Chapter 493

“Eight Gate Follow A Formation-Open!!!

Guy closed in anger, the bloody steam gushing out of his heart, covering Guy’s whole body, Kakashi and others folded their hands in front of him to resist, his eyes were full of disbelief.

The horrible air wave made Naruto, Sasuke, “Deep thick eyebrows, good teacher, so powerful Chakra.

Naruto looked at Guy wrapped in bloody steam in disbelief.

The Liren under the inspection style of Luo Xiangkra, who is the same as the outsider, can clearly perceive how powerful Guy’s Chakra is at this time. The Seventh Gate just now does not exist at a level at all.

Sasuke looked at Guy who was turned into a bloody steam bag. Rinnegan was a little serious and thoughtful, suddenly! In Sasuke’s limits, there was an aura that suddenly flashed.

That’s why the master wants to use this to teach him not to be too complacent!

Shi Qiao, Huai loves him!

In Sasuke’s eyes, he was moved at the moment.

At this time, Youyu used the power of Six Paths to wrap all the game and wine in front of him to protect it from Guy’s burst of air.

“Guy, if I break my reception, I will slash you.

Youyu thought to himself.

Kakashi looked at Guy who was wrapped in bloody steam, and there was also a shock in the silver. Eight Inner Gates, Konoha’s Forbidden Technique.

Guy is also one of Konoha’s strongest Jōnin because of the Eight Gate. Guy, who doesn’t know how to illusion, has to say, it’s a miracle. It’s a miracle for Guy who doesn’t know how to ninjutsu since the ninja school period. He always regarded him as a target, and frequently asked him for a duel.

From the effortlessness of the beginning to the end of the drum, Kakashi has clearly felt the difficulty. When he first entered the Ninja School, his father, Konoha’s strongest ninja at the time, “Konoha’s White Fangfang” Hatake What Sakumo said to him made Kakashi understand deeply, “This person will surpass you in the future.

The father at the time, pointing to Guy who was cultivating with intestinal injuries, said that Kakashi at that time didn’t take it seriously.

Bi Zhang, at that time, he had a halo since he was a child.

After entering the ninja school, he became the most dazzling genius at the time. Kakashi was not big at the time. To say that there was no conceit at all, it was naturally a lie. As for later, he suffered a beating with words and made Kakashi. He was called a genius after realizing the essentiality of his talent. At any rate, he was behind the people, and he was also named a genius. He practiced hard, drank wine, and fell asleep, so he was cut off!

There are words very early. . All Kakashi’s eyes were placed on the body with the words, until you can’t see Youyu’s back after that, e.1957m Heng is now, what his father said at the time, Guy, has completely surpassed him.

Kakashi looked at Youyu, who was smiling, eating game and drinking wine, and said in his heart

Guy, in order to gain everyone’s approval, how much he paid, even Kakashi, who is often haunted by Guy, can’t imagine.

When he is cultivating, Guy is cultivating and Qi is cultivating, and when he has a meal, Guy is still cultivating!

When he was sleeping, he practiced self-inflicted self-inflicted practice, which made Guy’s strength possible and Kakashi knew that Guy had always wanted to repay Youyu’s kindness.

, Let Guy’s Eight Gate build armor and bloom in the world of Ninja, it is a word of recognition for Guy!

Kakashi was extremely moved by his good intentions of being able to have a treasure in this final war, and Guy opened the door to his death.

A knife box of Kuaiyu slammed into Kakashi’s stomach, making him scream while Kakashi secretly moved him, “It’s so muddy to control the fire for me!”

Wei Leak appears again, I let Guy recruit you to kick it together” Heart!

Youyu yelled, the scabbard in his hand screamed Kakashi again and again, and when Kakashi heard Youyu’s screams, he slapped all over his body and quickly changed the control of Fire Style, using all his strength to control the temperature of the flame. What a joke!

Cassie can remember that when Guy is in a duel with him sometimes, but he said that he prepared some tricks specifically for him. Isn’t it the dead end of Eight Inner Gates?

