Chapter 421

Konoha, in Youyu’s mansion, Youyu, interrogation, interrogation is unnecessary, right?

The injured Jiraiya’s face was covered with black and purple, which was caused by Orochimaru’s snake venom.

Jiraiya was panting, rubbing his hands, with a flattering smile.

Youyu’s interrogation method, is he still not sure about Jiraiya? !

Which Shinobi Village is the most terrifying. When it comes to the entire Shinobi world, it is the Cloud Shinobi Village with strong folk customs? Is it Sunagakure in the desert? Or is there a Kirigakure from the blood fog era?

Not at all! The most terrifying thing in the entire Ninja Interrogation is Konoha!

Daye’s Jiejian has a great reputation in the Ninja world!

There is a Ninja world, and there is a saying that as long as you enter the Konoha torture department, you can be tortured even if you were wetting the bed when you were a child!

And in Konoha, who is the most terrifying method of interrogation?

Is it the head of the torture department?

No 1 is Youyu!

Youyu’s method, that is to make Nine Tails and other six big-tailed beasts, all in front of Youyu until now, very well-behaved, Youyu said east, these six-tailed beasts will never go west!

Youyu said catch the chicken! No matter how big and hard the physique is, these six tail Lus are so good at catching chickens!

At that time, they saw several terrifying behemoths with a height of 100 meters, and they were able to grasp a chicken lightly without any damage. That really refreshed their understanding!

Let’s talk about the means to people!

Group planting! The darkness of Konoha once!

There are some aspects of Konoha, which can be described by covering the sky with one hand, with great power but against Youyu.

Jian Yu has become a role model for good employees!

The current Danzo, that is really hard work, “four or four zero”, no complaints, quick work!

Even the tail beast and Danzo can’t bear Youyu’s methods, let alone his delicate disciple!

Konan looked at the picture of Teacher Jiraiya and felt a little panic.

Reminiscent of the brutal character of this man, her pretty face turned pale even after being interrogated, she was not afraid!

As a ninja, he had already realized that he couldn’t, and he would die in the end!

But it’s really true that Dacha came into Qimu Youyu’s hands. It’s impossible to die!

, Qi Mu Youyu can let go of violence! Don’t worry about the consequences, watch the wheel Revolving Heaven’s Health Technique is broken in your hand? It’s resurrected by the technique.

Xu, based on Konan’s current psychological quality, couldn’t help but make a cold forehead: He went to the other place where he apologized for the ship, plus Mr. Jiraiya’s miserable appearance, he kept begging her for pity. , Obviously knowing some, Qimu Youyu Yuxun’s methods made Konan feel a little hairy.

“The wayward make-up knelt down and repented.

Youyu looked at Jiraiya, grinned, and kicked him to the side.

“Snake player, wait until this bastard dies before telling me.

Youyu said to Orochimaru who was aside.

Jiraiya, this bastard, this time so many people worry, must be fined.

As for torture? Anyway, there are more things like Orochimaru and Jiraiya, these two bastards have not stunned, but the relationship has become better, “Yang Bai, I will watch him die.

With a hint of a Shanghainese smile, looking at Jiraiya, he made a strange laugh.

Orochimaru’s throat hoarse, revealing-721! !

When Konan heard this, he slapped a cold forehead to listen! Is this what people said? !

Waiting for Jiraiya teacher to breathe, come to him and see Orochimaru this familiar look, obviously this is not the first time!

What will she suffer after a while?

“Is the self-interview room ready?” Youyu looked at Tsunade who was coming in the distance, and said.

“It’s all ready.

Renshou heard the words and responded with a smile, and then gave Konan a letter of sympathy, unforgettable memory… She also tasted it, just a paragraph, saw the leader His expression, Konan was almost crying right now, what the hell is going on? !

Why does Tsunade look at her like this? !

What is the most terrible unknown thing is the most terrible!

But Konan has no possibility of resisting, he can only quietly follow Youyu behind him and walk away.

Yes, Qimu Youyu’s mansion in the distance is too big!

Youyu stopped suddenly, and showed a smile at Konan with a smile that was not a smile. The new nutrition light specializes in sending off the disease-Fangmen Road moving towards the sea, behind the gate of Ning Er Haisi, the junior high-level supervisor, What will it be?

Is it a torture instrument full of the room? Or the deadliest hit?

But no matter what it is, behind this door, I am afraid it is hell!

“Little girl, I hope you can choose a bit longer than before, with a slightly scared expression, and then said with a smile but a smile. Tsunade looked at Konan’s expression, showing a touch of nostalgia?!

Think of it at the beginning.

Konan wants to cry without tears, but you are finished!

Talking like this is the scariest thing, okay?

But just after Xinlin’s time, Konan quickly adjusted her mentality. Originally, she didn’t come to Konoha to enjoy her luck, she was already mentally prepared!

But after experiencing so many storms and waves this year, in her heart, the star is as hard as steel!

Had it not been for Qimu Youyu’s methods to be too excessive, she wouldn’t lose her temper frequently.

Be sure to be a partner!

Although she has already apologized to Teacher Jiraiya, and hopes to find some answers from Konoha.

However, she could not say a word about the information of Panenheshu’s organization!

Because of this Guanping, Nagato’s life!

One more piece of information, Nagato might be dangerous.

Although with Qimu Youyu’s means and strength, if Nagato really comes to Konoha, the probability of going out alive is almost negligible. However, one more point is possible, and it is always good. What should I do? I guess this little prisoner. , Just one day, You Yu waved to the Gangshou people and said.

