months, and began to have more time to deal with other things in the company.

This summer, although the Firefly Group has only one heavyweight blockbuster "The Day After Tomorrow", other films such as "Midnight Rings" by New Line Pictures and "Born Pairs" of Disney Pictures are only in the middle. Low cost video.

However, this summer file, the film series that will be released in Hollywood is still eye-catching.

It’s just a heavyweight movie, in addition to “The Day After Tomorrow”, there are MGM’s “The Angels 3”, Warner Bros.’s Deadly Weapons 4, Sony’s Patriots, and Universal’s The Scorpion King. Ann Berlin's "Matrix 2", Fox's "X-Files" movie version, Paramount's "The World of Truman" and so on.

The emergence of Eric, although many of Hollywood's well-known film projects are 'fan' mess, but the whole Hollywood gradually tends to invest in big production, but it has not changed.

The eight major films are produced on a budget, with an average investment of more than $100 million. Faced with heavy cost pressures, this year's major film companies have consciously begun to spread the schedule, instead of focusing on all the films in June and July as they did last year, but wisely choose to lengthen the front.

Therefore, starting from the second week of May this year, the filming of the leading film of the summer file will be released. At the same time, the Easter schedule is inevitably coming to an end, and the three films "Austin Powers 2", "Wedding Singers" and "Different Kinds" are beginning to shrink rapidly.

Firefly Studios, looking at the twins standing in front of them quietly, Eric wondered: "How come you both are back?"

Natasha replied: "The boss said that she went to Berlin to play the "Mission Impossible 3" crew."

Eric sighed helplessly. After the call, there was no movement for half a month. Eric thought that this was basically the case. However, two days ago, Caroline suddenly told Eric that her aunt would come over today.

After Eric considered it, he called to go to New York to attend the Metball dance party and return to charge to entertain. I didn't expect to return only two twins.

It is also easy to understand when thinking about it. With Drew’s growing experience, it is really difficult for parents, such relatives, to have a good impression. The only connection she has with her mother is to give each other a check every year. As for her unreliable father, Shantou is directly publicly announcing the relationship between the father and the daughter.

Eric naturally did not hide from Drew in the past few days. Eric always thought that he was the closest woman to Eric. Suddenly, that occasionally he would play around. The little assistant became a little cousin, and this Nizi inevitably gave birth to some vigilance and resistance.

As for the aunt's aunt, that is, um, the kind of vigilance and resistance is even heavier.

Since this Nizi expressed resistance, Eric did not reluctantly, and said to the twins: "That's it, she, um, probably this afternoon, and tonight, Carly and May may also stay in the manor, you both go back and prepare. Look, rooms, dinner and the like."

Natasha nodded and said: "Master, do we need us to pick up at the airport?"

"No, Carly and May will pick up people, you will wait in the manor."

"Okay," Natasha nodded again, watching Eric leave without a second command.

After the twins left, Eric looked at the documents in front of him for a moment, and heard the secretary’s knock on the door: "Mr. Williams, they are already here."

"Well, I am going to pass," Eric closed the folder in front of him and got up and walked out.

Today is May 11th, Monday, from April 3rd, this is the sixth week of the Easter season.

According to last Friday's data, the three films of the Easter season firefly system, "Austin Powers 2" five weeks of total box office was 168 million US dollars, "Wedding Singer" also reached 101 million, "Different" performance is slightly worse It also reached 69.63 million US dollars, which has already recovered the production cost.

Although the three-week box office of the three films entered the final stage of a single week of tens of millions of dollars, their total box office reached 338 million.

Based on a total investment of $140 million, the three films have already brought more than $40 million in net profit to several companies. The subsequent overseas distribution and DVD, TV broadcast rights and other income will also generate pure profits. Undoubtedly, these incomes add up to a greater profit than the pure North American box office.

To this end, the heads of the three companies have proposed a celebration party this weekend. However, given the lengthy production cycle of the film, everyone has already begun preparing for the ‘Easter Film Package’ next year.

This is the purpose of the upcoming meeting of Eric.

Into a conference room, Fox's Joe Rose, MGM's Amy Pascal and Kasenberg's three people are sitting at the conference table, there are several other company production departments in the conference room. High level.

Sitting down in the open space next to Kasenberg, Eric let himself stop thinking about other things, and looked at everyone. "So, let's get started, Amy, let me talk about your project here."

This Easter, MGM's "Different" investment is the highest, but the box office is the lowest, Eric also naturally slightly biased MGM. Fox has already made a lot of money with the "Austin Powers 2", and the fireflies have not used MGM as an outsider. The two companies feel Eric's bias and there is no disappointment.

In fact, MGM's internal North American box office estimate for "Different" is only about 60 million, and now the film box office has the potential to impact $80 million. Although Amy Pascal is envious of the performance of the other two films, she is not too lost.

However, as a good woman in the bones, Amy Pascal took a lot of thoughts for this meeting today. When she heard Eric’s words, she gestured to a senior executive of MGM’s production department. Then, the other person got up and said: "Mr. Williams, and everyone, Easter is the spring break period for high school students and even university students. Obviously, our three films this year are not particularly targeted at this group. MGM is preparing for a youthful comedy movie for teenagers next year. The story tells the story of several young people who are about to graduate from high school and enter the university. They agree to find a female partner on the eve of the prom..."