-Foaming mouth Kakashi looked at Guy who was full of bloody steam and swallowed hard.-If Youyu throws him in front of Guy and asks Guy to pick him up, Guy will never hesitate.

Dead door, it’s no joke!

Maybe, Guy will really kick it to death!

Because of Youyu’s reasons, now they are assigned by Youyu to duel, they will not even consider the option of keeping their hands. This is a nirvana!

The fight was even more cruel than the people from outside the village!

After all, even if you missed it to death.

, Youyu will also use the Revolving Heaven Technique to resurrect them and make Youyu unhappy.

But if he didn’t exert all his strength, that would be a terrible thing. He would be kicked to death by Guy.

Combining Youyu’s character, maybe let him go directly on the memorial monument!

Although the resurrection later is also a resurrection.

However, the cause of Kakashi’s death was written on the memorial tablet and was kicked to death by Guy.

How did he meet his dead father after he went down?

When his father, Hatake Shumao asked him how he died. Could it be that he was the Guy you mentioned in the Taiwan Classics. It was too shameful to kick him to death? !

“Hu-hu-hu-” So, Kakashi, who is not rich at Chakra, used all his strength to control the temperature of the flame crazily. The dead door of the Eight Gate Dao Jia.

It’s just Qimu Youyu’s entertainment that you are on the court. Why, you who opened the door to the dead, didn’t hesitate?

Uchiha Madara looked at Guy who was flattened by standing steam and said with a gloomy face

You guys, of course, don’t understand anything. Even if Youyu-sama simply wants to see the dead door, I won’t have any hesitation. At this time, there is no child hole in the eyes.

Newly said.

Looking at Uchiha Madara, the smile at the last moment of his life reminded me of his father. Yes, although because of Youyu, Might Dai did not die by opening the dead door, nor did he kill all the Seven Swordsmen. It was opened in the original work of Dou. But the talent of Might Dai is so bad that the emperor relies on a thousand holes.

His talent was too bad, and he died of his body after years of practicing Eight Inner Gates.

Ye only opened the Seventh Gate. After returning to Konoha, his life force was exhausted during a mission, but when his father died, he died with a thick smile.

Because his father was then. It’s Bu Ren!

, Jōnin, who is specially promoted, is Lord Youyu, who personally signed the promotion order. This is Lord Youyu’s recognition of his father.

When the special tone Shengjin was handed over to his father, his father cried all night and Guy Huai Jie knew it.

Since then, his father has not only lost the title of Ten Thousand Years Genin, but has also been recognized by countless people. Since then, his father has carried out his mission frantically.

Every mission rushes to the first self-movement.

Di Min is just that, before he died, the last words his father said to him “was acknowledged by Master Youyu, and I have no regrets in my life.”

Then, his father said with a deep smile.

Guy’s eyes became extremely firm.

Now, it is time for him, Might Guy, like his father, to give his heart to Youyu! ! !

“Go on, what are you kidding me? Uchiha Madara’s expression became extremely gloomy, staring at Guy one or two, both.

Qi Mu Youyu, has that great charm? Let these people die willingly for them?

Merely, it is to satisfy his taste of watching theaters, and he can open the dead door of Eight Inner Gates without hesitation, regardless of life and death. No one of the Zhiye clan is willing to go with him.

This reminds Uchiha Madara of the time when he left Konoha, and at this time, the Uchiha clan, Sejing, completely loyal to Qimu Youzi.

, Rule everything, smooth everything-Lang Ming, Qi Mu Youyu took the same path as him, Yililan, but why, in the end, things are completely out of place? !

-I want to provoke your bones! “The furious Ujinpa Madara, picked up the Truth-Seeking Ball scepter in his hand, and let out a roar of Guy’s figure, turning into a blood-red afterimage, like an ancient behemoth, carrying a monstrous air wave, Speeding towards Uchiha Madara.

