The teleportation channel opened, Thanos gave an order, and the Chitauri vanguard drove the battleship and flew towards the channel.

Battleships passed through the channel and came to Midgard.

And in front of these battleships are the long-awaited superheroes.

Thor Thor, Human Torch Johnny, Iron Man Tony, Captain Marvel Carol, and Su Yi have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Carol looked at these battleships, couldn't help breaking up, turned into a colorful streamer and rushed towards the battleships.

Relying on his super physical fitness, Carol planned to dismantle the battleship with his bare hands.

I saw Carol crash into a battleship, and within a second, flew out from the other side.

This has not completely destroyed the battleship, and Carol continued to fly back and forth.

After a few back and forth, Carol completed the feat of dismantling the warship with his bare hands.

Several people watched Carol's operation with different expressions.

Thor was very happy, "I like her character, so I went too!"

Human Torch John saw Carol do this, stole the limelight, and decided to show off his Ability.

It is unreasonable for his own ability to be worse than Carol's.

Only Tony, still complaining.

"She just demolished a warship? This is too barbaric. Is this still human?"

Tony was speechless, and now a random person popped up, it was so outrageous.

If you let yourself build such a warship, it will take a lot of time.

However, in just a few seconds, it was directly torn apart by Carol.

As far as the ability to dismantle warships is concerned, it is no worse than the legendary Huskies.

Soon, Su Yi and Tony also joined the battleship demolition team.

The strongest ones are definitely Su Yi, Carol and Thor.

Although Tony's steel armor is powerful, in fact, it doesn't have too much firepower.

The strongest weapons, that is, palm guns and some small missiles, have limited power.

Johnny's flame attack also takes a little time to take effect, so its destructive power is relatively limited.

It doesn't mean that a hole can be melted directly by firing flames directly.

A group of several people in the air quickly cleared the battlefield.

The superpowers from all directions on the island watched the battle in the sky, and for a while, they didn't know how to complain.

Peter stood on a tree, watching the battle in the sky, and couldn't help exclaiming, "This is so cool, she actually crashed a battleship directly, it's just amazing."

Wolverine was doing nothing, smoking a cigar, "It looks like we have nothing to do."

Only Steve knows that this is only temporary.

In the future, more and more warships will surely pour in.

At that time, no matter how powerful Su Yi and Carol are, they will not be able to stop all the battleships.

"Everyone, don't relax your vigilance. More and more warships will definitely arrive in the future."

Sure enough, as soon as Steve finished speaking, the giant mechanical kun swam out from the transmission channel.

This giant mechanical kun is huge, more than ten times larger than the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D.

With such a powerful thing, Tony's palm cannon hit him, but there was no reaction at all.

"Oh, what is this?"

Without waiting for Carol, Johnny knew that his acting opportunity had come, and rushed over immediately.


Burning with flames, Johnny rushed in front of the giant mechanical kun, and continued to release his energy, trying to melt the giant mechanical kun.

However, the powerful force of the mechanical giant is also pushing Johnny to move forward.

Not only that, but also launched a lot of weapons.

Even, many Zeta Swiss soldiers landed on the island from the giant mechanical kun with ropes.

When the Zeta Swiss soldiers landed, the superpowers on the island knew that their mission was coming.

One by one, they were ready and started fighting.

The battle has begun on the ground, and the battle in the air has also entered a fever pitch.

More and more mechanical giants came to this world from the transmission channel, Su Yi and Carol, it will take a little time to deal with these mechanical giants.

Su Yi's full firepower, coupled with 7 times the strength of Qilin's arm.

Su Yi directly punched the mechanical giant kun, destroying half of the mechanical giant kun's body with one punch.

Achieved, one punch instant kill!

Carol saw that Su Yi punched the giant mechanical kun in seconds, and became more interested in Su Yi.

However, now is not the time.

Carol flew towards the latest mechanical giant kun, wanting to demolish the mechanical giant kun in the same way as a warship.

Unexpectedly, this thing is actually stronger and tougher than a battleship.

Carol can only choose to use strength to destroy it.

With one impact, the mechanical giant Kun was knocked back.

If it wasn't enough, Carol quickly retreated and tried again.

After hitting again and again, finally, Carol also wiped out a giant mechanical kun.

Thor was not to be outdone, and summoned the power of thunder to match his own power, and Thor came.

Thor's power at this moment is still stronger than Storm's thunder power.

Storm also felt the existence of Thor Thor, but he didn't expect someone to be more powerful than the Thunder he controlled.

Ten minutes had passed since the teleportation passage, and a large pile of scrapped warships and spaceships had piled up near the teleportation passage, as well as several huge mechanical giants lying there.

Fortunately, it is on this empty island. If it were in a city, several streets would have been destroyed long ago.


The battle became more and more intense, and there were more and more Zeta Swiss soldiers on the ground.

There are also several spaceships, and some aliens driving Flight boats, wanting to fly away from the island.

However, on the outskirts of the island, S.H.I.E.L.D's fighter planes and space carriers have been waiting for a long time.

Hill agent watched the flying ship and immediately reported to Nick.

"Nick, it's time to strike."

Nick returned to his original nature, "It's time for these aliens to know how powerful we are."

With Nick's order, many fighter planes took off from the space carrier and began to confront the outer spaceship.

The battle has erupted in full swing, and Chitauri's vanguard has encountered strong resistance on the island.

In space, Thanos and others don't know how the battle is going.

It's just that I received a message that there was an ambush in Midgard, and many people were sent to stop it, causing a lot of damage.

However, Thanos didn't care.

It was originally for these cannon fodder to try and test the strength of Midgard, so if you die, you will die.

"Great Lord Thanos, the Chitauri's vanguard seems to have been blocked, shall we send more men to help?"

"No, now is not the time."

The Chitauri army constantly poured into Midgard through the teleportation channel.

The battle situation is also extremely anxious, after all, Chitauri still has a lot of warships.

Seeing the mountains of wreckage piled up under his feet, Su Yi realized one thing, he had to find a way to expand the battlefield.

"Carol, Thor, come with me, we will go to the universe!"

Tony couldn't help but exclaimed, "What? Are you crazy?"

Carol was extremely excited, "I have had such an idea for a long time."

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