Terumi nodded: “That’s right, the holder of the thunder knife ~ tooth has defected, although the pursuit force has been looking for it, but it has never been found!” ”

“As for the holder of the Great Knife Muscle, the Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark has also defected, and there is no whereabouts of the other party at all.”

Ghost mackerel will not be mentioned for the time being, the strength of the ghost mackerel that has already joined the Xiao organization is quite strong!

However, if you say so, you can try to take the ghost mackerel back to the Misty Hidden Village.

Of course, it depends on whether the ghost mackerel is willing or not.

The ghost mackerel is known as the existence of a tailless beast with its large knife muscles.

A guy with amazing water power, it is indeed a pity to let such a powerful ninja leave the Mist Hidden Village.

“Then can I take a look at the rest of the ninja swords!”

Hearing this, Zhaomei smiled: “It has been prepared for you a long time ago, but you have been busy and have no time to give it to you.” ”

Saying that, Terumi threw a ninjutsu scroll over.

Shi Yu caught the scroll and raised his hand to untie the scroll in his hand.

The three existing ninja knives in Wuyin Village are all here.

Long knife ~ sewing needle, explosive knife ~ droplet, blunt knife ~ pocket!

Of course, there are also double knives ~ flounder and broken knives ~ decapitation knives.

Counting the misty village, a total of five ninja knives were recovered, but the double-bladed flounder was in the hands of Nagajiro, and the decapitation knife was still in the hands of the unbeheaded.

Now there are three knives left that do not have an owner.

Shi Yu looked at the three knives: “You give them to me?” ”

“Yes! Didn’t you say that you want to rebuild the Ninja Sword Seven? Then it’s up to you to find their new owner! ”

Well! That’s fine.

“All right! The knife is given to you, since Tsunade’s problem has been solved, then it will work! ”

Saying that Zhao Meiyu left, there are still many things that need to be dealt with as Water Shadow, and there is no effort to accompany Shi Yu to chat here.

When Terumi left, Rain made a seal with one hand, controlling the surrounding trees to grow again.

In the blink of an eye, the island becomes an island wrapped in dense woods.

These trees look as huge as thousand-year-old trees.

“Mu Dun’s ninjutsu is indeed good!”

Saying that, Shi Yu glanced at the Great Sage.

Immortal Mudun, how is the calculus?

[Great Sage: In the process of calculating, the progress is as follows]

【Senfa~Myojin Gate:】

【Immortal Law ~ Mu Dun ~ True Thousands of Hands:】

【Immortal Law ~ Avatar Buddha:】

【Senfa~Koan into the Jaw Hanging Hand:】

In the case of juxtaposition calculus, multiple ninjutsu can be calculated at the same time.

【Estimated calculation time: minutes】

Can you calculate all this much ninjutsu in thirty minutes?

Recently, it has basically been used to calculate various things, but the repair of gluttony is still at the level!

Great Sage, if I want to transform these ninja swords, is there any problem?

[Great Sage: Analyze the calculus, if the host wants to transform the ninja knives and add new abilities to these ninja knives, it is not troublesome, using the power of Chakra, it can be done, but the more complex the effect, the longer the calculation time required]

The so-called ninja tools are actually just the effects of the technique.

The effect of ninjutsu is ultimately the use of chakra, and the general ninjutsu should be called dunjutsu, which is very simple to develop because it has fixed properties.

But ninjutsu is different, such as doppelganger, which is not easy to develop.

It’s just a little bit delayed, which doesn’t matter to Shi Yu.

The purpose of rebuilding the Ninja Blade Seven is to strengthen their influence in the Mist Hidden Village, and at the same time to cultivate a ninja team of their own.

And with the increase in the influence of the seven people of the Ninja Dao in the future, then the influence of Shi Yu in the Wuyin Village will be further strengthened.

This was done to weaken the influence of the so-called elders on the water shadow.

If you want the Ninja Dao Seven to achieve the effect that Shi Yu imagined, then at least their strength cannot be too weak. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the seven ninja knives in Wuyin Village seemed to be very powerful, the actual effect made Shi Yu very dissatisfied.

Among them, there are only two ninja knives that can make Shi Yu look at it, one is a double-knife flounder, and the other is a big knife muscle, as for what are the other ninja knives!

It’s just useless chicken ribs.

Especially the three ninja knives in front of Shi Yu’s eyes, long knives and needles, blunt knives cuts, explosive knife droplets, these three ninja knives have a fart use.

Shi Yu picked up the long knife-stitch, and the lethality of this knife was simply weak and pitiful in Shi Yu’s opinion.

And other ways of fighting are simply useless.

Using silk thread to kill enemies or something is simply hilarious.

However, the shape of this blade made Shi Yu have some ideas, and it was best to use it for nothing.

After all, he looks like a large Senbon, and for Shiro, he should be able to use long knives well.

But what silk thread is completely unnecessary.

If you must have silk thread, perhaps it is more useful to change it to chakra silk thread.

Great Sage, if you add a ring, put it on the wrist of your right hand, and inject chakra into the ring, forming a chakra thread and a long knife to link!

How about the idea of remotely controlling the long knife through the Chakra thread, or even using the Chakra to increase the penetration ability of the long knife, or attacking with some kind of magic power! Can it be calculated?

[Great Sage: Analysis, Feasibility 80]

It seems that the calculus should not be a problem, but wait for the immortal calculus to be completed.

Now that the transformation plan for the long knife has been decided, then the next knife.

Just when the great sage was calculating the immortal method, Shi Yu thought of the transformation plan of the three knives.

Blunt knife cut, this knife is mainly a force.

Cutting something has no effect at all, so since this is the way to the dark.

The blunt knife is divided into two weapons, the blade and the hammer, and if the main force is used, then the knife part can only be used as an auxiliary.

It is claimed to break all defenses, then the blade part should increase the ability to disintegrate all Chakra, and the hammer part is the main force.

Add the ability to disintegrate all Chakra-shaped (well-paid) power to the blade, and add an explosion similar to Tsunade’s Monster Fist to the hammer part, and once the user injects Chakra to use the hammer to strike, it can burst into terrifying power.

[Great Sage: Analysis, Feasibility 68]

As long as it can exceed 60%, it basically means that it can be achieved.

Explosive Knife – Droplet, this knife is the ability to use the scroll psychic detonation charm to add explosions to the slash.

Using the detonator that the scroll should fire to explode, this limits the power of the explosion.

Remove the scroll and summon the Explosive Charm with the holder’s Chakra, which can detonate at any time from the blade and float towards enemies.

At the same time, when the blade slashes the enemy, Chakra can inject into the enemy’s wound, and directly use Chakra to summon the explosive charm to explode at the wound! top

[Great Sage: Analysis, 55% feasibility]

It seems that there are some problems with this idea, and it needs to be improved a little!

Shi Yu began to think!.

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