I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 990: Cooperation program with the cinema

Today, the office space in the digital field is particularly lively. Eric rushed to the scene with Caroline and Meyer, and many of the group's top executives are waiting here. In a hall inside the digital office office, Stan Winston has begun to introduce the RealD dual-machine 3D movie projection system to be shown today for Kasenberg, Frank Wells and others.

After the program was finalized last fall, the ‘4200’ and ‘RealD’ plans were quickly advanced within the Firefly Group.

In the past six months, in order to promote these two plans, the company first took the income of Canada's IMAX company, and accelerated the development of DMR technology for ordinary 35MM film conversion IMAX format film.

IMAX has been very difficult on the road to commercialization because it has not been favored by Hollywood filmmakers for a long time. Many times it is on the verge of bankruptcy.

But now, with the support of the Firefly Group, with years of technical accumulation, IMAX's R&D team has only taken out a very good DMR conversion program in half a year, and is now solving the problem of limited duration of DMR technology. By the end of the year, all problems will be solved and IMAX will be commercially available without hindrance.

Secondly, in the digital field, in order to develop a dual-machine 3D film projection system, a digital company called ‘RealD’ was established.

At the same time, the digital field is also shouldering the task of developing 3D conversion software and cultivating 3D conversion teams. In fact, these two things have gradually started up a few years ago, but only from the fall of last year, the two programs were determined, and they started to make great strides. Advance.

Speaking of it, today can be regarded as the day of acceptance of technical achievements in the digital field.

I greeted everyone. Eric picked up a polarized 3D glasses on the workbench and tried it. See what Stan Winston wanted to say. Eric first said: "Stan, don't you understand? Is the fact more convincing than any eloquence, so let's go directly to the auditorium."

"Haha, of course," Stan Winston nodded, but picked up a 3D glasses and said: "However, these things can take a lot of our thoughts. I still hope that everyone can understand more deeply. Eric, I promise, you will be surprised when you wait."

Eric laughed: "I am looking forward to it."

After a few jokes, the group left the office Loft in the digital field and walked to the nearby cinema studio.

Marissa Mayer and Caroline followed a group of big men, listening to Eric and Stan Winston, Kasenberg and others to talk about various technical problems with 3D movies. I also noticed that Caroline was smug in the face, and my heart secretly decided that this weekend must be done as soon as possible to make up for relevant knowledge.

As an assistant, it would be too bad to even understand what the boss said. She doesn't want to be really used as a vase.

Into the auditorium, and Caroline took the 3D glasses handed over by the staff, found the position to sit down, Meyer was curious to look at the 3D glasses in his hand.

The black frame, the lens is light gray, and it looks like there is no other special place except when the line of sight is darkened.

The big guys in the front row chatted for a while, the lights in the auditorium were dark, and they felt black in front of them, and Meyer turned to the screen in front.

The current hard metal screen illuminates, and Meyer has not responded. With the excellent sound effects in the auditorium, the Tyrannosaurus rex with a big mouth is taking a bite.


Without any preparation, Meyer slammed against the back of the chair, completely forgetting the occasion, and screaming to take the 3D eyes off.

Although everyone was shocked by the hand played by Stan Winston, but heard the screams of the girl, the people sitting in the front row took off their glasses and turned their heads.

In the dark, I felt that a dozen pairs of eyes were immediately concentrated on myself. Meyer couldn’t add up: "Hold, sorry, everyone."

When everyone saw that she was fine, they quickly regained their gaze and turned their attention back to the big screen.

In order to test the technical achievements of the team in the digital field, Eric deliberately selected a 3D transformation of a shot taken by several protagonists in the Jurassic Park on the Rainy Night Bridge and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Night play, rain play, this is the technical difficulty of 3D conversion.

Especially in the night show, due to the triple brightness attenuation of projectors, screens and glasses, 3D movies have a common problem with the darkness of the picture. Therefore, if the 3D-converted night scene lens is not good, it is destined to be dark. One piece.

However, it can be seen from the reaction of Meyer just now that the transformation effect of the digital field team is undoubtedly very good.

The ten-minute conversion footage was repeated three times, and the staff turned on the lights in the screening room.

Eric did not leave with a group of high-level people, and continued to sit in the auditorium seat and began to talk.

For the 3D screen effect, Eric couldn't find any picky place. He directly asked his most concerned question: "Stan, according to the standard we just saw, I want to complete the conversion of a complete film. ,how much time is required?"

Stan Winston sat next to Eric, thinking about it and saying, "The two-hour film is completely converted and it takes about three months."

It takes three months to complete a film conversion, and only four 3D movies can be produced in one year. Although Eric's pre-marketing guidelines for 3D movies are not expensive, the four films are not enough to support the year-round screening. This number must be at least doubled.

Eric thought for a moment and said: "Continue to recruit people and double the size of the conversion team. I need you to complete at least eight films a year."

After listening to Eric and Stan Winston, Kasenberg said: "So, Eric, now, all the technical problems are basically solved, are you sure we will continue to advance the next plan?"

Kasenberg suddenly asked this question, not for no reason.

Whether it is IMAX's DMR conversion technology or the development of the RealD projection system, the investment is actually only tens of millions of dollars.

But then, once the facts and theater-related plans are officially started, it is definitely not a problem that can be solved by tens of millions of dollars.

The RealD projection system developed in the digital field includes two custom film projectors, metal hard screens, and 3D polarized glasses. Even without considering the profitability of this projection system, the equipment cost has reached $250,000. Want to transform the traditional 2D auditorium into a two-machine 3D auditorium, each of which requires a budget of at least $300,000.

