Shi Yu’s eyes burst with red light.

Red fire eyes ~ open!

The blood-red light that bloomed in an instant made Obito stunned for a moment.

At the same time, Obito’s illusion was instantly cracked, and the side effects of the illusion being cracked made Obito himself suddenly feel that his brain was blank.

And at this moment, Shi Yu suddenly raised his fist and smashed a punch towards Obito’s face.

As soon as Obito came back to his senses, he found that a huge fist had appeared in front of him.

Fortunately, the instinctive reaction entered the state of blurring for the first time.

Shi Yu’s punch was missed, and the air was bombarded with an air boom.

The corners of Shi Yu’s mouth rose slightly.

“This trick again!”

Saying that, Obito’s quick jump opened the distance between him and Shi Yu.

Looking back at Shi Yu, he stared at Shi Yu’s eyes deadly, “What kind of eyes are you?” ”

When he heard this, Yu smiled “zero one three”: “How?” Haven’t seen the pupil blood succession limit? ”

But as a member of the Uchiha clan, Obito could not have seen the blood succession limit of the pupil technique, but now Obito was very puzzled that he had never seen such a blood succession limit.

These red eyes, the terrifying gaze released, made him have an inexplicable sense of oppression.

This was something that Obito himself did not expect.

“I didn’t expect that you actually have a special pupil blood succession limit, it seems that it should be caused by mutation!”

“Never seen in the ninja world before!”

Shi Yu’s gaze suddenly froze.

In the next second, the feet with soil suddenly froze.

“Your words… Too much! ”


Obito’s legs were frozen, which surprised Obito.

This is ice, so fast to freeze, completely defenseless.

Looking up again, he saw Shi Yu’s ninja knife in his hand stabbing straight at his head.

Seeing this scene, Obito entered the virtual state again, and at the same time, before entering the virtual state, he threw a kunai at Shi Yu.

Ku Wu flew straight at Shi Yu’s eyebrows.


The moment Mars splashed, Ku Wu was directly bounced away.

This made Obito stunned for a moment.

At the same time, Shi Yu’s ninja knife flew through his body.

Shi Yu raised his hand and touched his forehead, “It can’t hurt me to this extent!” ”

“I didn’t expect you to be so skillful in using the Chakra of Tudu!”

At that moment just now, Shi Yu used the Chakra of Tudun, coupled with the effect of the corpse bone vein, the two were combined, so that Obito’s attack could not even break the defense.

Obito broke the ice on his feet by blurring, and then slowly walked around Shi Yu.

Shi Yu raised his hand and wound the thread around the ninja knife, pulling the ninja knife directly back.

Shi Yu, who was holding the ninja sword, also stared at Obito with the same eyes.

“Don’t you plan to actually fight me?”

Hearing this, Obito’s eyes contracted slightly, and the figure of the rain when the eyes of the writing wheel were locked.

The next second directly rushed towards Shi Yu, and the active attack Shi Yu was a little unexpected.

Obito still seems to have a temper, not that light can dodge.

Raise your hand and slash at Obito’s neck.

And the blade passed through Obito’s body without accident, and the next second Obito grabbed Shi Yu.

And at this moment, the corners of Shi Yu’s mouth rose slightly.

It burst out at full speed, and in an instant the arm turned into countless afterimages, which was a crazy chop.

What swordsmanship is at the level of Shi Yu, it no longer has any effect.

It can be said that you don’t care about swordsmanship or something.

Obito was completely confused now, he didn’t expect that Shi Yu would actually deal with his void in such a simple and rude way.

After one blow, Shi Yu was able to launch more attacks at a faster speed, not giving him any chance at all.

There is no way to bring soil, only through Shi Yu’s body.

Fall towards the rear.

The moment he landed, countless ice thorns instantly rose from the ground.

Not even giving him a place to stay.

Obito can’t continue to maintain the state of blurring and jumps upwards, ready to jump onto the tree and then lift the void!

And the next second, the rain just snorted coldly.

Instantly, terrifying Chakra fluctuations erupted.

The surrounding ground suddenly froze, and all the trees, flowers and plants were frozen.

Then, in the instant when the soil did not react, countless huge ice thorns rose directly from the ground.

Originally, this was a forest, but the next second it quickly turned into an ice crystal forest.

Let Obito be stunned.

These countless ice thorns of different sizes did not give him any place to stay! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Snowflakes floated out, spinning rapidly in the air, echoing.

Each snowflake is like a sharp shuriken, but if Obito does not notice a snowflake and chooses to materialize, then it will kill him in an instant.

“How? It seems that this ability of yours, there is no way to close it at this time! ”

Shi Yu smiled and looked at the soil that fell from the tree, this is to fall directly into the ground………..

However, in the next second, the rain directly stopped the wind and snow, and at this moment the soil was also lifted.

He looked at Shi Yu, “Why suddenly lift your technique!” ”

When Shi Yu heard this, he smiled: “It’s nothing, it’s just that if you dive underground, I’m even harder to do!” ”

Obito: “Are you joking?” ”

Just now, if he entered the underground, then he could only directly teleport to another place through Shenwei, and if he materialized underground, Nake would be frantically squeezed by the surrounding rocks and soil.

Great Sage, how is the analysis?

[Great Sage: Current progress 53%]

Can you find any way to crack the other party’s technique?

[Great Sage: Using the power of the fiery red eye to affect the operation of the other party’s pupil power, it can cause a certain degree of interference, which can make the other party’s body partially materialize, but the specific part of the body appears physical, and it cannot be accurately located]


Is it partially materialized?

This is already very good.

When he thought of this, Yu’s whole body smiled, if this is the case, it is quite interesting.

“It’s really a terrifying power, it changed the topography and topography here in an instant, and it is worthy of being valued by Water Shadow.”

“Will you become the water shadow of Mist Hidden Village in the future?”

Shi Yu backhanded the ninja knife into the ground, and the ninja knife contained Shi Yu’s chakra, which was used to maintain the freezing effect.

And the clouds and fog behind him are spreading at the same 4.0, and Shi Yu’s hands are gathering the light Chakra.

“Of course! The future water shadow must be me! ”

“What’s wrong?”

Of course there are problems, and they are still big problems.

Monsters like Shi Yu becoming water shadows are not a good thing for the people they know the organization.

After all, this guy is already so strong that Obito doesn’t know how to deal with it, if you have to do it, the exposed power is too much, which is not a good thing for Obito.


Now it seems that it is only necessary to drag the rain down.


Shi Yu showed a smile, and the moment he saw this smile, he was stunned and quickly felt the danger!

The next second, a laser shot out from Shi Yu’s fingertips.

A laser beam hit straight at me….

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