Reunion is always accompanied by separation.

After Rapeseed Flower and Ace reunited, they had a brief conversation and Ace gave them the life paper, and then they said goodbye.

"Hey, you guys have been out to sea for a short time, but you are quite rich, Luffy Baiyun, the clock to check the time is so big, and there are diamonds."

"Forget it, look at the time, I should go."

After that, Ace was about to leave.

But Baiyun grabbed his fate ankle and pulled him, "Don't go."

Ace returned to the Merry, looked at Baiyun's serious expression and tone, and no longer used a joking tone, but asked seriously.


Baiyun did not rush to answer, but looked at him and suddenly said a few words.

"Because you will die."

Ace was stunned, and so were the others.

Only Luffy shouted, "What are you talking about! Baiyun!!"

Baiyun ignored them and continued to say to Ace, "I can't let you die!"

Baiyun realized that he was too straightforward.

"I mean, this is the worst case scenario."

"Do you know how strong Blackbeard is?"

"You should know that the three scars on the left eye of Red-haired Shanks, who has the same status as Whitebeard and is also one of the Four Emperors, were left by Blackbeard!"

"Besides, Blackbeard is not alone now... I found out from Drum Island that there are now four of them."

"You chase him alone, 1 vs. 4? To put it bluntly, you may not be able to beat him even 1 vs. 1!"

"I can't let you die!"

"What, it turns out that the scar on Shanks' eye was left by the guy called Blackbeard!"

Luffy said in surprise.

"Bai Yun, how did you know?"

Bai Yun pointed to his mouth, "Everyone has a mouth. If you don't understand, just ask. When I was a child, I asked Master Beckman, and he told me, so I remember the name Blackbeard very well."

Ace was silent.

Usopp silently raised his hand, "I... I think Bai Yun is right."

"The other party was able to leave a scar on the eyes of the Four Emperors, which shows his strength. It is better to... take a long-term view."

Bai Yun walked forward, raised his hands and pressed them on Ace's shoulders.

"Ace, listen to me."

"It's not that I look down on you."

"It's Blackbeard's strength that is a mystery. Although the scar was left on the eyes of Shanks, who had not yet become a Four Emperor ten years ago, I knew Shanks and others ten years ago. Blackbeard's strength should not be underestimated to be able to achieve that level."

"Moreover, while you were chasing Blackbeard, he was developing his power, and you were just one person."

"There are too many changes. You should go back and discuss it with Whitebeard... Uncle and others."

Bai Yun's words made Ace fall into silence. He understood that what Bai Yun said was true, and the consequences of the prediction might come true.

But after thinking about it, Ace smiled, and Bai Yun knew it was over at a glance.

"I know, Bai Yun."

"I know what you said."

Bai Yun's heart: You know that, but you still go!!!

"But I must protect the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates. That is my belief. If I can't even protect my own belief, I might as well die!!"

"You're right, Luffy."

Ace turned his head and looked at Luffy.

Luffy nodded and said with a smile.


Bai Yun's heart: You ask him? He is as stupid as you!! And Luffy, you, smile, wait until the war on the top happens, I don't see if you can laugh!!

"In order to protect the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates, why doesn't Whitebeard hunt down Blackbeard himself?!"

Bai Yun asked.

"Dad didn't ask anyone to call me back, which means he agreed to what I did."

Ace replied immediately.

Bai Yun couldn't stand it. Sure enough, he can only talk about the villains in hot-blooded anime.

Bai Yun: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

"Okay, if you don't want to take the soft stuff, then take the hard stuff!" (Serious words.)

Bai Yun said with a smile.

"What do you mean, Bai Yun?"

Ace asked naively, and Bai Yun punched him.

"You want to go, okay!"

"Then defeat me!!"

"If you lose, just go back to the Whitebeard Pirates."

Bai Yun took two steps back and stared at Ace. Ace covered his nose and saw that Bai Yun's eyes were not joking, and his temper immediately rose.

"Okay! Since you want to be beaten, I'll satisfy you! Bai Yun!"

"When you were young, you beat me just by cheating with a gun!"

"I'm not afraid of guns now."

Ace raised his hands and squeezed them, and then pressed his neck to warm up.

Bai Yun rolled his eyes at him, "You don't have to do these things, let's go to the shore and fight!"

