Bruce Banner made a lot of painstaking efforts to make the serum, just to purify the gamma energy in the body.

At this moment, in order to stop the hatred, he has to take the initiative to transform into a green titan.

General Ross managed to catch Bruce, but he would not let Bruce go.

At this moment, only by taking Bruce back can he return to his original position.

As for the titan outside, it's probably Braunski.

There is no need to worry at all, as long as I show up, I can control the situation.

"Bruce, you have to come with me now."

"That titan, we'll take care of it."

Bruce is well aware of the power of the titan, General Ross can't catch himself, and can't deal with this titan.

What's more, now, this titan has wreaked havoc in the city.

If I don't stop it myself, I'm afraid it will hurt many innocent people.

Bruce didn't have the slightest hesitation, and no longer continued to suppress his emotions.

A wave of anger rushed into his mind, and Bruce felt overwhelmed by anger.

The gamma energy became agitated again and began to flow through the body.

The serum injected just now is vulnerable to the restless gamma energy at this moment.

In just a split second, Bruce's body underwent huge amounts of changes.

The originally loose clothes were now supported by strong muscles.

Even, it exploded directly.

Fortunately, the pants were made of special materials by Bruce, otherwise the pants would be gone.

Turning into a Hulk, Bruce easily broke free and rushed towards the chaotic direction.

General Ross will not let the green titan run away like this, "Chase!"

General Ross's men were a little embarrassed. After all, this was a green titan, not Bruce Banner.

If the green titan gets red-eyed, their lives will be lost.

They have not undergone strengthening, they are just ordinary people.

However, General Ross gave orders, and they had no choice but to follow.


On the street, Braunski, who turned into hatred, was extremely angry at the moment.

No trace of Bruce was found, and the abomination could only vent its anger on the objects on the side of the road and pedestrians.

Pull out the street lights!

Kick the vehicle!

"Coward, come out!"

With a roar of hatred, the green titan appeared at the corner of the street.

Seeing the abomination running amok and vandalizing the streets, the green titan was also extremely angry.

Not only that, the abomination even called himself a coward.

Who can bear this?

"Hulk, not a coward!"

The green titan is also very violent, he rushed out immediately, jumped up towards the abomination, and rushed over.

Abomination spotted the green titan and finally smiled.

Especially the green titan jumping towards him foolishly, isn't this courting death?

Abomination made a brief estimate, then jumped up and bumped into it.

An elbow directly on Hulk's body, knocking Hulk back.

Two behemoths collided in the air.

One of them was knocked into the air and fell hard on the street.

The hatred landed steadily, and then walked towards the green titan.

"What a powerful force!"

"Unfortunately, you don't know how to use it at all!"

"I am the strongest."

Hulk's defense is still very strong, and at this moment, he has recovered.

After raising his head and glaring at the hatred, he stood up again and rushed up again.

Unfortunately, not the opponent.

The abomination and the green titan are at the same level in power, not much different.

The key is combat experience.

Braunski is a good soldier, and Bruce Banner is just a scientist with no knowledge of combat techniques.

When dealing with miscellaneous fish, pure power crushing is okay.

But facing opponents of the same strength level, there is still a certain improvement in combat skills and experience.

Abomination immediately gave Hulk a set of military punches.

Hulk can only swing his fists randomly, commonly known as "beating the old master to death with random punches".

In the face of the abomination's combat skills, Hulk obviously received more attacks and suffered more damage.

Hulk was very angry at being beaten, so he could only keep roaring to vent his anger.


Hulk grew angrier and stronger, and finally, it was a punch that knocked down the abomination.

The power of this punch has increased so much.

Let the abomination be treasured and more delighted.

Before he came back to his senses, Hulk had already rushed over, ready to face output.

Abomination is not vegetarian either, kicking the Hulk away with both feet.

After kicking Hulk over, prepare to rub Hulk on the ground.

The two also changed from a normal fight to a ground battle, and immediately scuffled on the street.


Tony Stark finally arrived at the scene, seeing the scene in front of him, couldn't help complaining.

The world is going down, people's hearts are not old.

In front of the crowd, two huge amounts of monsters didn't care about the influence of the outside world, and wrestled into a ball. Aren't they afraid of teaching children badly?

Tony was in battle armor, suspended in the air.

"Enough, you two Beast hunks!"

"You've wreaked havoc on the city, now, it's time to stop!"

The appearance of Tony immediately attracted the attention of some people nearby.

"It's Iron Man!"

"Great, we're saved."

"Catch these two monsters quickly."

"Iron Man, you are the best!"

"Is there only one Iron Man, what about the other superheroes?"

"Where's the spider group?"


Audiences are excited, ready to watch Iron Man save the world.

But the abomination doesn't care about Tony Stark at all, it's just a steel armor, it's useless.

Now the abomination, with an iron chain out of nowhere, was about to strangle Hulk from behind.

Being so ignored by the Abomination made Tony lose his temper.

Immediately, a palm cannon hit the past, and it hit Abomination firmly.

However, it does not break the defense at all.

Tony Stark was amazed, "What kind of monster is this? It wasn't injured."

While Tony was shocked, the loathing continued to strangle Hulk.

Seeing that Hulk lost his combat power, he loosened the chain.

Kicking Hulk away, he flicked the chain abruptly and slammed it towards Tony.

This iron chain is different from the whip of the whip, mainly because it is strong and fast.

Tony broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately flew away to avoid the chain.

"damn it."

Before Tony could finish complaining, a car smashed towards him.

No, not just one, several cars.

Tony could only dodge left and right, not noticing that the abomination had jumped up.

By the time Tony noticed, the abomination had jumped up, grabbing himself with one hand.

Tony tried his best to get rid of the hatred, but the power of hatred was extremely powerful.

Tony was wearing normal armor now, not anti-Hulk armor at all.

Shaking left and right, Tony crashed into a nearby building.

"Damn Ross, actually created such a terrible monster!"

"The strength of my armor is not strong enough. When I go back, I must study a super-powerful armor!"


In a certain block not far away, Su Yi, Peter and others are celebrating Jessica's discharge from the hospital.

While eating, I heard the news.

Peter couldn't sit still first, "I, I have to go to the bathroom."

Su Yi thought that Tony could stop General Ross and avoid the birth of the abomination.

It seems that it still failed.

That being the case, then I can't be idle anymore, it's time to make a move.

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