Madara looks at the peach style!

“You just now!”

“To me!”

“What did you do?”

These words were uttered almost word for word.

At this time, Madara’s expression was very cold, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Peach.

However, Momoshi smiled faintly, “You should thank me, because I gave you a big gift!” ”

“It’s a force that can make you stronger! You don’t thank me properly but still complain about me, this is so unconscionable! ”


I don’t know what Momoshiki gave to me, but Madara doesn’t believe that this guy will have any kind intentions for him anyway.

These people are big barrels of wood, giving themselves strength? Even if it’s really some kind of power, there is definitely something hidden that can threaten itself.

“I… I don’t need anyone’s strength, I, Madara Uchiha, even if I rely on my own strength, in the entire ninja world, not everyone can move! ”

“Why do I need you to give me some bullshit power!”

“Shut up!” Suddenly, the gold style on the side suddenly rushed out and smashed at Madara’s Susa Nenghu with a punch, but this time Madara’s pupil power exploded instantly, directly catching the gold style’s fist.

“How dare you talk to a peach-like adult in such a tone! What do you think you are? ”

Kim Shiki was surprised that Madara still retained this level of pupil power, and at the same time, he was very dissatisfied with the tone in which Madara spoke just now.

However, the peach style waved his hand, “It doesn’t matter, Jinshi!” ”

Saying that, Momoshiki stepped back and looked at Madara at the same time, “That’s all for today!” ”

As Momo spoke, there were terrifying thunderbolts that swept through the air and landed straight on Momo’s body.

However, Momo opened his hands and easily absorbed this thunderbolt.

At the same time, he looked back at the direction where the thunder and lightning were coming.

“Another human who has gained the power of the big barrel wood!”

The words fell, and Sasuke appeared.

He glanced at Madara, “It’s okay!” ”

Madara frowned and didn’t know how to answer Sasuke, to say that it was okay, the situation just now didn’t look like it was okay no matter how you looked at it!

At the same time, I don’t understand what this guy has done to him, there is nothing abnormal in his body, is it just some kind of illusion?

“You’re the people of the Big Barrel Wood clan! Dare to destroy the Fog Ninja Village, the sin is unforgivable, you may be able to save your life if you surrender now~! ”

Sasuke said.

And hearing these words, the green tendons on the golden forehead burst out again, these humans were just stealing a part of the power of the Great Barrel Wood Clan, and they dared to be so arrogant in front of these orthodox Great Barrel Wood Clan.

It’s nothing more than relying on the guy who steals the most power from the big barrel of wood!

Just when Jin Shi wanted to do it, suddenly Momo Shi said, “Forget about Jin Shi!” ”

Saying that, Momoshi looked at Sasuke: “Humans, don’t be too happy, Otsuki has returned, and the world will change back to its original form!” ”

After saying that, Jin Shi has come to the side of Momo Shiki.

Looks like the two of them want to escape!

“Do you want to go?”

“Do you really think you’re still able to escape?”

As he spoke, thunder and lightning burst out from Sasuke’s body, and at the same time, his eyes directly opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.

And this moment the golden style holds the peach pose.

Momo just smiled, “Don’t worry, we’ll meet in the future!” ”

He glanced at Sasuke, and at the same time looked at Madara on the side.

Then the two suddenly disappeared with a whirlpool.

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Seeing this scene, Sasuke was stunned for a moment, is this Obito’s Hitomi technique?

How so?

Have they already killed Obito?

Madara was also stunned for a moment, and at the same time, the fog ninjas who had teleported from the Fogless Hidden Village through the Flying Thunder God Array also arrived.

The two of them, Oni and Nagajuro, felt their breath suddenly disappear. [ Read more novels for free on our website: Knight NovelS ] )

“Are we a step too late?” The ghost shark looked around, the dilapidated village, it hadn’t been more than ten minutes since the battle began!

It will take a lot of effort to destroy the Fog Ninja Village like this, and it will take a lot of effort to rebuild it.

Chojuro also asked curiously, “What kind of enemy is it, and what is the strength?” ”

Sasuke, who was frowning, was thinking about Obito’s question, and instead of answering Chojuro’s words, he turned his head to look at the ninja of the Uchiha clan on the side: “Go and see Obito and see how he is?” ”

Although he didn’t know why he mentioned Obito, the ninja of the Uchiha clan nodded and accepted Sasuke’s order.

“Momo-sama, why didn’t you kill those two humans who stole the big barrel wood clan just now!”

In the different space, Jin Shi asked the peach style.

Momoshi shook his head, “No need, I’ve left my wedge on that guy!” ”

The wedge of the peach-type adult!

Why do you want to leave your own wedge, is the peach style of the Lord ready to be reincarnated, but why is this!

Jin Shi was still surprised, and at this time, Tao Shi looked at the big barrel wood clan in front of him, “Jin Shi, just in case, you also choose a suitable container from among these people!” ”

Hearing this, Jin Shi was stunned for a moment, although he didn’t quite understand, but he still nodded: “Okay, Lord Peach-style!” ”

Momo Shi looked at the void, and a hint of worry flashed in his eyes.

The future he saw was not a good future, and it was necessary to prepare the reincarnation vessel first, just in case.

And Cixian is also the same guy who is doing the same thing! []

Konoha Village at this moment.

Cixian looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands in front of him.

“‘You two, you’re really powerful, one has inherited the strong vitality of the Big Barrel Wood Clan, and it seems to be different!'”

“And the other one was able to use the chakra so fancy.”

Cixian has now opened the state of the wedge, and has opened about seventy percent of it, before he can steadily suppress the joint attack of the two people between the pillars and the door.

There is also a so-called fourth-generation Hokage wave feng shui gate on the side, if it weren’t for Pu Shi’s help to contain it, I’m afraid he would have to open more wedge power to be able to suppress the three of them steadily.

The two of them glanced at each other, and the entire Konoha was shrouded in a sea of fire.

Countless Konoha ninjas are panicking to save (Zhao Lihao) to help ordinary people.

Although there are only two enemies, their strength is unprecedentedly terrifying.

Judging from the way he dresses, this guy seems to be a member of the Otsuki clan.

It’s hard to imagine why such a powerful guy suddenly appeared in the Big Barrel Wood Clan.

Cixian looked at the two of them without saying a word, and now he didn’t dare to be distracted at all, and he also recognized the strength of the two people between the pillars and the door.


Cixian found something even more interesting.

Konoha Village!

The Hyuga clan, since Hinata was sent to Fog Hidden Village, the new princess of the Hyuga clan, Hanabi has become the hope of the Hyuga clan.

Although the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan is Ningji, it can’t affect Hanabi’s status in the slightest.

At the same time, Hanabi’s eyes are also under the power of Shi Yu, and he recovers his brother.

And the first time I saw the fireworks, Cixian, it shouldn’t be said that I was completely excited.

It’s the perfect container…

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