"Okay!""Let's go!"

Ace replied.



"You go first!" ×2

Ace and Bai Yun said in tacit agreement... two childish ghosts.

"Why should I go first!" ×2

"Don't imitate me!" ×2

"Asshole Ace!"

"Asshole Bai Yun!!"

Because of some trivial things, the two quarreled. Really, they were not even "three years old" in total.

Nami looked worried, and looked at Luffy with a silly smile, "You still think that the two brothers are fighting!!"

But just after she finished speaking, she saw the two of them bickering, and a drop of sweat fell from the back of her head speechlessly.

Luffy laughed with his hands on his waist.

"Hahaha, it's not bad to see Ace and Bai Yun spar again."

"Also, who said Bai Yun is the older brother! I am!"

"Bai Yun is younger than you?"

Zoro asked sincerely.

Luffy shook his head, "Baiyun and I are the same age, but he forgot what month his birthday was. Even if it's the same day as mine, I think he's my younger brother."

"I think he thinks so too."

Zoro replied, a little awkward.

"Hahaha, let's not talk about this for now, just watch their competition."

Luffy replied with a smile, but just as he finished speaking, before Baiyun and Ace got off the boat, a noisy voice suddenly came.

Vivi looked over and her expression instantly became horrified.

Five B.W ships came over.

"Captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, [Fire Fist Ace] is him!"

"As long as he is dealt with, he will definitely be promoted to commander."

"Go on!!"

"We have 50 billion messengers and five ships, which is more than enough to deal with him! Come on if you have the guts! You landlubber!"

Five ships, in addition to 50 billion messengers, there are many tens of millions of messengers and millions of messengers, rushing over in a noisy manner.

But what's the use of having so many people?

The billion messengers are just substitutes for Mr and Ms. Bai Yun and Ace look down on those official ones, let alone these substitutes, let alone those weaker tens of millions of messengers and millions of messengers.

"Oh no, B.W's ship has been attracted here."

"From what they said, there are 50 billion messengers!!"

Weiwei said anxiously.

"Then fight them! We can't let them disturb Bai Yun and Ace's sparring!"

Luffy raised his fist and said.

Zoro drew his sword, and Sanji kicked his legs in preparation.

Bai Yun and Ace were childishly scolding each other, looking at each other with lightning in their eyes.

But after hearing the voices of those B.W members, they turned their heads to look over.

The two turned their heads and looked at each other, and jumped up tacitly.

"Who are you!" ×2

"Fire Fist!"


The huge fire fist and the spiral shock wave with flames flew out, and the two attacks came into contact and merged together.

A melody shock wave was formed with a huge spiral flame on the outside.



The attack hit five ships. With just one move, five B.W's billion messenger ships exploded in an instant, and everyone fell into the sea. The broken wooden boards on the sea surface were still burning.

Zoro and Sanji opened their eyes wide, and Sanji's cigarette almost fell.

Vivi, Usopp, Nami, and Chopper were even more shocked, their mouths wide open.

One move, just one move to kill 50 billion messengers!

Vivi was shocked, if Ace could stay...



Changed, Ace and Baiyun came to the shore.

It seemed that nothing happened, but the burning debris of the ship on the sea proved the existence of those billion messengers who had just shouted loudly and were knocked out by one move.

Luffy sat on the sheep head logo of the Merry, which was his special seat.

Usopp was shocked that Ace and Baiyun smashed five ships with one move.

"It's terrible, they are worthy of being Luffy's brothers."

"I said, Baiyun and I, I am the brother."

Luffy retorted, but Usopp ignored him.

"I don't know who will win or lose if the two of them fight."

"But it will be very intense."


On the shore, Ace and Bai Yun looked at each other.

Ace spoke first.

"Bai Yun, you are not as strong as me, but that was the case when we were young. Now I am not afraid of guns. Besides, I went to sea three years earlier than you, and I have much more combat experience than you."

"And you are not in good health."

"Don't waste time, okay?"

"Go back to the ship, I will go to hunt down Blackbeard, and don't persuade me, I must protect the Whitebeard PiratesThe reputation and rules of the group."

Faced with Ace's verbal attack, Bai Yun ignored it and stepped forward, raising his fist and smashing it with flames.

Ace grabbed his fist and kept his body steady.

"You are still the same as before, Bai Yun."

