Chapter 425

“Boom-the magnificent Konoha gate, there are constant surgings of vehicles and pedestrians. What’s different from the past is that almost all vehicles and pedestrians left from Konoha this time.” Must leave Konoha before tonight.

, From tomorrow, Konoha will be completely closed!

Qi Da has words and orders, and manages the orderly departure of the crowd.

There are dozens of Konoha Shinobi dressed as Jōnin at various points. I took my luggage and went to the Konoha layman-all the pedestrians didn’t complain. Master Qimu Youyu, the people of Akatsuki should be executed. .

Akatsuki, this name that is very unfamiliar in Konoha, has been thoroughly known to everyone.

, A terrifying terrorist organization in the ninja world.

It was against this organization’s previous Qimu Youyu Master Qimu’s order to kill him. At present, Qimu Youyu must publicly execute one of the members of this organization.

The Akatsuki organization is likely to come to teach and aid.

Daye is about to become a battlefield.

Qi Mu Youyu-sama asked them to leave Konoha at this time, of course, to protect their lives.

, In this case, it is only their self-comfort.

Even if they worry about Konoha becoming a battlefield, are their assets in Konoha safe?

Qi Mu Youyu-sama’s command, in Konoha, in the Ninja World, that is the sky.

It must be an absolute obedience,

After giving them some comfort, they left Konoha quickly and left the Naruto Building and the Naruto Office. At this time, Youyu, Tsunade, Yugan, Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Danzo and other top combat forces.

And Hong, Lin, Shizune are all gathered here.

The people of our village have also joined the trouble spot in an orderly manner.

“Master Youyu, the foreign population has been emptied. The person in charge of this clean empty Konoha mission, Uchiha Shisui, kneeled down respectfully and reported.

, Who is stronger, the guy Jin will come, let me see, after so many years, you two,-hey, very good, this time, as my capable subordinate, I am very optimistic about you. , Shisui Yo.

Youyu looked at Uchiha Shisui and said with interest, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Help, these two Wanhuajian Sharingan owners, who is stronger?

In this regard, Youyu is very interested.

Must live up to Youyu-sama’s expectations!

Bao Zhiliu Shisui heard this, especially when he heard Youyu’s powerful subordinates: Lai Shi had a look of excitement and respectfully said that this is Lord Youyu, and affirmed him!

, Quan Zhiye Road, although his friend was on the orders of Lord Youyu to organize the undercover thing, he had already learned about it from Quan Zhiye Fu Ill after opening Wanhua Jane Sharingan.

But knowing, good friends, good friends, good friends.

Since Lord Youyu wants to test the strength of him and the bear, and is optimistic about him, so he aspires to become the confidant of Lord Youyu, how can he let Lord Youyu disappoint Itachi? Brother can only be sorry for you!

Uchiyodo Shisui secretly said in his heart, and once again bowed to You with a respectful salute, and then stepped back.

, You Quan, you just pressed Uchiha Shisui, right?

Said the whole thing-Sarutobi beside him cut his eyes and watched Uchiha Shisui retreat,

With that said, put the bet cards with words in the column that Uchiha touched.

For the outcome of Uchiha lock and Uchiha Shisui, Youyu made a special offer.

Yes, “What’s the mess? Old man.

Youyu went up and held down his betting card and said cursingly.

After finishing speaking, he put his betting card on Uchiha Itachi’s name in such a quick motion that everyone present suddenly twitched their mouths.

Just now Youyu said that if you are optimistic about Uchiha Shisui, it seems that you are still in your ears. Youfeng backhanded Uchiha her. This contrast made everyone feel that the corners of their mouths twitched.

Youyu looked around and said angrily, but when the real money bet, he naturally pressed Uchiha Itachi to encourage Uchiha Shisui to encourage him, and that’s another story.

If Uchiha Shisui can use the “Distinguished Heavenly Gods” Yu Rongbo to hold it, it is hard to say that Bi Yu is the most powerful illusionist of all time and cannot reach out to Tian’s “Don’t Hand God”.

But Zao Bao Zhibo Shisui and Uchiha give hands to each other as best friends, and this is not a life and death. It is just a simple test. Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha cover, Bao Zhibo Shisui will naturally not use “Distinguished” Heavenly Gods”. Only the magic wood of Sharingan, its own Huotong and Susanoo.

Without Distinguished Heavenly Gods, Uchiha Shisui can use it. Chuang owns the “Tskuyomi” and “Amaterasu” two 10,000-flower Jane Sharingan skills, while Uchiha Sujingyue and Uchiha’s Susaku Nohu also owns the Shiquan Sword and the Yata Mirror. The god-tier device can also find out who is more dominant through the strength comparison on the paper.

I’m not stupid, how could they really bet Uchiha Shisui Sarutobi Hiruzen and others when they heard the words, they also pulled their mouths and then picked up the betting cards and pressed them against Uchiha Itachi, not stupid!

Judging from paper strength and past record, Uchiha Itachi is clearly better than Uchiha Shisui.

Among other things, Samsung was captured by Uchiha.

And that, it has been many years ago.

Uchiha Itachi’s strength, even if it is placed in Konoha, who is like a cloud of power today, besides Youyu, it is definitely the top combat power. Youyu frowned, with a terrifying aura, locked Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Orochimaru and others. The group of bastards actually crushed Uchiha Itachi.

All press Uchiha touch? So, whoever is going to pretend to be the slasher, Orochimaru and Jiraiya, they look ruthless, Youyu, do you want to be so cruel? !

Isn’t it just a simple bet? Do you want to lock them down with such a terrifying aura? !

And day, this is not for them to lose the code? !

Is there such a forcibly moisturizing? !

Where is this gambling game? This is obviously grabbing!

