Valpo originally wanted to use the Royal Barrel Crown Seven-shot Iron Cannon to attack Luffy, but he didn't expect that Bai Yun found the cannon first.

But even if he found it first, it would be useless, because it had not been used for too long and the cannon had become a nest for snowbirds.

Therefore, Valpo was also fooled by Bai Yun and bit him in anger.

Bai Yun kicked him in the head and hit it through the ceiling, hanging on it, saying that if you hit you once, you can hit you a second time.


Bai Yun was already sick, and after such a toss, he could hardly hold on and stood against the cannon.

"Luffy, the rest is up to you."

"Hehe, no problem!"

Luffy replied with a smile, then bent his legs and jumped through the ceiling to the outside of the castle.

Bai Yun exhaled white air, slid down the cannon, and sat down with his back against the cannon.


Outside the top of the castle, Valpo was kicked up by Bai Yun. As soon as he came out, he saw the cherry blossom skull pirate flag in the middle. The more he looked at it, the angrier he became. It was this thing, just this thing that destroyed everything for him!

The next second, Luffy burst out from in front of Valpo, blocking his view of the skull flag.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Valpo was startled, and Luffy pressed his hand and said, "Okay, troublemaker, it's time to settle the score."


"I am the kingdom! The king of the Drum Kingdom!!"

"The Drum Kingdom is a member of the World Government! Do you know what you are doing! You are committing a heinous crime!!"

Valpo still wanted to use his identity to suppress Luffy. Would Luffy care about this? He gave him a hammer directly!

"I don't care about this!"

"I'm a pirate!"

"I'm fighting now, and the first thing I do is to knock you away!!"

Bai Yun in the room also heard it clearly.

What's wrong with being a member of the World Government?

We will fight any organization affiliated with the World Government!!

Walpo didn't understand, "What!! Just because you are a pirate, you can ignore my status!!!"

Luffy ignored him and swung his hands back violently, extending and charging.

"Rubber... rubber..."

Walpo was completely panicked, "No! Wait!!"

"I'll give you status and national medals!!"

The people below laughed when they heard Bai Yun. Instead of giving you these, you might as well give Luffy a feast, so that he still has a 0.00001 chance of not fighting you.

"Look! Above the castle!!"

At this time, the villagers who had just come up found the arms extending from the top of the castle and pointed in surprise.

Zoro, Usopp and Vivi looked over and smiled at the same time.

Chopper looked up.

"Doctor Doriel, the Drum Kingdom..."

Kureha, who pulled Sanji into the room and came out again, had a bright light in her eyes, "This country was defeated by the skeleton, hehe."


"Ahhhhhh, then I'll let you be the vice king!!!"


The pointed roof of the entire room was completely shattered, and light and snow fell into the house.

Bai Yun looked at Walpo and shouted, "I'll let you be the vice king!" and flew to poetry and the distance.


"It seems that the matter has been resolved."

Zoro said as he looked at the movement in the castle.

He and Usopp got off the mushroom cable car first and walked in front, and Usopp held Zoro tightly and stood behind.

Vivi, Dalton and the villagers followed behind, and a group of people walked towards the castle.

Last time, it was Sanji who was the "policeman in the movie."

This time it was Zoro and Usopp's turn, and they came when the matter was resolved.


"Hey, there seem to be some people from Valpo below!!"

Luffy looked at Zoro and the others below. Zoro was wearing the uniform of a Valpo soldier, so he made a mistake.

Bai Yun didn't have time to explain.

Luffy jumped down and carried him on his back. Feeling the warmth on Luffy's back, Bai Yun closed his eyes, "Thank you, Luffy."

Bai Yun said this too early.

"Hehe, you're welcome." Then Luffy jumped back outside.

Bai Yun felt something was wrong and opened his eyes immediately, but it was too late. Luffy jumped down directly.

"Wait! Luffy!!!!"

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah!"


At the gate of the castle, Zoro and Usopp heard the noise and raised their heads.



"Ah, Usopp, Zoro!!"

Only then did Luffy see clearly that it was Zoro and Usopp. Bai Yun on his back wanted to cry but had no tears. What's the use of you seeing it clearly now?

“Aa ...........

"You're crazy!!"

Zoro got up and shouted angrily.

Luffy was fine, but Usopp and Baiyun were lying on the ground with their heads tilted up.

"If it weren't for your clothes, I would have thought you were another accomplice of Valpo."

Luffy touched his head and explained embarrassedly.

Usopp struggled to get up and patted his waist. The Straw Hat Pirates were all indestructible cockroaches.

And Baiyun was still lying there. He copied Luffy's fruit ability and was fine even if he fell down.

"Baiyun, are you okay? Why don't you get up?"

Luffy asked in a friendly manner.

Baiyun looked at his face, but he couldn't get angry. He just sighed and replied, "I'm tired."

Kureha came over and pulled him up, "Thank goodness you can still do this."

On seeing Kureha, Luffy remembered that Baiyun was also sick.

"Yes, Bai Yun is also sick, old woman, please save him!!"

Kureha kicked him, "Why call me old woman? I am a young girl!!"

Dalton came up and asked excitedly, "It was Walpo who flew away just now!"

"Yeah, I beat him away."

Luffy replied.

"What about the other two?"

Dalton asked.

"Oh, they were taken care of by reindeer."

Luffy pointed at Chopper, who was hiding behind Kuleha as if he was not hiding.


Dalton looked over and saw Chopper's blue nose, and instantly remembered that he was the "monster" who came to Hiruluk that day.

"Yes... it's you!"

Thinking of Hiruluk and now, Dalton knelt down to thank Chopper, "Thank you! The Drum Kingdom will definitely be reborn!!"

And the villagers, after Bai Yun's previous scene, no longer had the impression of Chopper as a "monster" but cheered, "Reindeer God! Reindeer God!"

"Hahaha, so you are the Reindeer God." Luffy also believed it.

Chopper ran back to the castle shyly instead of being scared.

Kuleha was puzzled, "Reindeer God?"

"It sounds better than a monster."

Bai Yun replied.

"Your handwriting?"

"Just consider it as the medical fee."

"Hehe, you little brat, hehehe!!"

Kureha laughed happily.

"Hello everyone! Bring all the wounded to the ward!"

"Don't miss any of them!!"

Kureha stood up to take charge of the situation.

"Yes! Yes!!"

The reputation of the witch Kuleha is very useful.

Nami and Sanji hid on the side of the castle.

Because the longer they stayed, the longer it would delay Vivi's return to the country, and Nami was planning how to slip away.

Kuleha turned around and kicked the wall to crack it.

"You two, get back to the ward too!!"

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