As time passed and the dawn slowly came, Bai Yun was indeed anxious. It was also the first time that he hated sunrise so much.


Luffy put the gold nuggets he had snatched back on the tree stump table in front of Kulikate.

Kulikate looked at the gold nuggets in silence, while Luffy smiled at him.

At this time, the background sound was that the gorilla and the ape shouted at their men to set out to escort.

Kulikate took the cigarette butt from his mouth and pressed him on the ashtray, although the ashtray had already piled up a "hill" of cigarette butts.

It was really a small amount of lung found in a lot of smoke.

"Hurry up and set off. Do you want to waste such a good opportunity to go to heaven in vain?"

"And, Bai Yun, right? Is Bai Yun okay?"

Luffy smiled a little deeper, showing his white teeth.

"Hehe, it's okay. Bai Yun stayed there not because of Bellamy and the others. He didn't tell me why, but I believe he will come back."

"Also, thank you for helping me fix the boat."

Kuliket pointed to the back, which was the boat of the gorilla and the ape, "You should thank them."

"Ah! Thank you!! I'll give you Hercules, anyway, Bai Yun has it."

Luffy held out the rhinoceros beetle in his hand.

The gorilla seemed very excited, "Really! You are such a good person!!"

The ape was also very happy, "Anyway, hurry up and get on the boat, the faster the better."

The gorilla nodded in agreement, "Well, we will lead the way in front, and you can just follow behind."

"Hurry up, Luffy!!"

Nami shouted from the bow of the Flying Merry. Everyone else got on the boat, and Luffy was indeed the only one missing.

"Here we go!!"

And Kuliket was still sitting on the stump chair, touching the bag of gold nuggets with deep emotion.

There are people who don't believe in the existence of Sky Island and think that those who believe in the existence of Sky Island are fools.

There are also people who want to go there even if they know that there will be danger to their lives.

His hands are getting tighter and tighter. This is not only an adventure for Luffy and his friends, but also his only chance to prove the existence of the Golden Country.

"Saruyama United Army!"

Kuliket suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, so loud that you can see his throat clearly.

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Hi oh! Sir!!"

The members of the Saruyama United Army on the ship beat their chests and raised their hands to respond.

"Listen! This mission must not fail!!"

"No matter what happens, we must escort these guys to the end."

"Yes sir, oh oh oh!!"

Everyone responded, as if they had come to the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

Kulikate walked to the bottom of the Flying Merry with a smile, looked up and said to Luffy.

"Boy, I'll say goodbye to you here."

"There is one thing that is absolutely correct."

Kuliket said seriously, and Luffy listened seriously.

"No one has ever proved that [Sky Island] and [Golden Town] do not exist!!"

"Bellamy and the others are just talking nonsense without evidence!!"

"Maybe someone will say this is a perverse theory, but what's the problem?"

"It is precisely because of dreams that [romance] can be achieved!!"

Kuliket opened his arms when he was excited.

However, romance is romance, but it always feels a bit second-year.


Luffy repeated, obviously, he didn't understand.

"Yes" ×2

Two voices sounded at the same time, and just when everyone was confused, Bai Yun came out of Luffy's shorts pocket.

Everyone was shocked.

"Bai Yun!!!"


Time goes back to the battle between Bai Yun and the Blackbeard Pirates in Mogu Town.

It was not daytime yet, but it was almost daytime.

After a few moves.

Bai Yun's record was that he seriously injured Oka, while Badgers and Poison Q were slightly injured, and his main target Blackbeard was only slightly injured.

On Blackbeard's side, only Blackbeard punched Bai Yun in the back, but it was just one punch, and it knocked away half of Bai Yun's blood.

He was hit in his own physique, and now he is in Garp's physique after leaving Blackbeard's palm. It's not a big deal, but it will probably be uncomfortable when the re-engraving time is over.

Because the injury was in his own physique, he will stay, but even if the injury was in Garp's physique, he would stay if his defense was broken. After all, he replicated Garp's physique, not pulling Cap over to use as a shield.


Poison Q went to save Oka.

Bai Yun now has Blackbeard in front and Badgers behind.

Bai Yun doesn't care about Badgers, so he has to attack Blackbeard fiercely in the remaining time.

"No! No!!"

"According to your strength, my punch can't have such a strong impact."No! No!!" Blackbeard suddenly understood. As a "real" pirate tycoon, he was certainly not stupid. "That's funny. Why don't you believe in yourself?" Bai Yun replied. Blackbeard did not answer. He believed in himself. He aimed to be the world's hegemon, but he would not blindly believe in himself. "I understand." "Your strength to lift and throw Badgers, your strength as a great swordsman, and your ability to control the wind." "It's because of your ability that you have it." "So, when my right hand touched you, you lost these abilities, so I could punch you and make you spit blood, right! ! ! " "Thief hahaha! ! ! " After discovering the truth, Blackbeard laughed out loud. "Such an ability must have side effects or flaws or weaknesses in some aspects. ”

“Boy, so that’s all you are. I want this ability!! Hahahaha!!”

Blackbeard was talking nonsense, and he wanted to take Bai Yun’s ability.


“Come and get it if you can!!”

Bai Yun raised his hand, his palm facing the sky, and the wind pressure ball gathered on his palm and gradually grew bigger. This was all thanks to the inspiration given by a certain Genin.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Yun threw the huge wind pressure ball at Blackbeard.

The bursting wind blew up some wooden boards on the roof, and the ground was cut off.

Faced with such an attack, Blackbeard was not afraid at all. He raised his right palm again, and a black hole appeared and swallowed the wind pressure ball.

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