I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 993: This is what I did

It’s already eight o'clock in the evening. Giselle and Alexander took a shower and went downstairs. They saw Miranda, who was boring on the sofa and tuned the TV channel. Giselle joked: “Maybe because of you. Here, Eric is not going to come over tonight."

Alexander also echoed: "Maybe go to Cindy."

Miranda is often arrogant and arrogant in front of Eric, but the girl’s emotional intelligence is not low at all. The three women get along very well. After hearing the ridicule of Giselle and Alexander, Miranda turned over. White-eyed, said: "Don't you want him to come over?"

Alexander did not answer, Giselle did not care shrug: "Don't want to."

Miranda immediately made a threatening look: "I will tell you Eric if you wait."

When the voice just fell, the doorbell rang.

Miranda's expression was more smug, and she also made a ‘quick me’ expression to Giselle. She jumped off the sofa barefoot and ran towards the door.

Giselle and Alexander, who had just sat down on the sofa, also got up and greeted them. When they reached the entrance, they saw Miranda's little koala wrapped around Eric.

Eric took Miranda's thin waist and smiled as he walked and said, "Hey, let me declare that I want to go back to Los Angeles. That is impossible."

"It must be Cindy, it must be Cindy," Miranda immediately disappointed. He looked at Eric's mouth and kissed him with a pity. "Eric, I am wrong, I will be embarrassed in the future." Let me go back to Los Angeles?"

Although Miranda has more than one meter seven, but the body is very light, Eric walked to the entrance, holding the girl hanging on one hand, holding the wall off the shoes, Giselle handed the double thoughtfully Slippers come over.

Eric smiled at Giselle and Alexander, stepped on the slippers and walked to the sofa in the living room, and threw up Miranda on his body. He said, "If you can't go back in Los Angeles, I will go back to Australia at the end of the month, or you will be with me. go back."


Miranda lifted his body in disappointment and buried his face in a pillow and cried.

Giselle and Alexander came forward and hugged with Eric, feeling the alcohol in Eric, Giselle said: "Eric, do you want tea? I will help you."

"Well, thank you," Eric nodded, watching Giselle and Alexander go to the kitchen together, sitting down at the corner of the sofa where Miranda was sitting, and gently snoring on the girl's little hips. Laughed: "Well, Cindy also said that you have been embarrassed during this time. I still want to praise you."

Miranda rolled over and the kitten squatted on Eric's lap: "Eric, when the model is not good at all, I want to go back to Los Angeles."

"There is no work in this world that is good to do," Eric helped the girl with his head on his lap to manage his hair. "And, I don't like people who are halfway, just didn't make fun of you, don't want to Stay in New York, then I will take you back to Australia."

There was no room for negotiation in Eric's tone. Miranda had to compromise: "Oh, okay."

As he said, Alexander first came out of the kitchen and held a plate in his hand to come to Eric. He said, "Eric, taste the apple pie, and it tastes good."

Eric just picked up the small fork, Miranda jumped up, dissatisfied: "Ayr, this is the apple pie I made, I did an afternoon."

"I didn't say that you didn't do it," Alexandre sat on the other side of Eric with one hand and waited for him to take a piece. He also picked a bite and said: "However, I just got hot and added some honey, Eric, how?"

Eric nodded: "Good, very sweet."

Miranda was even more aggrieved and repeated again at Eric’s side: "I did."

"Know it, I know," Eric said with a smile. "I remember to pour a little honey next time. You also taste it. Is it better than what you do?"

Miranda saw no small fork in the plate, so he extended a finger and put a small piece in his mouth. He knew that Eric and Alexander were deliberately teasing themselves, but they couldn’t help but repeat it again: "It was me. made."

Eric and Alexandre just nodded together and continued to divide the food on the plate.

There weren't many apple pies on the plate, and Giselle came out of the kitchen with the rushed black tea. The three had already wiped out a plate of apple pie.

I took a paper towel and wiped the honey on my finger. Miranda, who had been depressed for a while, saw Giselle. Then I thought of it, and said: "Eric, Giselle, she just said that she didn't want you to come over. ”

Eric took over the black tea handed over by Giselle and held it in his hand with a smile on the front of Giselle. He said, "Why?"

Giselle poured three cups of black tea on the coffee table in front of him, sat down on the arm of the sofa next to Alexander, reached over Alexander's shoulder, leaned down and kissed on Alexander's lips, saying: "Because I Already have Ayr."

When Miranda saw Giselle kissing Alexander, Alexander responded very skillfully and suddenly widened his eyes. Since living in this apartment, she felt that the relationship between Giselle and Alexander was a bit too close. It was just that the two were just too good, but now, the situation seems to be not quite right.

It seems that after looking at the two people who have just bathed together, they have obviously the same style of pale pink long t-shirt, I should have thought of it.

Eric saw the movements of the two women and couldn't help but nod. "It's great. Take time to give you a photo shoot, it must be beautiful."

Alexander posted it, naturally holding Eric's arm, with a touch of spoiled: "Eric, have you not been available recently?"

"Recently, okay, I will stay in Manhattan for a week. However, New York has no good place to take a photo album. It will be watched on the street," Eric shook his head and said: "Wait for the next time." On vacation, take you to places where there are few people."

Miranda followed sourly: "Yes, yes, it is better to have a lion with a tiger, and take them away together."

Eric grabbed Miranda's little waist and said, "Is it better to take me away?"

Miranda, who was caught in the itch, laughed and twisted his waist and said: "No."

Eric let go of Miranda and turned to Giselle, saying: "What are you busy with recently?"