The executive explained that the conference room secretary had distributed the approximate information of the project to everyone.

Eric looked at the title of the script in the information and almost laughed.

Ok, oh, the American faction.

Why do you say it, because Eric is too deep in the memory of the scene where the male actor in the film ‘invaded’ the Apple pie.

Obviously, Amy saw the success of "Ace of Heroes 2" and wanted to launch a vulgar comedy in the Easter season next year, and it is a juvenile comedy that is more suitable for the Easter season.

Eric overturned the project information roughly. The executive also explained the general idea of ​​the "American School" and sat down again.

Eric looked up and said, "So, do you have any opinions?"

Sitting on the other side, Joe Ross closed the folder in front of him and said, "Amy, first of all, I must declare that Fox’s next year’s project is also a vulgar comedy similar to Ace’s Apocalypse 2. But I still have to say that since this is a story about the graduation season, perhaps it is more appropriate to put it in the summer."

Amy Pascal smiled and shook her head. "Joe, I know what you are scrupulous about, but even if MGM chooses to quit, next year, other companies will launch a vulgar comedy to compete with Fox. Speaking of the story itself, we can't just face the very few 12th grade students who are about to graduate from high school, but the entire youth group. They all have their own expectations or memories, so there is no problem with the schedule."

Eric felt that the two had some tit-for-tat signs and immediately interrupted. "Joe, look at the script on your side."

Joe Ross signaled the secretary to distribute the information to everyone, and personally explained: "This is a script, related to the memories of youth, a crashing anecdote in the high school graduation ball that Ted and the girl in secret love After, many years later..."

Eric just listened to Joe Rose at the beginning, and he roughly guessed the name of the script. He could only secretly feel the emotion. Perhaps, the good script can't escape.

When I opened the folder, Eric saw a long, movie title on the cover of the project: "I am Mary."

When Joe Rose finished, Eric couldn't help but look at Kasenberg: "Jeffrey, wouldn't we also prepare a vulgar comedy here?"

"To tell the truth, there is really one," Kasenberger shrugged slightly. He asked for a script from the assistant behind him and handed it to Eric. "This is the script written by Adam **** himself. He is not Have you signed two films with us? This is the second part after "Wedding Singer". The story is still a similar model of "Wedding Singer". At the same time, the actor still imitates the "Forrest Gump". sweet."

Eric looked at the script named "Tea Boy" in front of him. He had never heard of it. He simply looked at the outline of the story. Eric also understood why he had never heard of this film.

This is a story about rugby. Although rugby is the most popular sport in the United States, its popularity is limited to the United States. Correspondingly, rugby-related films are also hard to get angry overseas.

Looking at Eric's helpless expression, Kasenberger smashed his knuckles and said: "I have already guessed that this may be the case today, and the new line is going to hit the iron and put this movie on. It’s released at the end of the year, so this is definitely not our Easter movie next year. You don’t want to make a big production at Easter, Jerry’s project that they have been brewing may be suitable, they have already found a good actor It’s Will Smith, and the other side is also interested in acting.”

Eric naturally does not know the project of the fireflies, and he said: "You mean "the public enemy"?"

"The Public Enemy" is a project that Jerry Bruckheimer began to devise a few years ago, telling a lawyer who was inexplicably involved in a murder case and tried to extract the story of his own account. The whole script is a bit like a mixture of "Death of the Dead" and "Evaporation Secret". However, due to various reasons, the preparation progress of this project is very slow.

In addition, before this, Brookheimer has been working with Michael Bay to make "The Day After Tomorrow", Eric has not heard the news of this film for a long time.

Kasenberg nodded and said: "I have already talked to Jerry. This project has been brewing for so long. Once it is turned on, it will definitely be made before Easter next year. Just, Will Smith's film, you still need it. Personally decided that there would be a package contract for "Black Man 3" and "The Public Enemy". Sony's Bill Michalnik has also found me several times, Eric, Sony said. If we continue to delay, they will actually start litigation."

"Then "public enemies", other things will be discussed later," Eric nodded and nodded, and looked at Joe Ross and Amy Pascal, tearing a piece of paper from the documents in front and writing What to say, said: "Hey, it’s impossible to squeeze two comedy of the same type in the Easter movie package. So, if you catch it, if you have a word, if you don’t have a word, you can change the type. I know you are definitely ready. For the candidate project, as for the original script, I think both of these stories are very good, and there are potentials in the summer file."

After that, Eric ripped the pieces of paper into two groups and handed it to Amy Pascal.

Amy hesitated, or a small paper group from Eric's palm, and the other one naturally gave Joe Rose.

The two slowly opened the paper ball, and finally Amy wrote a ‘YES’ on the piece of paper, and the matter was settled. Although Joe Ross was not reconciled, but did not say anything, he still did not dare to challenge Eric's prestige. If he was not lucky, he could only accept his life, so he took out Fox's second plan, one. The romantic comedy is called "One Kiss, Jiangshan".

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