Zi Lai also glared angrily at the big snake pill, but in the face of Zi Laiya’s threat, the big snake pill never took it to heart.

“Zilaiye, you can’t stop me!”

“And what about me!”

Bang bang!!

Tsunade, who suddenly jumped out, smashed his punch heavily on the ground, and the terrifying strange fist directly shattered the surrounding ground instantly.

The power of that terrifying blow was very amazing, and the big snake pill and Zilai also quickly jumped away.

The big snake pill looked at the messy ground in front of him, “It’s still the same as before, the power of the fist is still so amazing!” ”

Jiraiya: “Hey, hey, hey! Tsunade, I’m helping you! Why do you even have to fight me? ”

Jumping out of the ruins, Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya, “Jiraiya, you better go see the Nine-Tails Pillar Force first!” ”

Hearing this, he also understood what Tsunade meant.

She dragged Orochimaru here, and Jiraiya went to see Naruto’s situation first, knowing that if the Nine Tails really ran away, it would be quite a bad thing.

And at this time, the roar from the distance became more intense.

One after another terrifying shockwaves swept through the air.

The ground continued to crack, and cracks spread from afar, spreading for a distance of hundreds of meters.

The figures of Naruto and Shiyu turned into two red lights, constantly colliding, and each collision must be accompanied by a fierce air turmoil.

“What a powerful little ghost!”

Zi Lai also looked at Shi Yu and said.

The reason why he didn’t say Naruto is because Naruto, as a pillar force of the nine-tailed man, should be the existence of crushing Shiyu on the tailed beast Chakra.

But Shiyu was able to collide head-on with Naruto, who was on the verge of storming.


The continuous number and tail pierced straight into the ground like a sharp thorn.

Shiyu’s continuous dodging just dodged Naruto’s attack.

Grabbing Naruto’s tail that pierced into the ground, Shiyu fell over his shoulder and directly dropped Naruto from the wrong left to the right.

The ground shook suddenly.

Naruto, who was violently thrown to the ground, did not have time to get up.

Shiyu rushed towards Naruto, and at the same time Naruto’s tail was all frozen on the ground, and the bayonet formed by ice crystals jammed his tail.

Make it impossible for him to turn over.

At the same time, the ice crystals that condensed around them almost instantly froze Naruto’s hands and feet.

Then Shi Yu’s fist fell precisely on Naruto’s face.

Bang bang!

The continuous boxing made Naruto’s whole person completely immobile.

Constantly being beaten on the ground by the rain.

Under the crazy blow, the chakra fluctuations on Naruto became stronger and stronger.

Under the continuous pounding of Shi Yu, Naruto’s eyes gradually turned red.

Although the Nine-Tails are now helping Naruto control Chakra, the Nine-Tailed Chakra carries more than just power.

And the anger of the Nine Tails, the hatred of the Nine Tails.

In this case, if Naruto cannot resist the impact of this force, then his sanity will slowly be lost.

Finally, a complete rampage.

And now Naruto’s sanity is running out.

Knock knock is another solid two punches.

In the next second, Naruto suddenly opened his mouth and roared madly, and the ice crystals on his body also shattered.

Shi Yu was repulsed by the sudden outbreak of Chakra shockwave.

Raised his head to look at Naruto.

Shi Yu’s helpless bitter smile is worthy of being the protagonist, and… Broke out.

With the appearance of the sixth tail, Naruto’s body was not only the skeleton of his body, but also his head was wrapped in bone armor, and the amount of chakra on his body skyrocketed again.

Along with the shattering of the ice crystals, Naruto’s terrifying chakra fluctuations also spread.

At this moment, even Orochimaru and Tsunade, who were preparing to fight in the distance, both turned their heads to look in Naruto’s direction at the same time.

The big snake pill looked very excited, while Tsunade on the other side had a solemn expression.

Tsunade: “Not good… This feeling is…”

Orochimaru smiled: “Nine Tails… Storm gone! ”


Suddenly, Naruto with six tails ran directly and frantically, using his limbs and speed extremely fast.

Shi Yu instantly raised his hand, and the ice walls condensed almost instantly.

He didn’t stop Naruto’s advance, but Naruto went on a rampage and easily shattered Shiyu’s ice wall.

Snowflakes drifted in the sky, and Shi Yu controlled the snowflakes to sweep in Naruto’s direction, and Naruto was enveloped by snowflakes in almost the blink of an eye.

Immediately after that, an ice spear condensed in front of Shi Yu, and instantly pushed the tailed beast Chakra into it, and the spear formed by the terrifying solid ice condensation directly poked in Naruto’s direction.

But at this moment, the outbreak of the nine-tailed chakra washed away the surrounding snowflakes and also rushed away.

Can’t freeze!

It seems that if you want to use the ice escape to deal with the violent Nine Tails, the current level of rain is not enough!

The red light flashed from the air, and the speed had directly emitted a sonic boom.

In an instant, the rain was hit by the red light and flew straight out, and the body flew straight out of the distance of hundreds of meters like a cannonball. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Smoke rose from the ground, forming a terrifying dust and smoke storm the moment it rose.

And at this time, Jiraiya also looked at Naruto after the storm with his mouth open.

This kind of power, the violent run of the Nine Tails, is indeed terrifying!

However, just when Jiraiya was surprised, the Nine Tails actually turned his head and looked at Jiraiya.

The moment he looked at the Nine Tails, Jiraiya suddenly clicked in his heart.

Not good!

In the next second, the red tail has wrapped around Jiraiya’s neck, oh~bang!

Instantly grabbed Jiraiya and smashed it on the ground, and then the two people on the other side saw this scene, and their mood became bad in an instant.

Tsunade rushed forward: “.~ Jiraiya! ”

However, before she could reach Jiraiya’s side.

Shizune: “Tsunade-sama be careful!” ”

The red figure appeared directly in front of Tsunade, and the next second, Tsunade’s eyes suddenly contracted.


The hand, covered in red chakra, penetrated directly through Tsunade’s abdomen, leaving a huge blood hole.

And at this moment, the big snake pill’s eyelids jumped wildly.


Tsunade fell to the ground, and at this time, Naruto had already rushed towards Orochimaru.

Hidden Shadow Multi-Snake Hand!

Waving his hand to directly perform his mark (Zhao’s) Shi Ninjutsu, countless snakes flew out of Orochimaru’s hands and struck in Naruto’s direction.

Intended to hinder Naruto’s attack.

But Naruto’s speed exceeded Orochimaru’s expectations.

It was only in an instant that he came behind the big snake pill.

The huge mouth opened directly, and the hot breath that spit out made the big snake pill tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the neck of the big snake pill was directly twisted off.

The big snake pill who fell to the ground instantly opened his mouth and directly used the big snake flow avatar technique to escape.

Nine Tails, who was about to turn his head to deal with Shizune, looked at the fleeing Orochimaru.

Crazy roared and chased after him again.

Orochimaru couldn’t just turn around and perform ninjutsu.

Wind escape ~ big breakthrough!

The amazing storm swept out in an instant, and the Nine Tails rushed straight towards the big snake pill against the speed of the fierce wind.

“Huodun ~ Great Yan Bomb…”


A flame struck from behind and instantly hit the Nine Tails in the wild! .

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