Chapter 408

Leicai Village stood quietly at the highest point of Rain Shinobi Village, looking down at the entire Rain Shinobi Village with an expressionless face.

“Translation-Comment-The cold wind, blowing through Perth’s clothes, and the cold rain, falling on Perth’s clothes, forming a small water column, slowly flowing down.


Payne Rinnegan squinted sharply. “Perth, what happened?”

Perceiving Perth’s abnormality, Konan next to Penn asked.

“I found a foreign Chakra, is it an intruder? The incoming Chakra is very strong.

Xinsi made the seal with one hand, felt it a bit, and said faintly Yuhu Zizi Technique!

In the learning control of Perth, everything in Rain Shinobi Village is actually wrapped in Chakra of Nagato. No matter what happens in Rain Shinobi Village, he will be as if it is like this. ? Then I’ll go check it out.

Konan said with a blank face, and it happened that her current mood was also inexplicably irritable.

“Jung Jung-Jung Konan’s words fell, her whole body, turned into pieces of paper, flying all over the sky, flying towards the anomalous place that Penn found

“Toad flat shadow controls the Technique! Successfully sneaked in!” An ordinary dressed Rain Shinobi seems to walk on the street opposite Rain Shinobi with a normal face, but in fact, this Rain Shinobi has been touched by Jiraiya. The flat shadow controls the technique, and Jiraiya itself turns into a shadow, and the shadow of this Rain Shinobi is re-manipulated as if this Rain Shinobi’s actions were all right.

This technique is similar to the shadow imitation technique of the Nara clan. “If this is the case, shouldn’t it be discovered?” Jiraiya thought to himself, in the shadow, observing everything in Rain Shinobi Village.

But what Jiraiya didn’t know was that he had a pair of dark eyes, watching him quietly as sheets of paper were flying all over the sky, and gradually gathered towards the tallest building in Rain Shinobi Village and went far away, the paper spilled out of the sky. Gathering beside Payne, Konan’s pretty figure reappeared.

“How is it? Who is it?” On the rooftop at this time, Heavenly Dao Payne has disappeared. Standing here is the Animal Dao Payne, looking at the reappearing Konan, Haotian asked with conviction.

Yes, Mr. Jiraiya.

Bao Embroidered said.

Konan paused, please.

“Ms. Jiraiya? Those times are really nostalgic.

Cattle Road slowly Yitou, the rain poured over his face, and murmured expressionlessly-what shall we do?

Looking at the expressionless Tao Sheng Dao, Konan’s beautiful eyes flashed, and he asked, “Of course I killed him. Now, there is nothing to miss for the past. In order to kill the invaders, I specialize. Take out the animal road.

And Jiraiya came here, based on my understanding of his character, he should be trying to solve the matter here by himself, Qimu Youyu, shouldn’t know the matter here, I want to solve Jiraiya completely here.

Said the cow with a sincere love.

“Then, before the Brutal Dao arrives, I will fight him first, and that’s the case, and finally call for a marsh call.

Konan’s eyes danced a little, and he said blankly.

She has some answers, and she wants to find it in the hands of Teacher Jiraiya.

Rain Shinobi, who was controlled by Jiraiya, was walking in a building at this moment, and suddenly raised his head “Oh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) With a whistling sound, the Rain Shinobi swept toward him. Without the slightest resistance, he was completely wrapped in countless papers and lost his voice.

But the storm formed by the paper tape did not stop in the slightest, and moved towards the continued wrapping behind this Rain Shinobi. The real goal of the paper is the shadow!

“Xiao Qing-Yan Dan!

The figure of Jiraiya slowly rises from the shadow of this Rain Shinobi, the whole person is like a piece of paper.

Without the slightest pause, Jiraiya’s hands were sealed, and a terrifying flame was violently expelled.

The flames turned into a huge fireball, burning the sky full of paper to ashes!

Konan dodged, avoiding the roaring fireball.

“Hu originally wanted to catch the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Perth, unexpectedly, first of all, you appeared first.

Your technique has made great progress, and you can detect my toad flat shadow manipulation Technique.

Besides, it has become feminine, Konan.

, Chuckled lightly, Jiraiya looked at the familiar figure with a smile on his face slowly, the moment he saw Konan, all his guesses were confirmed!

Now the three leaders of Akatsuki’s organization are the three disciples he taught to have children of Sage of Six Paths Rinnegan, who he once thought were the children of prophecy. At this moment, Jiraiya didn’t know how he was feeling.

There is both the joy of seeing Xiri’s disciples, and the unknown melancholy.

Why, his three disciples, those three children who yearn for peace, become what they are now?

Looking at him without expression, Konan looked cold and unhuman, Jiraiya was speechless for a long time.

“This guy is an intruder! Lord Angel, quickly kill him.

At this moment, his freedom was restored. As soon as Jiraiya appeared, Bao Qiu’s papers spread out. The ninja controlled by Jiraiya’s toad flat shadow control Technique. Konan was expressionless and didn’t glance at this person, faint. It was said that the indifferent pieces of paper appeared out of thin air, and turned into a torrent of pieces of paper to gather behind Konan. Gradually, a paper wing like the legendary angel Yujia appeared behind Konan.

, Even an angel? !

“For you like this, Jiraiya looked at Konan, his eyes flashed with regret, and shouted loudly.

“Is it an angel? My task now is to kill you, sir.” Konan looked at Jiraiya’s eyes, flashing a trace of imperceptible fluctuations and said with a thousand expressions, “Yuan Linlou

The angelic Yujia fanned slightly, and immediately, countless papers, like the sharpest blades, turned into a torrent, and just shot at Jiraiya. “Cannot be planted! Gift!

“Ding! Dang!” Jiraiya saw this, flashed, and escaped the storm of blades made of paper.

