After getting the record pointer of Gaya Island, Luffy raised his hands and cheered to go to Gaya Island next.

But suddenly he realized that if he went to Gaya Island, he would not be able to go to Sky Island, because the record pointer's record would be cleared.

Nami: "Then do you know how to go to Sky Island now?"

Luffy "(shakes his head silly) I don't know."

Nami: "So, the best way is to ask questions."

Bai Yun: "Well, I agree, everyone has a mouth, ask if you don't understand."

Robin: "Besides, after arriving at Gaya Island, the record will not be stored immediately to the next island, just leave before the record is full."

Luffy: "Okay! (raises his hands), then go to Gaya Island!!"

So, just like that, the Merry headed towards the unknown island-Gaya.


The sea breeze was blowing, Gaya Island was a spring island, the air was very comfortable, but the situation above was not necessarily.

On the observation deck, Bai Yun held a sniper rifle, as if sniping at something.

Usopp was beside him, holding a telescope to observe the front.

"How is it, did you see it, Usopp, Baiyun."

Luffy was lying on the sheep's head, looking up and asked.

Baiyun did not answer.

Usopp held up the telescope and replied while looking.

"No, I haven't seen the shadow of the island yet."

"It shouldn't be that far, the monkey said that the place just now was his territory."

Zoro looked ahead and said.

Nami felt the air, "Yes, the climate has been very stable since just now, we should enter the climate sea area of ​​Gaya."

"Gaya must be Spring Island."

Luffy sighed while lying on the sheep's head.

"The air is warm and comfortable."

"Spring is great, and the seagulls are also very happy."

Chopper also sighed, but he had just finished sighing.

Three of the four circling seagulls fell instantly.

Chopper's eyes widened in fear, "Wow, the seagull was hit!!"

Luffy: "Then roast it and eat it, hehe."

"Hit? Baiyun, it's you, right!"

Nami asked while sitting on the recliner.

Baiyun didn't answer, Zoro spoke first.

"No, I didn't hear the gunshot, did you?"

After hearing what Zoro said, everyone suddenly realized and shouted, if Baiyun fired, they should have heard the gunshot.

Then since it wasn't Baiyun, why did he hold the gun?

Chopper took the bullet out of the victim's body, "Look, it's indeed a bullet. From the point of view of the bullet, it was shot from the front of the ship. It's definitely not Baiyun."

Nami stood up, covered her forehead with her hand and looked, "Chopper, you mean it was shot from the island where the shadow was not seen? How could it be..."

It's the right answer, but Chopper didn't know how to explain it.

"Haha, what kind of [eyesight], [gun], and [skill] do you need to do that?"

"It must be an accident..."



Before Usopp finished speaking, Bai Yun fired instantly, then adjusted the muzzle, and fired another shot almost without a break, shooting down the remaining seagull hovering on the Merry.

Next, Luffy took four seagulls, including the one Bai Yun had shot down, to Sanji to take care of them.

Usopp felt the gunshot from a distance and was startled, "What's wrong, Bai Yun, why did you suddenly shoot?"

Bai Yun did not answer, but murmured, "It should be off, or it's too far away."

"What? What's off? Didn't the seagull fall down?"

Usopp heard his murmur and replied.

"I'm not talking about Brother Bird."

Usopp: ??? Let's not talk about this, what about Brother Bird?


At the same time, on the roof of a house on the west coast of Gaya Island.

A guy wearing a strange hat, an eye patch on his right eye, a long face, a black cloak, and holding a long gun was sitting on it. He was the sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates, Van Oka.

The three fallen seagulls were his work, and he was sighing at this time.

"How pitiful, it must be very painful."

"Only one, it didn't hit the vital point."

"But that's your fate, it's destined."

Just after he sighed, his right eye with a single-sided telescope saw that the lucky seagull also fell down. He fired the gun, and he knew that if it fell because of the wound, it wouldn't be so fast.

Before he finished wondering, a bullet appeared in the telescope's field of view, and it was getting bigger and bigger. When he reacted, he immediately tilted his head to avoid it.

After the bullet grazed him, he realized that even if he didn't dodge, the bullet wouldn't hit him. But when the bullet hit the wall behind him,After that, a violent explosion occurred instantly, and a big hole was smashed in the whole wall.

Van Oka sweated coldly. Before the owner of the house could even curse, he shot him to death with one bullet.

This is very common in Magic Valley Town.

Then he turned his head, looked forward, stroked his beloved gun "Qianlu", and sighed.

"This is fate."

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