I'm In Marvel, Intercept Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 271 Hydra's Response

Rumlow's pursuit failed, and Steve fled for good.

Not only that, their Winter Soldier was also taken away by Steve.

Alexander was very angry when he heard the report.

I lost my wife and lost my army!

Not to mention the failure of the plan, one of his trump cards, the Winter Soldier, was also taken away by Steve.

The top priority now is to see the possibility of the plan being destroyed.

According to Steve, Steve will expose the insight plan, which will definitely arouse opposition from many citizens.

Moreover, Alexander vaguely felt that all this should be Nick Fury's plan.

Nick Fury was brought out by himself, and Alexander still can't see it at the moment, that means there is a problem with his IQ.

"Nick Fury, is this your plan?"

"Stop me by exposing the insight plan? Is this method too simple?"

"How much do you really know?"

Alexander wasn't sure how much Nick Fury knew, and could only assume the worst.

Let's say Nick Fury knows he's HYDRA and deals with it.

After thinking about it for a while, Alexander made a decision to act first.

Let's take a look back first, and then, see the plan in advance again.

As long as the insight plan is successful, all those who stop HYDRA can be wiped out.

Alexander made a new plan and acted immediately.

It's a new day, and before Nick Fury can make a move, Alexander's is already in motion.

Several MPs were contacted and the news that "Nick Fury is HYDRA" was immediately reported.

Members were shocked when the news came out.

HYDRA, which was wiped out a long time ago, has revived!

Not only that, SHIELD Director is also a member of HYDRA?

Even, HYDRA secretly brainwashed Captain Steve, turning Captain Liberty into Captain HYDRA!

This news is too shocking.

The congressmen were extremely shocked, so shocked that they panicked.

I can only trust Alexander and give Alexander the task of eliminating HYDRA.

Alexander took the opportunity to point out the insight plan, which was the key factor to discover HYDRA, and took this opportunity to force the insight plan in advance.

Those frightened congressmen agreed to Alexander's plan without any hesitation.

The first step of the plan is successful, and then the second step.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D, there are people who have publicly disclosed that Nick Fury and Steve are HYDRA.

Although some people will not believe it, it doesn't matter.

Alexander is now backed by MPs, representing justice.

Nick Fury and Steve were directly labeled, and they couldn't take them off even if they wanted to.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D, many agents found it unbelievable.

It's unbelievable that the director general has turned traitor.

Although most people are still skeptical, under the influence of Rumlow and other real HYDRA people, some people believe in this fact.

"Director Nick is actually from HYDRA, isn't it possible?"

"Hasn't HYDRA been wiped out long ago?"

"The captain actually betrayed, how is this possible?"

"It's just crazy."

"The captain is wanted."

Every member of S.H.I.E.L.D was shocked. Faced with such a drastic change, they were also dazzled, unable to tell the truth from the fake.


On the other side, Natasha Romanoff and Sharon came to the secret base together, ready to continue the next mission.

Seeing Nick Fury, Su Yi couldn't help joking, "Congratulations, Director of HYDRA, and Captain of HYDRA, you are already wanted."

Nick Fury didn't panic at all, everything was pretty much as he expected.

Only by hiding it and letting Alexander can't wait to promote the insight plan, will he have a chance.

Natasha Romanoff also asked curiously, "What shall we do next?"

Nick Fury had a plan in mind.

"Natasha Romanoff, take it easy. Your mission is to infiltrate in disguise."

Natasha Romanoff was extremely confident when she heard about her mission.

This was originally his strong point, especially after obtaining the spell, it was even more incomprehensible.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Nick Fury continued to arrange tasks for others.

The purpose of Steve and others is naturally to stop Alexander head-on.

Su Yi's task is even simpler. On the premise of not destroying the aircraft carrier, prevent the aircraft carrier from taking off and prevent the implementation of the insight plan.

After waiting for Nick Fury to assign the task, Steve said, "I think everyone has the right to know the truth about the insight plan. I plan to expose the insight plan. Nick Fury, what do you think?"

Nick Fury didn't object.

"In this way, it can indeed disrupt Alexander's plan, so that they have to find a way to deal with it."

After getting support, Su Yi suggested, "Steve, you can record a video to reveal the truth of the insight plan to everyone, and just ask Tony to help promote it."

"good idea."

With that said, Steve started recording the video.

Natasha Romanoff has a new target, Bucky the Winter Soldier.

Natasha Romanoff had previously fought the Winter Soldier, left her with a scar and could no longer wear a bikini.

Fortunately, after obtaining the charm, the scar has completely recovered, and there is no trace of it anymore.

"I didn't expect the Winter Soldier to be Bucky."

Su Yi also lamented, "One became a hero admired by thousands of people, but the other was dragged into the abyss."

"I heard he was brainwashed, can you do anything?"

"I can help him retrieve some memories, but it should take him a while to recognize himself."

"What's more, there is still a possibility that he will be brainwashed again."

Su Yi doesn't understand the Forgetting Curse, and she doesn't want to open up parallel spaces inexplicably.

If you can use Mind Gem, it should help.

However, Loki returned to Asgard with a psychic scepter.

Natasha Romanoff said, "He is a hero and at the same time, a man of HYDRA."

"At that time, his situation will be even more difficult."

Steve and I suggested that after Bucky is cured, send Bucky to a remote place and let Bucky live in peace.

"This is also a good way."

Steve quickly recorded a video and played it completely live.

Not only did it explain the truth about the insight plan, but it also inspired some people to oppose the insight plan together.

Su Yi and Natasha Romanoff were amazed after watching Steve's performance.

After receiving the video, Su Yi sent a copy to the newspaper and another copy to Tony.

Later, the newspaper and Tony played Steve's video and spread it.

You know, Steve is the idol of many people and the spiritual pillar.

However, it never occurred to me that Steve became a member of HYDRA.

Now, to see Steve come forward to clarify, to hear Steve speak about freedom, is thrilling.

"I will always trust the captain!"


"It turns out that Alexander is from HYDRA."

"Oh my god, HYDRA actually exists, it's just too scary."

"Steve is HYDRA, and Project Insight is here to protect us!"

"He is wanted, he must be a bad guy!"

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