Countless paper knives fell on the ground, making sharp screams.

This paper knife that looks harmless to humans and animals is actually more terrifying than shuriken “How to endure-clam fucking oil bomb!” Jiraiya caught Konan’s mistake without hesitation, and suddenly spit out a lot of it. Among the sacred toad oil, Konan’s figure was completely wet with toad oil.

Konan squinted his beautiful eyes with expressionlessly, and displayed the paper clone Technique, but at this moment, Konan was already soaked in toad oil, and couldn’t perform the paper clone Technique “Forbearance! Random lion hair technique!” Jiraiya had a different head and a white head. The hair turned into a whip shadow, firmly restraining Konan, “I was soaked in clams and other oils, but it can’t be turned into paper. Your skills are all done under my guidance. Konan Jiraiya doesn’t seem to be able to Konan’s mouth curled slightly as he moved, recalling the years when Yuri guided Konan’s practice.

It was as if Konan dazzled him and easily saw through his bag-sharing control Technique.

Jiraiya knows Konan better. After all, Konan has grown from an ordinary girl with no power to become a powerful ninja. It is all his thousand derivations relative to Konan’s various weaknesses in ninjutsu, and he is also It’s clear.

“What about Yahiko and Nagato?! The news that they both died is also fake? They are also organized by Akatsuki now!

Jiraiya looked at Konan, who was restrained by himself, and suddenly asked, “Why do you still appear in front of us?

When Konan heard these two names from Jiraiya’s mouth, a trace of hidden pain and anger flashed through his beautiful eyes, and said with a blank expression that you are “Akatsuki… This time when you are in front of you, it is true. Something is wrong, but, who is the leader of Akatsuki organization, Payne? Which one of them is Nagato and Yahiko?

Bai Feng also looked at Konan Li Konan’s question with a face of expression, and said, “Nong does not care about your affairs, Konan Zhangying said.

“After that, what happened?!” Jiraiya looked at her expressionlessly, as if Konan had no emotions, and said regretfully.

Konan, who answered the scriptures, is not what he is now!

Konan at the time, loves to laugh, ten kinds of dears who like to fold paper flowers: full of hope for life, but what about Konan now? With his perception, Zhang Ran couldn’t perceive the slightest mood swing in Konan. It was like a machine without any emotions. At this moment, Jiraiya suddenly remembered that the Rain Shinobi he controlled before, called Guan Jia for Konan. High above, it is a product of myth.

, The Scripture does not have the things that humans should have, it is a more advanced life than humans! However, then the three of us have already been killed, and there will be no such things today.

“I regret that the teacher’s injury is not drought? If you didn’t stop Orochimaru from looking at Jiraiya’s clothes, your eyes darkened with regret, and you didn’t answer Jiraiya’s question, but instead asked indifferently. You never stopped paying attention to you. I have heard a lot of news one after another. I have regretted it. After I left, Rain Shinobi was right in many disturbances. You have also lost your fame.

But afterwards, there were rumors that the organization you created, Wei Mie, was also alive and dead.

, Ten eggs telling Jiraiya heard Konan’s question, “Teacher, you don’t even know what happened to us afterwards.

Konan suddenly interrupted Jiraiya’s questioning, and said coldly, “I really don’t know what happened, but now Akatsuki, everything you did is wrong!

Fifth, the Qi Da chase order has been launched, and the target is your entire Xiao, now it’s still too late to look back!

Jiraiya looked at Konan and persuaded loudly.

“Don’t talk to yourself here, Mr. Jiraiya’s unsentimental voice sounded, and a figure appeared on the high wall, looking at Jiraiya indifferently. “It’s been a long time, Mr. Jiraiya.”

Beast Dao looked at Jiraiya indifferently, Rinnegan squinted and spoke lightly.

“Reincarnation suit really looks at Jiraiya, who came from here, looking up. After seeing the figure of the artist, Jiraiya’s eyes flashed for a while, although his appearance has changed, but those eyes, the legendary Sage of The legendary eyes that Six Paths have, Rinnegan, can’t be wrong, they have terrible eyes!

Since the Dao Immortal, only his disciple, “Nagato, what happened to the cow? How did you become like this?! What are you doing?! A trace of regret flashed, looking at Xi Ri most proudly, thinking that he was the disciple of the prophecy who could change the world of Ninja and bring changes to the world of Ninja The peace Xiao organization in the world has brought countless turbulences to the Ninja world in the past few years!

How can this not let Jiraiya regret it?

These things are not what you should know about the teacher, you are just an outsider.

The beast said lightly.

You have changed, Nagato.

Jiraiya fell into a deep silence when he heard this, and finally sighed and said.

“Don’t you also change? Teacher Jiraiya, you have become the minion of Qimu Youyu. Look at the current Ninja world. Youyu Qimu sits high on the throne above the sky, and the whole Ninja world is eagerly behind him. At his feet, as long as the Shinobu village and the country that violated his will, they all perished miserably.

, Even became a part of the sharp blade in Qimu Youyu’s hand, and became the Ichiro’s point of the supreme throne of him.

You didn’t stop all of this, did you? Teacher Jiraiya!

The cattle opened his hands. Loudly shouted “The throne will be overthrown! The god of the world, only one is needed!”

The cattle road issued a divine prophecy, “The god you are talking about, guide you to sing?

At this time, Jiraiya suddenly became expressionless, “Don’t be kidding!!! Nagato!!!”, and roared extremely angry. Suddenly, Jiraiya suddenly looked up. This is the first time Jiraiya came here and was irritated!

“Youyu’s greatness, can you understand it now? Let me teach you a good lesson!

“Must follow-female bath bomb kill!” Jiraiya roared, his hands quickly sealed, and a huge amount of flame was ejected to reward sharing and reporting

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