Water has no moon and flowers fall!

He can be regarded as the most outstanding clansman of the Shui Wuyue clan in ten years!

Although she doesn’t have other abilities, unlike Shinichi who fuses two Blood Inheritance Limits, she is just a single Ice Escape.

It also erupted with a very terrifying power.

In Shi Yu’s opinion, the ice escape of the other Shui Wuyue clan can only be called ninjutsu, and this girl, her ice escape can be completely said to be a frozen fruit.

Once only Shi Yu could do it, and in an instant the whole sea was frozen, but now this little girl can do the same.

However, because the amount of chakra is too small, it will inevitably cost a lot to perform such a trick.

Even so, she has powers that no one else can imagine.

The resulting ice cubes are as hard as steel.

That’s why she dared to argue with Shinichi.

As the Shui Wuyue clan, the status of the Shui Wuyue clan in Wuyin Village is equivalent to the thousand-handed clan of Konoha in the past.

But Mizukage-sama’s family, among the new generation of ninjas, if the Mizukage-sama clan didn’t have a few powerful ninjas, wouldn’t it be a loss of face for Mizukage-sama.

At the same time, the Shui Wuyue clan would never allow such a thing to happen.

Looking at the female ninja in front of him, Hinata Takeshi’s expression began to be a little solemn.

He could faintly feel the momentum that erupted from the other party, and it seemed that he still had some suppressive effect on himself.

There are really a lot of powerful guys in Fog Hidden Village!

“It’s such a terrible cold, the cold of this little girl, I’m afraid it’s almost comparable to you back then!”

Naruto smiled and looked at Shiyu.

Shi Yu nodded, “It’s really not rough! her talent in Ice Escape is indeed far superior to others!”

Sasuke glanced at Shi Yu: “I’m afraid it’s not just these two powerful guys in the Fog Hidden Village! I heard that there is also a monster, a little ghost of the Ghost Lantern Clan, who has a mastery of the swordsmanship of Water Breath!

Naruto also nodded: “I’ve also heard that that little ghost seems to be on par with these two fights with just one sword technique, and is called the Misty Mie.” ”

Hearing this, Shi Yu smiled: “This kind of name or something, isn’t it the same as us at the beginning! But the three of them are still far behind!”

The three strongest imps of the new generation in contemporary Wuyin Village, Kaguya Shinichi, Water Without Moon and Falling Flowers, and Ghost Lantern Disaster, the three of them are the most powerful.

But in fact, in addition to these three people, Red Valley, Red Mountain, Chidori, Gonajo, and other families also have very outstanding ninjas.

However, compared to the three above, the other children are still slightly inferior.

It’s just not as brilliant as them!

If you really want to say it, there are more than 20 little ghosts, and they are called Wuyin rookies by the villagers of Wuyin Village.

The strength of these little ghosts is placed in other villages, and I am afraid that they are all the objects of cultivation at the key level, but for Wuyin Village, they are only more brilliant at this stage.

As for what kind of heights they can reach in the future, it is up to them.

For such a situation, the people of Wuyin Village are quite happy.

even attributed it to Shi Yu, but it was not actually due to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu is only rebuilding the family of the Blood Inheritance Limit, and it is not up to Shi Yu to decide whether their descendants can gain great power.

In fact, this is also inevitable, and the family of the Blood Inheritance Limit itself has an advantage over other ninjas.

But as long as the family of the blood inheritance limit continues, it is inevitable that a few outstanding clansmen will appear in each generation.

As long as the base is there, there can be no problem without reducing the population to a certain extent.

Coupled with the food chain of Shi Yu, every newborn child can obtain 100% of the blood inheritance limit, and on this basis, the possibility of excellent offspring is greatly improved.

While Shi Yu and the others were whispering, the battle had already begun.

However, it is quite different from the previous rivalry between Zoryana and Shinichi.

This time, it was completely pressed.

Although Luohua is not a strong point in terms of physical skills, relying on this ice escape, he does not give Hinata Takeshi a chance to get close at all, and in the face of ice that is as hard as steel, Hinata Takeshi’s combat power cannot be exerted at all.

It can only be continuously consumed unilaterally, relying on the return to the sky, and other secret defenses of the Hyuga clan.

But this is constantly consumed, and it is only a matter of time before it is defeated.

And this battle also frightened me and Darui.

Is this the strength of Wuyin Village now?

Even if there is no Shinichi, the second imp of the Shui Wuyue clan to stand up can deal with the people of other villages as simple as eating and drinking.

Strictly speaking, that kid Takeshi Hinata is already very good. [ Read more novels for free on our website: Knight NovelS ]

But in the face of the attack of the water and the moon and the falling flowers, he was powerless to resist at all, and could only be beaten unilaterally.

I love Luo looking at his adopted son, Xinxi, if Xinxi Mall, I don’t know if there is a way for this girl.

Relying on the magnetic escape, you may be able to maneuver with the other party.

“Well, I’ve lost track of continuing to play with you. ”

Saying that, Luohua raised his hand directly, and in an instant, the ice crystals directly covered the entire ring, and the cold air visible to the naked eye swept away quickly in all directions.

At this moment, Hinata Takeshi had no place to hide at all.

It can only burst out with Chakra’s hard ice escape attack against falling flowers.

However, in the next second, a white air mass emitting a blue light instantly raged directly in the direction of Hinata Takeshi.

Hinata Takeshi still wanted to resist, but the next second he was hit by an air mass, and then he felt a terrifying chill suddenly gushing out of his body.

Then, in front of everyone’s eyes, he was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Luohua turned around and clapped her hands, she was not touched by Takeshi Hinata at all in the whole battle.

Looking at the rain on the high platform.

Luohua smiled, “I won!”

It’s as if it’s showing off at the same time as the rain.

Because it’s the relationship of the same clan, Shi Yu also takes a lot of care of Luohua, a talented girl, Shi Yu has taught her a lot of ice escape use (is it good) method.

Even more time than teaching the New One.

Shi Yu clapped his hands, “Not bad!”

got Shi Yu’s response, and Luohua walked down happily.

Konoha Village, which failed to challenge it, is still ranked third.

And then there’s that!

It’s a hidden village!

Anyway, they were also one of the five ninja powers, and they were ranked in this position just to let other ninja villages challenge.

If you can succeed in the challenge, then the name of the five ninja villages will have to change hands.

At the same time, this is also what Shi Yu wants to see, in the past twenty years, when the two villages are blocked, whether there are powerful ninjas in the village.

If it’s all waste, then the two villages are basically finished.

And Shinki, who walked on the field next, was wearing a trench coat made of sand and iron, and his eyes were locked on Shinichi’s body.

Shi Yu smiled, it seems that he still wants to challenge Wuyin Village?

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