“Spoon rabbit-Gee!

, Slam her punches.

Guy yelled, “Shop-dear!!

, Turned the air into a horrible air cannon, fought hard with Uchiha Madara’s fistful fist? One thousand laws to move?

The air of Deputy Lie made Uchiha Madara’s face full of disbelief. In this fierce air cannonball, he was unable to move.

-Hook like-Two! ! !

“Real strong;

Guy still wanted to take advantage of the victory, but the horror load of Xixiang’s second speed caused Guy’s bones to break. Guy fell from the air with a look of pain. “Ha!!!” Uchiha Madara saw Guy falling, flashed and rushed up. High altitude. . “What a strong Eight Gate.

Uchiha Madara wiped the scar on his face, and there was irritation in his eyes, which hurt even more than I thought.

“Originally, it turns out that Guy was gasping for breath, with pain in his eyes. Eight Inner Gates were originally the Forbidden Technique that puts a heavy load on the body. After the last gate, it was said that it had the power to surpass Naruto, but After using it, the death gate, the burden of the body, is even more terrifying to Ultimate, but Guy did not expect that, just using the second speed of Xixiang, the burden of the body has reached such a terrible point. “However, This is nothing compared to my determination to go to heart for Youyu-sama! Closed! ! !

Guy let out a roar, and his hair was welded violently at the Chakra point in his heart.

, Wrapped it, and the air began to smell of blood.

Things are too much and the color steam.

“This time, I will never give you another chance!

“Yeah! Bang! Bang!

Guy slammed forward and rushed to the pace of Gu Zhi Yu Pin Guy in the sky. He stepped on a sonic boom in the air and turned into an afterimage. He galloped away towards Uchiye Madara, “Hook Yu- Lock!!!

A faster and terrifying punch than before, slammed violently.

The horrible punch once again wrapped Uchiha Madara’s body

Even if Uchiha Madara has supported the Truth-Seeking Ball protection in advance, it is useless. Guy’s speed is too fast. “Xixiangcha!”


“Damn it!

Uchiha Madara, who was constantly beating, was completely angry, controlled the Truth-Seeking Ball, and galloped towards Guy.

“Guy! Just rush over!

Kakashi looked at this scene and said loudly after getting permission from Youyu.

Guy’s figure, without the slightest hesitation, rushed towards Uchiha Madara “Kamui!!!” Kakashi’s Sharingan shrank suddenly, a line of blood and tears, and slowly shed the Truth-Seeking Ball. The space was swallowed violently.


Under Uchiha Madara’s incredible gaze, Guy punched his face hard.

“Boom and drop!!!” Uchiha Madara’s body turned into an afterimage. In the ground, a deep ditch was drawn and Guy squatted on the ground, the bones in the body were full of painful colors. , There was a piercing sound of bone cracking, which made Guy feel extremely painful

“Is it over?” Guy secretly asked, looking at the distance.

There was a loud noise, some wolf foxes, Uchiha Madara covered in dust, rose up into the sky, “Sleep-ring the door, this is not only pregnant, right?

Can you still dance? Can it make me more happy? “Uchiha Madara looked at Guy with a painful face, opened his arms and smiled frantically, “It’s so good.”

, But Uchiha Madara, who was not weak in breath, let out a long sigh of relief. Guy looked like a wolf fox, “Nani?” Uchiha Madara took a stunned look. Looking at Guy with abandoned and excited expression, his brows were fierce. The ground wrinkled and the door opened. Are people stupid?

“In this case, I can, completely, give my heart to the word-adult.

“Eight Inner Gates Formation-Open!!!

It was so terrible that it threw the color steam, completely protected Guy’s body, and bloody grooves appeared.

The deep and the fish are Guy’s fresh and burning! ! !

“One after another, Qimu Youyu, Uchiha Madara, at this time, I don’t know whether it is anger or jealousy, staring at Guy firmly.” Then, I will completely destroy your loyalty, together with your flesh and blood! “Word

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