"My agent has already started to contact me for a spokesperson. In addition to Wei Mi, next year Dior, Dolce & Gabbana and Givenchy will all be willing to cooperate with me." After listening to Eric, Giselle was a little excited.

Since meeting Eric three years ago, Giselle feels that he has stepped into heaven.

Two years ago, with the American version of "vogue" cover girl blockbuster, under the promotion of Eric, Elite specially created a "healthy" and "sunshine" development route for her, and the morbid beauty advocated by the high street fashion circle has already It has been popular for nearly ten years. Perhaps the whole industry has some aesthetic fatigue. Giselle's healthy beauty coincides with its meeting and is quickly sought after by the high street fashion industry.

In the last two years, Giselle has received a large number of luxury brand show invitations for each fashion week. The cover of the magazine used to measure the hotness of the model, Giselle has brushed more than 20 in the past two years, almost every month can land a cover of fashion magazines with good influence around the world.

Now, not only have the appointed Secret Angel spokespersons, but also many types of fashion brands have extended an olive branch to her.

Occasionally think about the millions of endorsement contracts, Giselle can not help but excitement, even after encountering Eric three years ago, she did not think about it, he will quickly go to today's position.

Giselle is very clear, if there is no Eric, even if she can step by step to the current height, but definitely not as easy as it is now.

The fashion circle is very realistic and cruel. If you want to step into the status of a supermodel, you only have to pay, pay, and pay.

If you want to be famous, you must be on the magazine cover or the brand show. You need to please the magazine editor and brand designer. If you want to shoot the top photo, you must please the famous photographer; even if you are famous, you want to get it. Job opportunities, you have to please your own agent and company executives, otherwise, so many beautiful girls, others give you the opportunity. However, if you get the opportunity, it is not enough. If you get the opportunity and want to seize it, you have to please the customer.

So, for a girl without any capital, in addition to this body, what else can I please others?

Three years ago, when Eric just said hello, Elite and Img two model agency companies sent her and Alexander to Eric in the face, Giselle understood this truth.

Fortunately, Giselle found that he was lucky.

Ever since she became Eric’s imprisonment, she and Alexander have been safely out of the dark side of the fashion circle. They don’t have to climb like crazy girls who are completely lost, they get the most in the circle. Good resources, whether it is the cover girl of the US version of "vogue", or the opening and closing models of luxury brands such as Chanel, Dior, Givenchy, many girls who spend the whole youth in the fashion circle may not always get this kind of life. Opportunity, she got it all easily.

Just after Miranda asked them if they wanted Eric to come over, Giselle knew that Alexander, who had some secret love for Eric in his heart, really wanted him to come, but Giselle said it was also the bottom of her heart. She didn’t have much miss you. She is a very early girl. How can she think about a man who doesn't necessarily see a few faces in a year?

However, for Eric, Giselle is absolutely grateful, and with some worship and awe.

I can always see each other's news in many places, and I also pay attention to all the information of Eric. Giselle knows that this man is very powerful, ubiquitous and rich. When I saw Eric’s figure in Forbes magazine in March this year, Giselle secretly calculated that even if he keeps earning $100 million a year, he needs a thousand to catch up with this man. More than three hundred years. Who can have 1,300 years, and which supermodel can earn 100 million dollars a year?

Therefore, for Eric to treat her and Alexander as imprisoned, she gradually became unresisted, and even wisely understood Eric's intentions, and the relationship with Alexander became more and more intimate.

I was busy for a day, chatting with three girls for a while, Eric was going to rest.

Miranda knows how to look at it and notices Eric's attitude. He immediately clung to his arm and said: "Eric, can we sleep together tonight?"

"Well, this can be agreed between Giselle and Alexander," Eric said, looking at the other two women.

Giselle and Alexander did not answer, just approached the body and kissed each other.

Eric spread his hand and smiled at Miranda: "Look, your disadvantage is too obvious."

Miranda had no expectations, and some of them were depressed and walked upstairs. They still did not forget to say: "You are careful to be squeezed by both of them."

Soon after, the second floor bedroom.

Eric had just taken a shower, her hair was still wet, and she was wearing a bathrobe. She leaned on the bed and enjoyed the big bed. The other two girls in underwear only kissed each other and then kissed each other. Slowly scraped together.

After entanglement for a while, Giselle gently broke Eric's arms and whispered something to Alexander's ear. Alexander's face rose red and went out in the eyes of Eric's doubts.

When Alexander closes, Giselle sits on Eric, feeling what he is, his face is more rosy, reaching out to tie his robe, leaning over and whispering: "Eric, tonight Can I accompany you alone?"

Eric nodded, clasping Giselle's thin waist and sticking her slender body on herself. She easily rolled over and pressed the girl under her body and said, "Okay, but sometimes, I don't like girls too active. ”

In the morning, through a few huge glass windows, the living room filled with bright sunshine, Alexander and Miranda sat together on the high stools beside the small bar on the corner of the living room, eating some freshly cooked cereals. Porridge, from time to time look at the stairs not far away.

After hesitating, Miranda whispered to Alexander: "Hey, that, for the first time, what is it?"

Alexander shook his head subconsciously and paused again and again: "Should, it hurts."

Miranda stunned and some suspicious: "Should?"

Alexander was embarrassed to be seen by Miranda's eyes. He had to say a word: "You will know when you wait."

What Miranda had just said, remembered his own experience, and closed his mouth with interest.

At this time, the rhythm and steady footsteps finally sounded at the stairs.

When he saw that Giselle was taken down by Eric in his arms, Alexander and Miranda looked at each other, and the little heart trembled, and at the same time came up with a thought: it was really painful.

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