"How can you win if you use 60% of my strength to fight me? "

As soon as Ace finished speaking, he also punched Bai Yun.

Bai Yun also caught it with his hand, but the difference was that Bai Yun's body shook.

Ace's talent and strength are not weak, and he is in the Whitebeard Pirates, which is one of the top pirates. His strength has increased a lot over the years.

If it weren't for the ability of the Dark Dark Fruit, it would not be so easy for Blackbeard to take down Ace.

"We'll know whether we can win or not!"

As soon as Bai Yun finished speaking, the two of them exerted force at the same time to shake each other away.

Then they bent down tacitly, and punched with their right arms backwards.

"Fire Fist!" ×2

The two men's arms turned into huge flames with extremely high temperatures, and they punched out two huge flames with one punch.

The punches collided, and a violent heat wave swept out.

The sea water at the beach was boiling Steam rose.

Usopp and Chopper hugged each other and opened their mouths wide again.

Although the fire fists looked similar, after the collision, Bai Yun's fist was obviously weaker than Ace's. After a while, Bai Yun swallowed Bai Yun's fist and hit him.

Bai Yun immediately changed his bracelet into a double gun.

(The fruit abilities currently reproduced by the bracelet: Explosion Fruit and Light and Heavy Fruit. PS: The replica ability of the bracelet can only be used on a moonlit night, and the ability after the replica can only be used in the form of guns, bows and arrows.)

Bang bang, two shots were fired.

The explosive bullets flew into the fire fist with heat waves, exploded and directly dispersed Ace's fire fist.

Staring at Bai Yun's smoking muzzle, Ace said.

"Bullets that can explode, it seems that Bai Yun has reproduced a very good ability, but can you use it on me? "

Ace and Luffy both knew what Bai Yun's fruit ability was (Sabo hadn't told them yet.)

But Ace didn't know about the bracelet's replica ability, which Bai Yun learned after he went to sea.

"You deserve it."

Bai Yun replied, and fired several shots in an instant.

Ace smiled slightly, raised his hands, put his index and middle fingers together, like a gun, and then fired continuous small flame attacks from his fingertips.

The flame bullets collided with Bai Yun's explosive bullets, and explosions continued between the two.

After a round of bombing, the attacks of the two were evenly matched.

Bai Yun changed his strategy and turned his double guns into longbows.

He drew the bow and aimed at Ace, then raised his arm and shot it into the sky.

When the kinetic energy of the sharp arrows After disappearing and falling, Bai Yun activated the Light and Heavy Fruit ability, pressing down with 10,000 kilograms of gravity acceleration.

Ace's observation Haki sounded the alarm bell frantically, and he immediately rolled forward. When he stood up, he saw a huge pit in front of him with an arrow stuck in the middle of the pit.

Turning around, he saw Bai Yun drawing a bow towards him.

"You're so cruel, right?"

"There's something even more cruel!"

Bai Yun said calmly, with the arrow covered with Armament Haki.

"You also know Armament Haki!"

"You just arrived at the Grand Line, and you're still in the first half."

Ace said in surprise.

"Is it strange? With my fruit detection ability, I knew Haki when I was a child."

"And, Ace, don't forget who I knew when I was a child."

"Vice Admiral Garp, Red Hair Pirates, if I use up all my abilities to replicate them, do you think I can beat you? "

Bai Yun stared at Ace and said, pulling the bow to its full extent, but his arm was very steady.

Ace was stunned, then laughed again.

"No wonder you are so confident that you can beat me, Bai Yun."

"Indeed, if you use all the abilities of the replica old man, I may not be able to beat you."


"I know you won't."

"You won't use these trump cards on me, they are the trump cards for your and Luffy's future adventures."

"You won't use them on your own brothers."

Ace said.

It makes sense, Bai Yun was silent, he was indeed guessed, and telling him was just to scare him.

"Hahaha, I guessed it, right, Bai Yun. "

Ace said with a smile.

Bai Yun released the arrow directly and quickly received another arrow.

Ace dodged handsomely sideways, but who knew that the two arrows suddenly exploded.


"You don't follow martial ethics, Bai Yun! Isn't it heavier? Why did it explode again?"

It was Bai Yun's turn to laugh, "You want to show off yourself, what does it have to do with me?"

"Guess what the next arrow is capable of?"

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