Luffy knocked out Bellamy with one punch and took back the gold nuggets of Kuliket. He had finished what he needed to do tonight and rushed back. Bai Yun had taken him here, so he had plenty of time to go back.

Bai Yun looked at the four people in front of him, Blackbeard, Van Oka, Poison Q, and Badgers.

Blackbeard Pirates.

His mission tonight had just begun.


"Thief hahahaha, how about joining our Blackbeard Pirates?!"

Blackbeard threw an olive branch to Bai Yun.

Bai Yun would not accept it, and even wanted to cut it off and throw it on the ground to step on it.

Oka really wanted to know if the bullet was fired by Bai Yun when he was on the roof, but Blackbeard, as the captain, asked first, so he couldn't interrupt.

Just like Badgers wanted to go up and fight now, but he didn't dare without Blackbeard's consent.

Poison Q didn't have any ideas, sitting on Zhuangzhuang and looking at Bai Yun.

"Kong is good at making big promises. If he makes more, the refrigerator will be full."

"Join you? Blackbeard Pirates?"

"So, what's your bounty, Blackbeard?"

Bai Yun asked, and he was very calm even when he was facing four people.

"Haha, what? Are you also a person who cares about bounties like these idiots, and defines strength by bounties?"

Blackbeard asked.

"Otherwise? Tell me now that your bounty is several billion, and I will join you immediately."

Bai Yun replied immediately. Although doing evil will also increase the bounty, but without the corresponding strength, and reaching a bounty of several billion, what kind of evil thing is this?

Blackbeard was choked, but then he smiled again.

"I can tell you generously that my bounty is 0 now."

"But it won't always be."

"It will increase! 100 million, 100 million, tens of billions!"

"I am Marshall D. Teach, and my dream is to be at the top of the world!! Hahahaha."

Blackbeard laughed with "ambition", as if announcing his appearance.

But when he said his bounty was 0, the rest of the Belle Pirates almost laughed out loud.

Isn't this looking for death?

So they are a bunch of frogs in the well.

"If you don't want to die, take them two and get out!"

Bai Yun shouted sharply.

With the pressure of Luffy's partner and the 80 million bounty, they dared not disobey, and ran away with Bellamy and Sachis.

And Bai Yun's eyes looking at Blackbeard gradually became serious, and the other three, tsk!

He was only afraid of Blackbeard.

"Your eyes have changed."

"Fear? It seems normal, but it also seems abnormal. Do you know me?"

Blackbeard asked. It was abnormal for someone like him who had been unknown before to be so fearful in the eyes of others, unless the other party knew him before.

But Blackbeard knew that except for today, he didn't know Bai Yun at all.

"Bai Yun..."

"Wait! I've heard of this name!!"

Memories emerged in his mind, and Blackbeard found that he had heard of the name Bai Yun before.

Bai Yun didn't expect that Blackbeard "recognized" him first.

"I heard it in the Whitebeard Pirates."

Bai Yun said with a teasing smile.

The smile on Blackbeard's face disappeared, "Sure enough, you knew me before, are you also a member of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"No, it's impossible. I know what every member of the Whitebeard Pirates looks like, and you are a subordinate of that Straw Hat Boy, which Straw Hat Pirates group is it from."

"So, who are you!!"


Blackbeard hates to feel this feeling from others, especially when others know him but he doesn't know others.

As the saying goes, the unknown is scary.

Bai Yun's smile deepened. Blackbeard hated this feeling, but he liked to give others this feeling.

"Want to know!?"

"I'll tell you if you beat me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Yun attacked instantly.

He stretched out his left hand and snapped his fingers, and raised his flintlock with his right hand and fired.



Two bangs.

The first was the sound of a bullet coming out of the gun.

The second was the sound of an explosion.

The four people on the opposite side stood in a row, and the poison Q standing on the far left was suddenly drowned by the explosion.

Otherwise, do you think that when Bai Yun first met Poison Q, he secretly used the needle transformed from his bracelet to prick the apple for acupuncture?

"Poison Q!"

Bajies shouted, and was also surprised that Bai Yun could blow up Poison Q with just a snap of his fingers. What kind of ability is this?

And the first bang of the bullet was aimed at Oka.

Oka's expression was normal and indifferent. In his eyes, the bullet was slowed down several times. This was because he was a sniper.The special ability of the sniper.

But it is a bullet after all, even if it is several times slower, it is still fast. Oka moved one step to the left and raised the gun in his hand. Qianlu was about to shoot, but he didn't expect Bai Yun's bullet to split directly. The split bullet hit his right arm accurately, and a blood hole appeared immediately, and the blood kept flowing.


The arm felt a huge pain in an instant. Oka's hand was unstable, and the bullet hit Bai Yun's feet. For a sniper, the hand that fired the gun was injured, which would greatly affect the accuracy.

Bai Yun nodded slightly. Sister Robin's flower-flower fruit is good for bullets. This is called a flintlock shotgun.


Bages shouted again. He didn't expect Bai Yun to hurt his two companions with one shot.

Blackbeard's brows began to frown, and darkness appeared in his palm.

Although Bai Yun hurt Poison Q and Oka with one shot, who is Bages? The first reckless man of the Blackbeard Pirates, just like relying on the ship king.

Who cares who you are!

Who do you think I am!!

He elbowed sideways and rushed towards Bai Yun.

Facing Badgers, who was more than 1 meter taller than him (Badgers was 3.55 meters tall) and rushed towards him like a wall, Bai Yun was very calm. At the moment when Badgers rushed towards him, he raised his left hand to block it, and the air wave exploded between the two.

Bai Yun raised his head and looked at Badgers, exhaling white air from his mouth, "Who do you think you are!"

His five fingers sank into Badgers' flesh, and Badgers almost cried in pain.


Bai Yun stepped forward and twisted his waist, throwing Badgers behind him.

He naturally did not have such strong physical strength, but do you think Karp did?

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