“Let’s go, little captive, I hope you can wave it again and let me enjoy it.

Youyu looked at Konan, grinning.

What he said made Konan pale.

“Kabin—Da—” Seeing the slowly opening door, Konan stepped into it with a mortal heart.

When she stepped into this gate, she considered herself dead! ! !

This is the door, which was closed ruthlessly, but Konan’s eyes widened and he looked at the room in disbelief.

There are various penalties in the donation and exemption, and there is no fatal poison in the imagination.

This room is very gorgeous.

, There are also various rare treasures on display!

The carpets of famous names, the gorgeous murals, and the gorgeous wine cabinets with beautiful lights. In the wine cabinet, bottles of fine wine are displayed here. It is not like an interrogation room at all, but rather like an interrogation room. One of the best hospitality rooms is unusual! It’s not unusual to throw it away!

Konan stared at all this dumbfounded.

Youyu pulled Konan over, pressed it on the chair, and grinned.

What are you doing? Regarding intelligence, I can’t say a word!

Konan said rather unyieldingly, “Oh? It’s very polite.

Youyu looked at Konan’s expression and gave a smirk.

I, I, I can resist beating.

Sentence wolf reading Konan held back for a long time, and then it was difficult to release that it was not that she could not speak cruel words, but that the person in front of him was Qimu Youyu’s chest!

Even Nine Tails, in front of it, are more clever than Anwu!

A beast with the strongest tail in the Ninja world, capable of destroying a country’s natural disasters, is training hard while running. How to prevent its back from bumping is outrageous! The key is, really practiced!

This is, I haven’t succumbed to Uchiha Madara’s natural disasters!

Konan couldn’t even imagine what happened to Nine Tails under Qimu Youyu’s hands, “Haha—resistance? Such a low-level interrogation method, would I use it?

Youyu looked at Konan and laughed.

After all, Youyu slapped a few bottles of good wine on the table.

“Come on, drink with me! After drinking it, I won’t ask you for information, if you don’t drink well, Youyu grinned.

Konan glanced at the wine full of wine, and the corner of his eyes jumped.

She is still a bit dry now.

Pregnant? !

Jiezi’s swan’s fat neck moved slightly, swallowed, and then gritted its teeth abruptly.

Is it! She is not even afraid of death! What is drinking? !

And to be honest, whether you can survive Qimu Youyu’s unknown means that is enough to make Nine Tails surrender, Konan has no confidence in his mind. He wants to say that he is strong in his heart.

Then Nine Tails has lived as a monster for not knowing how many years: Isn’t my heart stronger? !

Can she hold it even if Jiuxing can’t carry it?

In this way, it is better to drink with Qimu Youyu!

If Konan knew that the original Tsunade had made a bet with Youyu and sang to the point where he wanted to run away with buckets, he wouldn’t think so. “Come on, let’s have a good drink.”

Youyu looked at Konan, laughed loudly and said, “– shout–”

With a breath, Youyu poured a whole bottle of wine into his stomach and drank a refreshing drink.

“If I get in the way, you can drink as much as you want, one drop less, you should know the end.

Youyu laughed loudly.

Konan watched Youyu drink like water, swallowed fiercely, and then his beautiful eyes filled with a ruthless look, then he picked up the wine bottle and started to “tons and tons”. Drink it, Konan is already staring at Venus and looking at Yu’s table, there are two more empty wines!

But what made her extremely desperate was “Jie Ruo! Are you raising fish?! Zhang Du and Bu!”

Yu Yu said cursingly, then opened a glass of wine, and drank it. Konan was sour, even peanuts would work!

She wanted to say, can you order some dishes.

Just drinking like this, she really couldn’t help her, her breast pocket turned around a bit, but when she thought of the consequences of her not drinking, she gritted her silver teeth, picked up a bottle of wine fiercely, and poured it into her own mouth. .

“Um-bang!” I don’t know how much I drank, Konan just felt the sky spin, and then his head fell on the table.

“Mouth, so useless eyes? Let me help you.

Youyu looked at Konan who was unconscious and grinned. At this time, Konan’s world was completely dark, but the paint was in the middle, and it seemed that the whole world was turning around.

She is like a fan boat in a vortex, constantly spinning, spinning…

This kind of taste made Konan uncomfortable 5.3 and wanted to open his eyes, but his heavy eyes could not be opened. At this moment, a burst of mysterious light of self-color descended on Konan in this dark world, slowly He opened Meiku and saw Youyu’s smile.

I moved my body a little, but found that some parts of the body didn’t belong to me. She was in a state where she was drunk, but she hadn’t been completely drunk.

However, the uncomfortable stomach and brain made Konan’s beauty filled with a morbid ruddy. “Don’t stop, continue drinking!” Youyu looked at Xiao Zhi like this, and laughed at Tsunade, the strongest in the world. The medical ninja did not survive the cheating method.

Konan, that’s nothing to say!

With Konan’s horrified expression, a wine bottle was pushed into her red lips.

Then, fainted again and passed me, I’m dying

I don’t know how many times it was repeated, Konan let out a desperate cry. She really couldn’t stand it!

“I…I said! You…want to know what I said! I do everything you want me to do! Don’t let me drink.

Konan said pleadingly with his tongue out.

Seeing the wine close at hand, Konan shivered severely.

Wine! It’s terrible!

When Youyu heard Konan say this, he smirked.

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