The Straw Hat Pirates reached the clouds, but all they could see was a vast expanse of white, and they couldn't see where Sky Island was.

And with the fish caught by "Usopp's bait", everyone could also know the characteristics of Sky Island fish.

Hmm... It seems that it is useless for them to find where Sky Island is...


"Where is Sky Island? Where is it?"

Among the group of people, only Chopper was doing his job, holding a telescope to look for the shadow of Sky Island.

Here, after Nami told Luffy to eat everything, she also ate it.

"It's really delicious! This is the first time I've tasted this flavor."


Bai Yun couldn't help but take a bite in the end. It was unexpectedly delicious, and there was no fishy smell.

"It's really unexpectedly delicious."

"Right, hehe."

"Bring that big fish and grill it too!"

Luffy replied with a smile.

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, Chopper saw a ship in the distance through the telescope, and it seemed that there was another... person?

Just as he was about to tell everyone, flames suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and the ship was directly blown into two halves, emitting flames.

"Huh? Wow!!!"

Chopper couldn't help but exclaimed, and the telescope in his hand fell to the deck.

"What's wrong, Chopper? Did you see the ship?"

Bai Yun asked, although he knew.

"No! Uh... I saw the ship, but now the ship is gone."

"And there is a cow stepping on a square cloud and rushing over here!!"

"Not good!!"

Zoro was puzzled, "I don't understand, calm down!"

Sanji was holding a cigarette, and he didn't understand either, "What are you talking about?" He said, and turned his head, and then he understood.

I saw a person rushing over quickly, and the "cow" in Chopper's mouth was the shield in the hand of this strange person.

"It's a person!!"

"And he's running on the cloud!!"

It's called a cloud, but it can also be understood as the surface of the water, so now this uh... "minotaur" is "floating on the water with light kung fu".

"Hey! Stop! What do you want to do!?"

Sanji shouted.

But the man had already jumped, seemingly about to jump onto the Merry.

"Destroy them!"

This was the first and last sentence the minotaur said after jumping.

Sanji raised his leg, "He's coming with bad intentions!"

Zoro held his knife, "Come on if you dare!"

Luffy clenched his fist, "What? What for?"

Bai Yun raised his hand, "Come on, guys!!!"

But Bai Yun didn't expect that as soon as he said this, the minotaur knocked down Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji with two legs and one punch.

"Huh?! What happened to the three of you!!!"

Nami said in disbelief.

Being knocked down in an instant, this is not like the three people she knows.

Chopper was also frightened by this scene.

Usopp finally recovered and lay down again, "Sky Island is so scary! Sky Island is so scary!!"

After knocking down Luffy and the others with three moves, the Minotaur bounced back into the air, holding the cannon in his hand, and was about to fire.

Bai Yun broke off a wooden stick from the ship's fence, and then threw it hard at the Minotaur.

And a figure attacked from the left of the Minotaur.

"Let's stop here!!"

The figure sat on a bird and quickly approached the Minotaur. When he got close, he jumped up and stabbed the Minotaur with the knight's gun in his hand.

"What is this time!!!"

Nami shouted, so devastated, so devastated!!

Attacked from both sides.

The Minotaur immediately used his head... no, he used his shield to block the figure's knight's gun. Facing the wooden stick thrown by Bai Yun, he also kicked it back with a whip kick, but looking at the distance of the recoil, he didn't feel well from this kick.

The stick bounced back and shot towards the Merry. In Usopp's eyes, the shadow of the stick kept getting bigger.

"Ah!! Ahhh!!"

Usopp was so scared that he immediately stood up and moved back.

With a snap!!

The stick was stuck between his legs... on the deck in front.

But Usopp couldn't stand it anymore, his eyes rolled back, and he fell back again.


The Minotaur was repelled.

The figure fell and stepped on the fence of the Merry, including his mount bird.

"Um... I am the [Air Knight]!!"

Looking at the figure clearly, it turned out to be a white-bearded old man wearing knight armor. Ahem, respect the old man with white beard.

"Is he gone..."

Looking at the back of the Minotaur going away, the old man murmured.

The old man jumped onto the deck.

Only Chopper and Bai Yun paid attention to him.

Chopper bowed slightly to him and thanked him.

"Thank you for saving us."

"Yes, thank you... old knight."

Old man firstBack to Chopper.

"You're welcome. This is a last resort. This time, let's consider it a free service!!"

Then he looked at Bai Yun.

"Although I am old, I still have the strength to fight."

"But you, young man, need to practice more and strengthen your physique."

Bai Yun smiled back, "Master, you are right. I know, Master, I remember, Master, I will practice more, Master."

Bai Yun's reply was definitely from the heart.

And Nami was still confused, also looking at the direction where the Minotaur left.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Who is that guy?"

After saying that, Nami turned around and changed her expression, "Also, you three are so bad!! Three people can't beat one person!!"

"Huh? Bai Yun, why are you sitting down too?"

Seeing Bai Yun also sitting on the deck, leaning against the side of the boat, Nami asked, did the minotaur attack you just now?

"You have to know, Miss Nami."

"Throwing that stick almost drained all my strength."

Bai Yun looked up and explained with a smile.

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"That's right, why are you so much weaker than usual?"

"It must be because the air is too thin."

Robin's words woke Nami up.

"Is that so?"

"Sister Robin is right. The air is too thin. If you can breathe normally, you are in good condition. But once you move, you will feel tired. It's like you can run ten laps down there, but you will feel tired after running half a lap here."

Bai Yun panted and replied. This is his original physique. The clone is not like the original body that can copy Luffy and others' physique at any time.

Although it is better after learning the armament fur, it is still weak in the pirate world.

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