However, under the lock of Youyu’s horrible aura, Sarutobi and others, still looking stiff, placed their bets on Uchiha Shisui’s name, while the steel hand girls smiled and placed their bets. The card is placed on the name of Zhibo Itachi

“Very well, the gambling game is now complete. You have a good vision. I chose Shisui Youyu, my favorite, and laughed loudly.

Hearing this, the faces of No-fly Rixin and others turned green.

Are you optimistic? !

Are you so optimistic, why don’t you press it? !

After taking a few breaths, Sarutobi and others adjusted their mentality and returned to their normal state to lose some gambling, which would make Youyu happy, then lose.

Mouth beans are trivial matters. Compared with the upcoming public executions, the upcoming public executions are the most important thing to disclose the news of the foreign punishments. At present, it can be said that it is well known in the Shinobi world. Youyu also ordered to make a lot of money by buying status transfers. If something goes wrong, Konoha’s face will be thrown around the world for this public execution, Konoha The goal is simple!

That is the victory that must be kept!

All members of the recruiting organization will stay in Konoha forever!

Let the world know that the supreme throne is still unstoppable. “Master Youyu, Third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure, Fifth Mizukage of Zero Hidden Village, Fourth Raikage of Cloud Shinobi Village, Fourth Kazekage of Sunagakure, all arrived, I am in Mu Ten kilometers away from Yewai.

Hope to be summoned by you.

At this time, Kakashi’s figure appeared and respectfully said “Chen? Are you here? Tong Yao’s guest is here?

Youyu said, grinning.

“Let them come in. Youyu grinned and said, “Yes, Master with a word” to cheer up, hey, this is Master Youyu’s game. If it is screwed up, there will be no good fruit after returning home!

At this time, behind Konoha’s giant gate, rows of Konoha Jōnin were neatly arranged here.

At first glance, there are hundreds of people!

Hundreds of Jōnin exude a terrifying murderous air.

However, behind them, in front of the six behemoths of fear that are 100 meters high, they are indistinguishable, One Tail, Two Tails, Four Tails, Five Tails, Eight Tails, Nine Tails, these six The six-tailed beasts, known as the most terrifying natural disasters in the Ninja world, are like door gods. At this time, the building behind Konoha’s gate has moved out of a large area through Earth Style.

Here, it will be the battlefield!

The six big-tailed beasts stand in a row, and the terrifying aura is constantly emanating. The red Chakra has formed a wave of Chakra tides, which makes people fearful.

Nine Tails grinned and snarled at the Eight Tails.

“Smelly fox, you don’t need to talk too much. When the Akatsuki organization arrives, I Shouhe will blast them into pieces, and the stare dedicated to Youyu-sama Shouhe suddenly shrank, and I felt it in a sharp voice, the familiar Chakra, Really, it’s been a long time. “Let’s not talk about it yet, there is a deep color of nostalgia in Eight Tails’s bull’s eyes.

Although it’s so far away, the familiar Chakra can’t help.

“It’s coming soon, this one?

While leaping towards Konoha, he asked Ohnoki wearing Tsuchikage’s costume, “This is the Fifth Mizukage of our hidden village, Qing, who is next to Master Jia Meiming, said in a deep voice.

“Fifth Generation? I heard that your Fourth Mizukage was folded in the hands of Uchiha of Akatsuki?

-Fourth Raikage Ai, who is next to him, did not show any face to Lingyin Village and said.

But the body that keeps shaking forehead represents how excited he is next to him at this time. Killer Bee, who has always talked a lot, seemed a little silent at this time. The female’s words made Qing’s look extremely ugly. People don’t hit their faces, the bastard of Cloud Shinobi Village, he just drew your face when he came up, “Okay, everyone, Konoha, here!”, interrupted in a deep voice, looking into the distance, with a touch of shock in his eyes.

Luo Sha, who looks like a fan of the wind and shadow,. There was also a touch of three leaning on the side of the meeting, Hakura Chiyo, Ebizō, silently galloping towards Konoha, in their eyes, “This is it. Konoha?

Li Meiming looked at the majestic giant door slowly appearing in the distance, and there was a trace of shock in her beautiful spleen. Yu Xiang said, “Liuye, the whole fierce world, the most prosperous place.

Master Qimu Youyu, Luo Gong, the nuclear zone of practice, looked at Konoha who had been harvesting for several years, and his eyes flashed with emotion and shock. Compared with the time when he came last time, Konoha, and Yaojia It’s magnificent, he, maybe he hasn’t been to Konoha for a long time, “Wow! This is Konoha, old man, I’m really right to come with you this time!”

Hei Tu made a pretentious cry, and stars appeared in Lizhong, “Shut up! It’s coming soon, let me behave.”

Oh Yemu sternly reprimanded that when he saw Oh Yemu’s appearance, the black soil curled his lips and put away his grinning expression.

The old man is really angry.

“After! Layer! After!” Countless cracks sounded, and the people of the four hidden villages arrived in front of Konoha’s giant gate.

In front of the giant gate with Konoha, Uchiha Fugaku led a team of ninjas from the Uchiha clan, waiting here quietly. After seeing the arrival of the four hidden villages, two Mangekyō Sharingan shrank suddenly “万花简 Sharingan” What a terrible reason.

Onoki looked at Uchiha Fugaku’s eyes, and said solemnly, “Welcome everyone, come to Konoha, observe, and publicly execute!

Uchiha Ke Yue said in a deep voice.

“Kazun——Gai Longlong!!!”

The huge gate hundreds of meters high slowly opened, revealing the whole picture of Konoha and the green strips.

“This, this is…?!!!” The giant door opened, and the people in the four hidden villages, Cai personally were struck by lightning, looking at the scene behind the giant door in disbelief, the six big-tailed beasts roared in unison, terrifying. The Chakra, like the tide, continues to spread. What

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