Chapter 427

The heavy door opened completely, leaning against the wall and making a soft noise.

The whole picture of the former Hokage office is completely presented in front of the people in the four hidden villages. The reason why it is said to be the former Hokage office, because it is an office exclusively owned by Youyu.

Minato’s office, the one downstairs.

Once, this place is still on the highest floor of the Hokage Building, and it is also the highest point of Konoha.

Even Youyu may not come here all year round. It represents the harmony and status of thousands of people!

I saw this office, extremely magnificent and gorgeous.

Exquisite carpets, chairs made of rare wood, huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and all kinds of rare treasures are arranged in various places in the “shadow” offices of their four hidden villages, which are straightforward and small compared to here. The same as a workshop.

, How much money does it cost to travel around this office?

It is hard to imagine that on both sides of the office, desks made of rare wood are neatly lined up in the four hidden villages. When the people in the four hidden villages come in, the people sitting on the chairs turn their heads together, it becomes a terrible two kills. The breath made everyone in the four hidden villages hold their breath for a while.

Terrible momentum, praise the people gathered together, the people sitting on the chairs, the people in the four hidden villages are not unfamiliar, Orochimaru, Shimura Danzō, Qi Mu Hong, Qi Mu Lin, Qi Mu Shizune, Qi Mu Tsunade, Qi Mu Xiyan, Sarutobi Hiruzen ,, Liufeng Minato-Bai Shi also Except Qi Muhong, Qi Mulin and Qi Mu Shizune, the rest of the Konoha powerhouses are enough to be called “Shadow” level powerhouses.

Even Qi Muhong, in terms of their Chakra fluctuations, is very close to the “shadow” level, Qi Dalin and Qimu Shizune. Such a lineup, it is no exaggeration to say that these people in their four hidden villages are completely Not an opponent.

But even with such a luxurious lineup, the sight of everyone in the four hidden villages was still attracted by the figure sitting on a gorgeous 12 seat.

Under the short-term gaze, everyone in the four hidden villages quickly lowered their heads. The black soil, which had the most free personality, looked incredibly well-behaved at this moment. He kept his little head down and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

The simple gaze made her almost breathless.

In the face of this man, it seems that even Nine Tails, who felt terrible before, seems to be like a domestic cat, without giving birth to the entire world, the most powerful and terrifying man Konoha, and even the real ruler of the world!

Sit and dry the “king” above the sky!

Yu Shu’s title and legend all describe the legendary man in front of him, Qi Dayouzi!

“Let’s talk about it.

Youyu looked at the people in the four hidden villages that arrived, grinned, and said.

Hearing that there was a car, everyone in the four hidden villages held their breath for a while, and carefully walked to the center of the office except for “Shadow” from the four hidden villages, and the two elderly people, Chiyo and Ebizō. The rest of the people hurriedly knelt down. The four ninjas who bear the name of “shadow” are Ohyemu, Jia Meibao, Ai, and Luosha, and they are also deep-serving ninjas.” Lord Youyu.

Everyone’s respectful way was at this moment, a very discordant sound of bone cracking sounded Oh Ye Da’s low face, red and purple, and he bit his lips firmly to prevent him from making a sound.

The severe pain from the waist made Ohnoki almost fainted.

His old waist and dual affairs are weak again!

“Isn’t this Ohnoki? How’s your body bones recently?” Youyu looked at Ohnoki, who was arched, and his body kept stiffening, asking caringly. Hearing Youyu’s questioning full of “caring”, Ohnoki The facial features are distorted.

How is he? !

His extraordinary flashing voice is so loud, you ask yourself how is your bones? !

, Very good, very easy to bear, take care of, yes, Lord Youyu, Guan, caring, under the body, although there are 10,000 swear words in his heart, Oh Yemu is still very respectful and slowly said.

It was only because of the severe pain that Oh Yeki’s mouth was almost a word; at the end, Oh Yeki even turned Byakugan up for a while, and it was all right.

If it was placed before, and his waist flashed, he would rest in a big deal and he would always have a face and words, he would not even dare to change his posture-if this time, he would take care of his own waist.

It wasn’t his kindness that flashed, but his chest pocket answered the questions at the same time, so Onoki could only endure the severe pain, keeping his body bowed, “Is that so? It seems that your bones are still very good. Well, I heard Kakashi say, you Iwagakure Youyu said, laughed, and began to praise Onoki and Iwagakure, but the praised Onoki, instead of being happy, his face became purple and even started to confuse. Self-explanatory.

He hurts, I can’t stand it anymore!

Qimu Youyu, this is deliberately cleaning him up!

Onoki, who was suffering from severe pain, kept thinking in his mind whether he had done anything that made Qimu Youyu dissatisfied, and finally found out that he was simply too obedient!

It’s Qimu Youyu who is having fun!

After Oh Yemu finished speaking, his kneeling black face changed and listened to the old man’s voice, and he knew that the old man was approaching his limit.

Although the old man has grown older over the years, his body has gradually deteriorated for a long time, but he still speaks. Xiangjia is full of air.

There was such a tremor in her tone. She had never heard of the lower voice, and the black soil was like raising her head to speak, but before she completely raised her head, she saw her old man’s painful eyes with warning, such eyes. , Made Hei Tu a whole body, and half of his head was on the way, and along the way, he gritted his teeth abruptly at her constant instructions. Hei Tu forcibly resisted the impulse and buried his head again, although the look in his eyes was almost all It’s just white eyes, get up.