The price of a full set of equipment is not worth mentioning for fireflies, but the cost of transforming 4,000 3D auditoriums worldwide has reached $1.2 billion, which is a very conservative estimate.

Together with the planned 200 IMAX theaters, the average unit price of $2 million is $400 million.

A total of $1.6 billion in project budgets, for the home of the big firefly group, even if it is completely lost, in fact, it can not hurt. However, the completion of the renovation of 4,000 3D auditoriums and the construction of 200 IMAX auditoriums are just the beginning of everything.

The whole plan is to create a brand new 3D film and television industry chain. Once successful, the Firefly Group's strength will definitely change again. But if it fails, the consequences will not be as simple as losing $1.6 billion.

After the Firefly Group made such a huge industrial layout, if the movie audience did not buy it, the project failed, not to mention the huge investment, but the follow-up treatment of the 4,000 3D screening halls was enough to bring the fireflies to the eye. Not to mention the various technical teams that the Firefly Group has created to drive this program.

Therefore, if you stop now, the fireflies will not lose anything, and the technical results of the previous investment in exchange will definitely be worth the money. Even if it is the acquired IMAX company, if you want to buy it, the group can sell it again.

However, once the plan moves to the next stage, there is no turning back.

Either become a new leader in the transformation of the film industry, or become the object of ridicule for everyone in Hollywood, leaving a mess that could cause the domino effect.

There was a brief silence in the auditorium. To be honest, there was a brief hesitation in Eric’s mind. However, after sweeping the group of executives around him, he quickly smiled easily, against Kasenberg. Ge Dao: "Jeffrey, let me talk about the results of your contact with several major theaters."

Knowing that Eric has made up his mind, Kasenberg has no longer done anything unnecessary. He said: "I have talked with the management of several major theaters in North America. In general, they are all about us. The plan is very interesting, but at the same time it feels too risky."

Eric pointed to the hard metal screen in front of the auditorium and said: "Maybe, you can bring them here and persuade them."

"Of course, I just thought so," Kasenberg smiled and nodded. "However, even if they approve the effect of this sample, it is difficult for us to find too much initiative in future cooperation. My idea is that we set up a subsidiary and cooperate with several major cinemas. We invested in the transformation of the 3D auditorium. The risk is borne by us. Then, we take a certain percentage of the box office from the box office of these auditoriums. The cost may take a long time, but as long as it succeeds, it will be a very substantial sustainable income. As for the 200 IMAX theaters, the initiative is naturally on our own side, and there is not much to consider."

The biggest difficulty in transforming the 3D auditorium is that the major theaters in North America are basically multiplex cinemas, which is why fireflies can't get rid of several major cinemas. After all, even if a theater is forcibly acquired, it is impossible for Fireflies to transform a cinema with five or six or even more than 10 auditoriums into a 3D model. Coupled with the different divisions of theaters in different parts of North America, Firefly is only acquiring one, or working with one of them, it is difficult to cover the whole of North America.

Therefore, the proposal proposed by Kasenberg is undoubtedly the most feasible. The same IMAX used this similar model in the commercialization process.

However, in this way, the firefly's control over the 3D auditorium is very limited.

Fortunately, Eric’s main purpose is not to make a big splash in the cinema industry, but to promote 3D movies.

Of course, the control of the terminal theater is limited. In order to ensure the initiative of the fireflies in the promotion of 3D movies, it is necessary to become the standard setter.

After discussion, Eric decided to develop a two-factor authentication system. One is the auditorium certification with the RealD projection system installed, and the other is the film certification using the digital 3D conversion technology.

As long as you can create a digitally-certified 3D movie in the audience group that is only played in the RealD auditorium is the most authentic 3D movie concept, then even if the 3D movie market is confused again in the future, at least, the firefly system has already done Out of the brand's 3D movies will not be affected too much.

Moreover, after the chaos, other companies, whether they are willing or not, will gradually move closer to the firefly standard for commercial considerations.

Everyone talked in the auditorium for one morning and had dinner together. Everyone returned to their jobs and started to get busy.

Eric returned to his office in Studios, and he had time to talk to his new female assistant.

"So, how do you feel now?" Some lazily leaning against the back of the chair, Eric’s hand flipped a message that the secretary had just sent and asked Marisa Meyer, who was sitting on the opposite sofa and holding a cup of coffee. Seoul.

Meyer put down the coffee in his hand and nodded: "Alright, just suddenly feel that you still have a lot to learn."

Eric nodded and applauded: "It is best if you can make this feeling. There are too many people who always feel that they don't need to learn."

Meyer just smiled and didn't talk.

Eric also stopped for a while before saying, "It’s time to tell you, Kelly must have told you."

Meyer naturally understood what Eric was referring to and said: "Yes."

"Carly is a very good girl. You will be very happy with you in the future," Eric said, seeing Meyer’s ignorance, thinking and saying, "You can have time and Melanie talks, she can help you get used to the job as soon as possible."

Meyer responded this time. Caroline was in the office next door. If it was for work, it was not convenient to ask her. It is not necessary to contact Melanie Gleason in San Francisco.

"I know, Eric." Meyer was very interested in asking, but he took it seriously.

Eric is not saying much more, said: "That's it, you should go back to work first."

Looking at Meyer's departure from the office, Eric regained his gaze. The information he had in his hand happened to be the job evaluation report that Kelly gave to Meyer.

This report is more detailed than the original interview report.

Kelly’s evaluation of Meyer is still very high, but Eric sees the shadow of another guy from the series of evaluations such as 'perfectist', 'detail control' and 'controlful desire'. . Eric is sure not to let Meyer take control of Yahoo as it once did. However, it is a great idea to ask her to be responsible for the development of a product alone.

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