Snowy village [Big Horn].

After a lot of trouble, Bai Yun and his friends finally entered the Big Horn Village in the country of Magnetic Drum. Unfortunately, there is only one doctor in this country (known to the world).


"My name is Dalton, responsible for protecting this island. Please forgive our rude welcome ceremony just now."

Dalton took Bai Yun and his friends back home.

The moment the stove was lit, Bai Yun felt alive again.

"Can I ask you something? I always feel like I've seen you somewhere."

Dalton said to Weiwei. He always felt like he had seen Weiwei's face.


Weiwei was so flustered that she couldn't answer, so Bai Yun came out to smooth things over.

"It's an illusion, after all, Vivi has a common face."

"Let's talk about the [Witch] first? The witch is a doctor? The castle on the highest mountain is her residence?"


Dalton was speechless for a moment. How come you seem to know more than me?

"I guessed."

"Witches always stay away from people, and don't they like to live in castles?"

Bai Yun explained. It's reasonable, it's just a reasonable guess.

"Well, through the window, you can see the highest mountain."

Dalton chose to believe it for the time being.


Sanji turned his head and saw a snowman staring at him gloomily, which scared him.

Looking closely, it was Luffy and Usopp making a snowman.

"It's the snow monster [Cirola]!"

"It's the [Super Snowman]!"

"Don't play in the snow there, you two!!!"

Sanji was so angry that he shouted.

"Just like this..."

"Bai Yun."

"Just as Bai Yun said, the castle on the top of the mountain is inhabited by the [Witch] Dr. Kuleha, who is the only doctor on the island now."

Dalton explained, and explained that he could not notify her. The witch's consultation method is to come down regularly, and the reward is to take away everything the patient likes from home.

Even so, her medical skills are indeed superb, and she is 140 years old, still full of energy.

"What a nasty old woman."

"Yes, just like a robber."

Luffy and Usopp complained.

"But how can she go down the mountain at such an old age."

Vivi asked the key point.

"It is rumored that she will go down the mountain under the full moon, riding a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Many people witnessed her landing, so she is called the [Witch]."

Dalton explained.

"What should we do? Miss Nami's condition will be dangerous if we wait any longer.!"

Sanji asked anxiously.

"It's very simple."

Luffy and Bai Yun said at the same time, and they turned their heads to look at each other, and then smiled and said at the same time.

"Climbing the mountain."


"Then I'll leave it to you."

In the end, it was decided that Luffy and Sanji would climb the mountain to find Dr. Kureha to help Nami heal her.

After Dalton told them to be careful of a creature called [Labang], the two set off.


Bai Yun exhaled a breath of white air, looked at the backs of Luffy, Sanji, and Nami, and remained silent until the figures of the three disappeared, then relaxed his tense body and fell down instantly.

"Hey! Hey! Bai Yun, what's wrong with you!!!"

Usopp grabbed Bai Yun, but at this moment he caught a glimpse of a wound on the back of Bai Yun's neck that was exactly the same as Nami's abdomen!


"Ahem, I'm fine, I'm almost used to having a fever."

Back in the house, the person lying on the boat became Bai Yun.

"Why are you so stupid, Bai Yun!" Vivi said angrily.

"Compared to me, Miss Nami's condition is more critical. I can suppress the virus from breaking out, but she has been having an attack for several days."

"It's right to let her go for treatment first. The danger on the road is unknown, and Luffy and Sanji can't take care of two people."

"And the strength of the two of you..."

Bai Yun stopped talking halfway.

Usopp and Vivi bent down dejectedly, "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Let's not talk about this. I have a question to ask you, Mr. Dalton."

"You are so afraid of pirates because your country was destroyed by pirates, right?"

Bai Yun changed the subject. Although he was top-heavy now, he still wanted to know the news, the news about the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Yes, just a month ago, a group of only five pirates landed on Drum Island and destroyed this country."

Dalton sat on a chair, his hands on his knees, looking at the burning fireplace and replied.

"Did they take anything?" Bai Yun immediately asked.

"What can pirates steal? All the treasures in the kingdom's treasuryThey took it away."

"Besides that, is there anything else?"

Dalton didn't understand why Bai Yun asked this question. Is there anything else to rob besides treasure?


After getting the answer, Bai Yun thought that it seemed that Blackbeard came to the Drum Island just by coincidence and robbed a wave of treasures.

"So, you are so resistant to pirates."

Usopp said.



"However, some people think that the kingdom is destroyed for the best."

"The various policies implemented by this country before were tragic for the people."

"Before, this country was called [Drum Kingdom], and the king was called, Walpo, and he was an extremely bad king."

"Walpo, I seem to have heard of..."

Usopp and Vivi said at the same time.

"The captain of the pirate group we met on the sea, who was beaten away by me before he could get down."

Bai Yun explained with a smile.

"Oh, I was wondering why he looked so familiar. When he flew away, his men kept shouting his name. I didn't expect that he was the king before." Usopp exclaimed. "Do you know Valpo?" Dalton asked. What a coincidence. "I met him at sea, but before I could talk, he was knocked out by Bai Yun." "Valpo, I also remembered this name. When I was a child, my father took me to a meeting and I met him once." Usopp and Vivi each replied. Dalton was obviously more concerned, "Your father, meeting, who are you..." "Ah, anyway, we met Valpo on the way here yesterday." "Well, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that he became a pirate as a stopgap measure. He has always wanted to return to the island and rebuild the kingdom. This is what I am worried about." "Now this island belongs to the citizens who stayed. In order to prevent Valpo from going to the island again, we have been on guard at the landing point day and night." Dalton said. When he finished speaking, Bai Yun was sleeping soundly.

And Weiwei, listening to Dalton's words, thought of her father who was also a king.

It was normal for a king like Valpo to be resisted by the people, but why would his father, a king who cared about the people, also be rebelled against by the people?

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