Luffy arrived at the bottom of the mausoleum.

The original Bai Yun cooperated and just gave him a layer of anger buff.

The final battle under the mausoleum began.

The other partners also arrived at the bottom of the clock tower.

Bai Yun leaned on Robin at this time.


"So soft... Bah, so gentle! Big sister."

Bai Yun watched Luffy and Crocodile fight, but this was said to Robin behind him.

Robin smiled and pushed Bai Yun up.

"Why did you save me?"

"It's said that heroes save beauties."

Robin's face was full of disbelief.

"Okay, didn't we agree when we came in?"

"Does it record the news of Pluto?"

"You just need to tell me whether it is or not."

Bai Yun turned around and looked into Robin's eyes and asked.

Robin's momentum was not weaker than Bai Yun. He looked at him and nodded after hesitation.

"That's it, we don't owe each other anything."

Bai Yun turned around and said.

"That's it? You don't want to know more news." Bai Yun imitated the voice of a girl and Robin's tone, um... not very similar.

Then he replied in his own voice.

"There's still a long time, there will be a chance."

Robin: "........"

"Can I keep leaning down?"

"Don't get me wrong, I do this to everyone."

Bai Yun leaned down and said.

Robin took a step back, raised his hands and crossed them, and a pair of arms emerged from the ground, supporting Bai Yun's back.

"This works."

"It's quite comfortable."

Robin: "........"


"You two can't be killed!! Why do you always pick on me!! It's just an unknown pirate group!!"

Crocodile asked as he slashed at Luffy with the Desert Sword in his right hand.

Luffy bent down to avoid it, and punched Crocodile in the abdomen, which was blocked by the middle part of Crocodile's entire golden hook, but the huge force made it dented, and Crocodile also stepped back a few steps.

"What do you want to do to give up!!"

Crocodile yelled.

Luffy exhaled, "Because you haven't returned what you took away."

"What did I take away? Money? Fame? Life, or rain?"

Crocodile asked back nonchalantly, indicating that he had taken too many things.

"It's the country."

Luffy replied seriously.

"Country? Are you kidding!!!"

"The rebellion was stopped, and the whereabouts of Hades are unknown!!"

"All this is thanks to you!!!"

"You are asking me for the country now, this country!!!"

Crocodile couldn't help but get angry and yelled fiercely.

Country! Country!!

You guys have ruined the plan! You are talking to me about the country now!!!

"When we first arrived on this island, the country in her heart and memory was gone!"

"Those cities swallowed by the desert, the oasis, and the years without rain."

"If this is still her country!! She should be happier!!!"

After saying that, Luffy attacked again, stepped on the attack, and kicked with a flying leg.

Crocodile showed contempt, there was no water or brass knuckles on his feet, he raised his head and hooked it indifferently, and then he was kicked right in the right face, and the whole person flew out.

With his oily hair scattered, blood oozing from his nose and mouth, Crocodile gritted his teeth and stared at Luffy, thinking, it's impossible, there is no water, how can he beat me!!

But Luffy took off the brass knuckles and threw them back to Bai Yun.

"Bai Yun, you're right. I can't always rely on your help."

"Protect yourself."

Bai Yun stood up and grabbed the brass knuckles steadily, "Are you sure?"


"Very good!!"

Bai Yun lay back directly. His arm was gone, but he didn't fall down.

Robin's eyelids twitched slightly.

Luffy didn't say anything, and then punched Crocodile in the face. This time Crocodile hit the wall, and the wall cracked instantly, and the cracks spread.

Crocodile supported himself and turned his head, his figure still staggering a little.

Speaking of which, he had fought four rounds, including this time.

Seeing Luffy with blood dripping from his fist, Crocodile was surprised.

"Could it be! want to use blood!!?"

Luffy raised his bloody fist, "Using blood can also make the sand solidify, right?"

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