After deciding on the plan, Amado began to prepare a plan of action for the people of the Otsuki clan according to Cixian’s instructions.

And in the process.

Cixian found the peach style.

“Do you know the big barrels on the moon?”

Suddenly asked this question, Momoshiki frowned and then nodded: “I know! I saw it when I came, those should be the descendants of the Otsuki Kaguya left in this place!”

“The bloodline is still pure!”

Hearing this, Cixian smiled, “You have also noticed this place in Mist Ninja Village!”

Of course, this place noticed it, after all, the aura of the Otsuki clan was like a light suddenly lit up in the pitch-black darkness for Momoshi and the others.

This kind of light is naturally very noticeable.

“What do you want to say?” Momoshiki frowned.

“Zero Six” has vaguely sensed what Cixian wants to say next!

“Although these big barrel wood clan are not pure big tube wood clan, their existence still has a certain significance!”

“And he inherited the purer bloodline of the Big Barrel Wood Clan, and was not polluted by those inferior human bloodlines, so he can still be regarded as a member of our Big Barrel Wood Clan!”

Hearing this, Tao’s eyes flickered a few times, it was true from his heart, but he didn’t want to admit these guys, after all, these people were the descendants of a person who betrayed the big barrel wood clan!

Thinking of this, the whole person seemed very entangled.

But Cixian continued to speak: “No matter what, they are all part of the big barrel wood, and even if they don’t care, they can’t be allowed to be commanded by a group of humans!”

“Even if we want to destroy or kill them, it’s up to us to decide!”

This made Momo Shi agree very much, after all, those people were indeed members of the Big Barrel Wood clan, how could they be allowed to ignore them like this.

“What do you want to do?” Momoshi asked.

Cixian smiled slowly, “Compared to looking for a suitable container in the ninja world, these people who flow with the blood of my big barrel wood clan are easier to become my containers!”


Hearing this, Momo’s face changed slightly.

The unwritten rules within the Big Barrel Wood Clan are also one of the unspoken rules, and they must not be killed by people who are also members of the Big Barrel Wood Clan.

And at this moment, Cixian said this, which obviously did not take this rule into account.

Those big barrel wood clan are of course the shame of the big barrel wood clan, but they are indeed the real big barrel wood clan!

Cixian actually planned to do this.

But Tao Shi didn’t have any reason to refute it, after all, he didn’t want to admit the identity of these big barrels of wood before, and now if he said to stop it, wouldn’t it mean that he recognized the identity of these big barrels of wood families.

“Do whatever you want!”

Seeing that the peach style did not object, Cixian was relieved, and at the same time smiled.

“Anyway, they’re part of the big barrel, and they can be our strength. ”

Hearing this, it was obvious that Cixian still wanted to plan to receive these large barrels of wood under his command.

There is no problem with this, the mission of the Big Barrel Wood Clan is to plant the Divine Tree, and if these people of the Big Barrel Wood Clan can help in planting the Divine Tree, it is obviously okay.

Otherwise, the meaning of their existence would be even more lost.

After a while, Amado’s android came to Cixian, “Cixian-sama, it’s ready!”

“Then let’s get moving!”

Cixian didn’t hesitate without any hesitation, holding up that the Fog Hidden Village was still holding the annual Zhongnin Exam, so at this time, they could get more things as soon as possible.

Amado seems to have become the only reliance of Cixian to deal with Shi Yu now.

And Amado also knew that if he continued like this, he would not be able to achieve whatever he wanted, and he could only temporarily help Cixian deal with Shiyu.

At the moment, the middle ninja exam.

The battle for rankings has basically come to an end.

The battle between Uchiha Zoryana and Kaguya Shinichi ended in defeat.

However, Zoryana still didn’t choose to open the eye of reincarnation in the end, and the same Shinichi didn’t cast an immortal technique!

The two of them lost their final blows, and both passed out unconscious.

But the process of the battle still made all the viewers addicted.

This is just a battle between imps, if it’s a battle between upper ninjas, or between elite upper ninjas, I don’t know how exciting it will be.

Before waiting for the ninja in charge of medical treatment, he rushed into the ring to treat the two of them. [ Read more novels for free on our website: Knight NovelS ]

In the next second, water suddenly appeared around the ring, directly wrapping around the two of them.

The injuries on the two of them that were visible to the naked eye recovered rapidly, and even the chakra that was consumed by the two of them basically recovered in an instant….

In addition to the fact that the consumed spirit has not recovered, basically all the states of the two of them are restored instantly.

Seeing this scene, many people looked towards Shi Yu on the high platform.

“This is Lord Shiyu’s hydration healing technique!”

This medical ninjutsu is used by many ninjas of the Ghost Lantern clan in Fog Hidden Village, but none of them can reach the height of Shi Yu.

In an instant, the person’s injuries were healed, and even the state was restored.

The improved version of the Water Escape Healing Technique of Obsolete Rain also has a similar effect, but instead of turning the body into a stream of water, it summons a stream of water with special healing abilities to heal the target.

The ability to heal is also far inferior to Shi Yu’s trick.

Not only in the hearts of the battle ninjas, Shi Yu is a god, but even in the hearts of the medical ninjas, Shi Yu is also the top existence.

Wait until the two wake up.

Shi Yu looked at the two.

“Yes, I’m very happy with your performance!”

However, Shinichi didn’t show the joy he deserved after being praised, but thought that he was a shame for Shi Yu.

Obviously, as a disciple of Mizukage-sama, he can’t even defeat a person from the Mist Ninja Village.

Although the other party’s father is also a fog shadow, there is a world of difference between the fog shadow and the water shadow.

Zoryana wasn’t too happy, but felt annoyed because she didn’t beat Shinichi at 0.4, and if she knew that she would practice harder and improve her strength, she would definitely be able to defeat Shinichi, and then have a better performance in front of Mizukage.

“Since the two of you are tied, then in this ranking battle, the two of you will tie for second place!”

It’s not tied for first place, but tied for second place, if there is no first place here in Shiyu, then it can only be second, and it is also to stimulate the two little ghosts.

The two of them raised their heads at the same time, and they also understood what Shi Yu meant.

Although the two of them performed very well, they still couldn’t reach the first position in Shi Yu’s heart, so the two could only tie for second place.

“Mizukage-sama, I won’t let you down next!”

Shinichi said categorically, and Zoryana on the side was not to be outdone, “I will also have a better performance…”.

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