Appreciating the trembling look of Ohnoki for a while, Youyu waved his hand and said that the sound of Lutou movement kept ringing. With the help of the black soil, Ohyeki straightened up with difficulty. Hiruzen’s cheeks brought him and Onoki to his hair. They were old opponents.

In the second and third Ninja World War, there were confrontations.

Although Iwagakure, where Ohnoki is located, can almost be said to be Konoha’s vassal, Hiruzen still wants to laugh when he sees his old opponent making a fool of himself.

And Oh Yemu, who was struggling to stand up, naturally saw the smiling expression of Toshiba Mizuchi, his face turned green.

Jing Fei Hiruzen the bastard!

What are you proud of? ! Isn’t it just that you Konoha made a good word?

, He can rotten the bastard’s head!

If not demon, Oh Yemu hurriedly pulled out a smile, waiting for the worded exhortation, after a few packets of cursing in his heart, Yemu’s smile, looking at the black soil on the side, this is his own old man? !

Such a patient who laughs.

“The purpose of calling you all this time, the invitation to Yong has been written very clearly, right?

You Yu glanced around and focused on Terumi Mei and Kurosu’s body, Fifth Mizukage, and the future Fourth Generation Chang Tsuchikage Kurosaki. This is the first time I have seen other Ohnogi and his ilk. If you’re tired of seeing it, youyu wouldn’t bother to call these people, “I’m clear about it, it’s really troublesome for Youyu-sama to personally issue a message.

Said that Oh Yemu and Luo Sha nodded their heads at the same time, and Hei Shi and Weak Mei Ming looked uncomfortable with a slightly wrong smile on their faces.

These two guys are really Iwagakure’s Tsuchikage and Sunagakure?

As for Fourth Raikage and others, it’s no surprise for a long time.

And if it weren’t for the fact that Ri couldn’t hold back her face, Fourth Raikage actually wanted to curry favor with Qi Mu’s words.

After all, Qimu Youyu likes to be flattered, and those who have been defeated by Qimu Youyu can’t be more clear.

Those who follow Qimu Youyu, who live and die against Qimu Youyu, provoke Qimu Youyu who are unhappy, life is better than death!

These are the three mantras they summed up. Youyu nodded, and the letter gradually faded. “Look at my old foolish brain! Long time no See Youyu-sama: I forgot all excitedly.

Youyu-sama is able to invite us Iwagakure to observe the public execution this time. It is really a great honour for me to have some small gifts. Please also see the words of the heartfelt love of U-sama. Oh Yemu, an old demon-like fellow, understands it in a hurry. Said with a smile on his face.

Then Huang Tu on the side of the seal took the prepared gifts from the seal scroll and piled it respectfully in front of him, Huang Tu’s simple and honest face, with a very gentle smile on his son-in-law.

Among the people in the four hidden villages present, if you talk about who is most afraid of Youyu, it is his loess.

At that time, he was really scared by Qimu Youyu.

Although Luosha and Fourth Raikage are a step slower, they are also very experienced, and they are also skilled at stacking gifts in front of them.

Seeing how these people have reached the Ultimate level, Terumi Mei hurriedly took out the gifts, and the corners of her eyes twitched a little.

Iwagakure, Sun Yincun and Cloud Shinobi Village, these guys, have they experienced such proficiency?

“Hahaha, really, what are you doing so polite? I don’t lack these things, and I won’t be allowed to do this next time.

Looking at the generous gifts presented by the people in the four hidden villages, 443 Youyu laughed loudly, with a gentle smile on his face, and then criticized the people, and the corners of his mouth twitched at the same time.

How about the electrical test? 1You are…

They even suspected that if they bring out the gifts later, they will be sent to the execution table with the publicly executed person!

-Youyu-sama is satisfied, and satisfied, Oh Nogi and others twitched their mouths.

“Okay, go back and rest. Tomorrow is the date of public execution.

Youyu waved his hand and whispered.

This scene of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge caused the corners of the mouths of Ohyeki and others to twitch.

Good guys, I asked them to come here just to receive gifts? !

Moreover, the speed of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge is too fast, right?

, I also love them a few words.

Hao Fang, although they were spitting out in their hearts, everyone did not dare to talk nonsense at all, and after a respectful salute, they walked out.

“From Duoyin Village, once.

, Let me take a meal at the step of serving Meiling.

When clothing, Youyu suddenly said that the blue barrier shrank suddenly, and his back was suddenly covered with cold sweat. The sweat dripped down his cheeks, completely dampening his whole body, and he was always inwardly and timid Changjuro. At this moment, his calves My stomach shook suddenly, as if I would fall at any time.

Master Qimu Youyu, what do you leave them to tell the village?

Is it because they Kirigakure, unlike Sunagakure, Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village, accept the garrison of Konoha Shinobi troops?

Or is it that Ye is dissatisfied with the lack of supply in their Ziyin Village over the years?

At this moment, Terumi Mei’s ribs slipped.

, Running continuously, the next moment, Liu Meikuan let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what it was for Kirigakure to keep them, they couldn’t resist.

I can only take one step and look at it, “Kaka-Bang!” Following the huge door, gently closing, Fu Meiming turned around, and carefully looked at it, Junxiu, the most terrifying man in the world, came to Ultimate His appearance, perfect features, and a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth.

It’s difficult for such a man to compare him with the rumored one. Qi Mu Youyu, who has cast countless blood and bones, has cast his supreme throne. “You Xueyin Village, are you brave enough.” But then After coming down, the first sentence the man said, made Jia Mei buy a body, unconsciously.

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