Dr. Banner's problem, if you find the reason, it will be easy to solve.

We'll see how it develops in time.

Even without a Hulk, it should be able to deal with the next crisis.

Su Yi handed over Dr. Banner to the Ancient One magician very kindly.

Let the Ancient One magician continue to shine before leaving this world.

He is also an Ancient One magician who has cultivated himself for many years and has a good temper. Otherwise, he has to say a few words.

The Ancient One magician just guided Dr. Banner's soul back into his body, allowing Dr. Banner to wake up.

"It's settled, it's time to leave."

Su Yi was about to leave, Tony looked at Braunski lying on the ground, "What about this guy?"

"Leave it to S.H.I.E.L.D. Don't let Ross take people away."

Su Yi dare not leave Braunski to Rose, otherwise, a lot of titans will definitely appear next.

Leaving it to S.H.I.E.L.D is not a good choice either.

However, there is no other room.

Aside from S.H.I.E.L.D, it's also hard to trap abominations.

Unless, Braunsky can't turn into an abomination.

Thinking of this, Su Yi suddenly had a bold idea.

"and many more."

"Ancient One magician, don't remove the mirror space yet."

Su Yi walked up to Braunski, stretched out his hand and sensed it.

Gamma energy, I really sensed it.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth raised, and he started to act.


Su Yi casted the [Infinite Devour] Ability and began to devour the gamma energy stored in Braunski's body.

Bruce saw that Su Yi was devouring gamma energy, and hurriedly stopped him.

"Stop it, you can't..."

"Can't what?"

Su Yi devoured gamma energy frantically, improving himself.

Su Yi's lv7 energy is actually slowly increasing.

Within a few minutes, the gamma energy in Braunsky's body was almost consumed by Su Yi.

This energy is really huge.

It is equivalent to the energy absorbed by the sun for six or seven days.

However, it is still extremely far away from breaking through lv8.

Bruce looked at Su Yi, only shocked.

"Are you okay?"

"definitely nothing, just gamma energy, the quality is not bad, but a little too little."

Bruce's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. Is this person in front of him really human?

He turned into a Hulk because of gamma energy.

Braunski turned into abomination even more.

But Su Yi absorbed the gamma energy, but there was no change at all.

This is simply unbelievable.

Bruce was stunned and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

I can become a Hulk because of gamma energy.

If the gamma energy disappears, I don't have to worry about the trouble of transforming, and I can return to the life of ordinary people.

Hulk personality?

Mental illness?

Nothing to do with oneself.

Dr. Banner was a little moved.

Become a hero like Captain Steve, or rather, return to normal life.

This is a dilemma.

Banner didn't hesitate for too long before making a decision.

"and many more!"

Su Yi and the others stopped again, looking at Dr. Banner curiously.

Banner seems to have made a difficult decision, "May I ask you to help me?"

"What's busy?"

"I want you to absorb the gamma energy in my body, so that I can return to the life of an ordinary person."

It was also a whim that Su Yi devoured the gamma energy in Braunski's body just now.

I never thought of using this method to solve Dr. Banner's problem.

"Are you sure you want to do this? In this way, you will lose your super ability, and you can only be an ordinary person."

"I am sure."

Bruce continued, "Captain Steve is indeed my idol, and I also want to use this power to help others."

"However, I now prefer to return to a normal life."

"Because of this power, I hid for several years. I couldn't live like a normal person, and I couldn't stay with the people I liked."

"I'm tired of hiding."

Dr. Banner had already made his decision, and Su Yi had nothing to persuade.

The world line has long since changed.

Dr. Banner can't change the Hulk, and the Avengers alliance has one less person, so it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

"Since you have decided, then I will try."

Su Yi chose to devour the gamma energy on Banner.

The gamma energy in Dr. Banner is stronger and purer.

After all, it is because of the energy gained from exposure to gamma rays, and the abomination only gained power after being injected with blood.

The devouring process was still extremely simple, and Dr. Banner didn't feel anything unusual.

It lasted like this for less than ten minutes, and the gamma energy in his body has been completely absorbed by Su Yi.

"I have absorbed all the gamma energy in your body."

Bruce was a little excited, excited.

Moreover, with such mood swings, there is no feeling of transforming at all.

The more Bruce thought about it, the more excited he became, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

For so many years, hiding in Tibet, I didn't even dare to get too emotional.

Once the heart beats fast, it is possible to transform.

But now, he can laugh wantonly, get excited at will, and don't have to worry about the danger of transforming.

"Thank you."

"I guess I don't have to worry about Hulk's personality."

Bruce is relaxed, has begun to fantasize about returning to normal, and started dating Betty.

Now, the matter of the abomination and the green titan is settled, and it's time to go back.

"It seems that there is no need to trouble the Ancient One magician."

Ancient One magician didn't care, "Since this is the case, I think, I can leave."

Su Yi nodded, "It's time to go out, but besides them, there is another person who must be dealt with."

Tony was a little puzzled, "Who else? General Ross?"

"It's not him, but Mr. Lan who helped Dr. Banner. He may also be affected by the blood containing gamma energy, and it is very likely that he will become a dangerous person."

Bruce didn't quite believe it, "Impossible, he is a good man and helped me purify the gamma energy."

"I'm not sure either, let's go and have a look first."

Su Yi handed Braunsky to Peter and Tony and asked them to leave Braunsky to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then he and Gwen took Dr. Banner to find Mr. Lan.

Under the leadership of Bruce, they came to Mr. Lan's laboratory.

Mr. Lan was still in a coma. After Bruce noticed Mr. Lan, he immediately ran over to check.

"It's still alive, it's just his head."

When the hatred transformed, he accidentally pushed down Mr. Lan.

Mr. Lan bumped his head against the experimental equipment and injured his forehead.

Just in time, the blood containing gamma energy dripped on the wound.

Mr. Lan's brain hasn't started to expand yet, but it should have been corroded by gamma energy.

"He was corrupted by gamma energy."

Su Yi hastily absorbed the gamma energy, but the impact has already been produced and cannot be reversed.

Whether this Mr. Lan will transform into a leader in the future is still hard to say.

As for the blood containing gamma energy, it cannot be kept and must be completely destroyed.

"Banner has become an ordinary person, and the abomination has lost its gamma energy."

"The head has been affected by gamma energy and must be disposed of!"

Su Yi chose to borrow the horse charm again to help Mr. Lan eliminate the influence of gamma energy.

Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and never suffer from future troubles!

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