I'm In Konoha: My Cheat Is Actually Myself

Chapter 46 Final Selection (Second Update! Ask for Flowers! Ask for Collection!)

[Breath of Thunder] There are a total of six sword types, and Fuyue has mastered five.

The only thing that can't get started is the first type of one - thunderbolt flash!

This sword type seems to be very incompatible with Fuyue, and Fuyue has never been able to become a complete master, but Fuyue skipped this sword type and started training, and the progress is very fast, without the slightest impact.

In addition to talent, this is also inseparable from Fuyue's own efforts, he is eager to cultivate all the sword types of Master.

Especially knowing that Bai Jie has mastered the essence of Thunder's Breath and all the sword types in less than a month... Well, from a certain point of view, Kuwashima Jigoro is not a lie.

After all, two days is indeed less than a month!

All in all, after hearing the news, Fu Yue began to practice hard day and night.

He wants to surpass Bai Jie!

Obviously, the shadow Bai Jie brought to Fuyue that day has been imprinted in his heart, and only by constantly improving his strength can he forget the feeling that he hates.

On the other hand, Kuwashima Cigoro, who didn't know the details, felt that it was a bit inappropriate for Fuyue to be so eager to achieve success, but seeing this child working so hard and working so hard was more gratifying in his heart, and

Right... that's what a teacher should feel like!

Thinking back to a few months ago, when I faced Bai Jie all day, no matter what I taught the other person to read it, I could do it, and I could even deduce many things myself. My self-esteem as a master suffered a serious blow. Even once doubted life.

And now, with the appearance of Fuyue, Kuwashima Cigoro feels that he can do it again!

"Oh, do you want to take another apprentice? The relationship between Ajie and Fuyue has never been good. Maybe we should find a child with a softer personality to reconcile it."

Kuangdao Ciwulang stood in the attic and looked at the two disciples who were not interfering with each other, who were like strangers, and sighed slightly, and such thoughts could not help but arise in his heart.



Time flies, winter goes to spring.

In a blink of an eye, the final selection of the Ghost Slayer team will begin.

After confirming the specific selection date, Bai Jie said goodbye to Kuwashima Chigoro very simply, and then walked slowly towards the target location at a leisurely pace.

According to the information obtained from Kuwashima Jigoro and Rintaki Sakonji, the final selection of the ghost killing team has not been changed for more than ten years.

There are a lot of wisteria flowers growing around Fuji Xishan. This gorgeous flower is a kind of poison to ghosts. As long as you smell it, the physical fitness of ghosts will drop sharply, as if ordinary people inhaled sweat medicine. Generally powerless.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for the ghosts who were caught in Fujii Mountain to get out of the mountain by their own strength.

Of course, in order to select outstanding talents, most of these wisteria flowers are planted on the periphery of Fujii Mountain, so every time during the selection, seeing a large number of young girls pouring in, these ghosts can always exert their extraordinary strength.

In other words, it is definitely not an easy task for these newcomers to survive in this place for seven days.

In this way, about five days have passed. Bai Jie, who came slowly along the way like an outing, almost stepped on the time point to a small platform on the halfway of Fujii Mountain, with a torii gate and a small house. , looks like a shrine that does not know its fate, and it is the gathering place for the final selection.

At this time, most of the [trainees] who wanted to participate in the final selection had already gathered here. Bai Jie's eyes swept slightly, and he soon saw two familiar figures.

Tomioka Volunteer and the Rabbit.

We haven't seen each other for a few months. These two teenagers who are still in puberty have changed a lot. Not only has their height increased, but their physique has become much stronger. It is obvious that they have not exercised less during this period.

Of course, apart from the appearance, the temperament of the two is like the first time they met, the rabbit is still so gentle and jade-like, and Tomioka Yiyong also has a poker face as always, except that "I am a swordsman, I'm out of love."

At this moment, the pair of brothers are standing under a big tree, waiting quietly. They are all wearing the same Haori with a wave pattern on their bodies, and a fox on their heads. style disaster mask.

Looking at it this way, Rintaki Sakonji is indeed much more careful than Kuwashima Jigoro~~

Bai Jie made a comparison between the two teachers without reflecting at all. The reason why Kuwashima Chigoro didn't care about him as an ordinary disciple was because he was not like an ordinary disciple at all.

How can an ordinary disciple be so outrageously strong before participating in the selection? !

With this strange emotion, Bai Jie walked up to the pair of senior brothers and greeted them with an elder-like smile.

"Hey! It's been a long time, Qiu Tu, Yi Yong!"

"Senior Bai Jie, long time no see."

The rabbit was very polite, and even bowed slightly to give a salute.

Tomioka Yiyong, who was on the side, nodded coldly, saying hello.

However, the way he looked at Bai Jie was still very strange, probably remembering the fear once dominated by Bai Jie's speed.

"Where's Mako? Isn't she planning to come over for the selection this time?"

Bai Jie asked casually, he hasn't seen him for a few months, he still misses that cute little girl.

"Haha! Mr. Rintaki said that Mako has only begun to master all the sword types of Master, and her proficiency in breathing techniques is also lacking, so let her wait another year."

"Really? Unexpectedly, Mr. Rintaki's requirements are so high."

Bai Jie was a little surprised by this answer. After all, in his perception, most of the "trainees" present at the moment are far less powerful than Mako, but even so, Rintaki didn't let her participate in the selection, which is really a pity. .

"There's no way, it's really because you are so good, Senior Bai Jie, that the teacher thinks we're not up to our expectations, and you've improved the original target a lot."

Qiantu said half-jokingly, there was no hint of jealousy in his tone, and there was only admiration and yearning in his eyes when he looked at Bai Jie.

One thing to say, that autumn they met Bai Jie, they were very impressed.

After seeing the monster-like talent and strength, whether it is Rin Taki Zuo Jinji or San Xiaozhi, they seem to have reshaped the three views, but they only feel that the past cognition has been severely hit.

As for the final result, their winter training volume increased exponentially, and they voluntarily requested an increase.

Who made the gap between the two sides so big!

They are all teenagers and girls of the same grade, even if they admire them in their hearts, but who wants to be subordinated to others, even if they really can't reach the level of the other party, at least they can narrow the gap.

For this reason, today's Yantu and Tomioka Yiyong are obviously much stronger than in the original plot. It can be said that if there is no Bai Jie's existence, this final selection is likely to become this pair of teachers. The brother's solo show may also be.

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