"No!! No!! You are...Long-haired Bai Yun!!"

Dobal recognized Bai Yun.

Bai Yun's temporary journey alone could not be smooth sailing.

Where is this place?

It's the sea! If the sea was smooth sailing, no one would go out to sea.


"Do you know me?"

Dobal pushed Ocas away and looked at Bai Yun completely.

Facing him, Bai Yun still sat still, even crossed his legs, drinking tea, so comfortable.

And Omir hid behind the back of the chair under him, hiding in the same way as Chopper, looking at Dobal fearfully.

"80 million heads, of course I know."

Dobal replied, his eyes full of scrutiny, he didn't believe that the little white face in front of him looked like he had a bounty of 80 million.

But after all, he has been out to sea for many years, so he naturally wouldn't underestimate the enemy by judging people by appearance, but war is the nature of many pirates.

"I don't know you."

Bai Yun replied calmly. He was telling the truth, but it sounded very sarcastic.


A classic example of a boss who is not anxious but his lackey is.

Dobal stopped his younger brother.

"Silver Hook Shetus Dobal."

"Bounty, 69 million Baileys."

Dobal introduced himself.

"69 million? Quite a lot."

Bai Yun took a sip of tea from the teacup. His calm tone was even more irritating than Bellamy's loud laughter, as if he was saying that you are not worthy of my attention.

However, Bai Yun was speaking from the heart. He did have 9 million more than Green Algae Head, but Green Algae Head had been out to sea for less than a month, while Dobal, as far as I can tell, had been out to sea for less than 20 years.

"With 80 million heads, I am qualified to say that."

Dobal laughed instead of getting angry.


This was Bai Yun's reply.

I can't do it to Duobal.

"So, do you have anything else to do?"

Bai Yun asked proactively.

"If you think the money is too little and you want to kill Ocas and the others, I have no objection."

"But I need someone to drive the boat. If they die, you must drive the boat for me."

Bai Yun's tone was not telling, not discussing, but informing, which was really domineering.

"Looking for death!!"

Duobal's younger brother couldn't bear it, so he drew his sword and chopped at him.


A gunshot sounded, and the younger brother fell to the ground.

But Duobal didn't even know that Bai Yun was a gunner.

"Oh, being young is good, you can fall asleep as soon as you lie down."

Bai Yun said with a smile.

"He's a loyal subordinate, but he's brainless."

"So, what do you want to do?"

Bai Yun looked at Dobal, who had been sailing on the sea for many years and couldn't help but tremble, but he still took a deep breath, raised his hand to tell the crew on his ship not to attack, then pulled out the crescent scimitar at his waist and said.

"Fight with you."

"You say fight? Who are you?"

"Besides, people will die."

Bai Yun still looked calm and composed. Maybe he might run into a tough guy, but this is also a confusing strategy.

"Being a pirate, why are you afraid of death?"

Dobal replied disdainfully, afraid of death? If you were afraid of death, you wouldn't be a pirate.

Usopp: Ha....yawn!!! Who misses me??

"I like this sentence."

"Die, I'm not kidding, I won't kill you, after I leave, you may kill Ocas and the others next year to vent your anger."

"It's because of me that I'm unhappy. If you want to fight, you must die, then I'll be relieved."

Bai Yun said it as if he was sure to win.

"You seem to think you're sure to win!!"

Although Dobal wanted to calm down, he couldn't stand it. Even clay people have tempers.

"I'm just telling the truth."

Bai Yun shrugged, then raised his hand, and the bracelet changed into a dagger.

"Sorry, this is my smallest knife."

"You're going too far!!"

Dobal couldn't stand it and rushed up.

Bai Yun still smiled and slapped the handle of the chair and stood up.

The tip of the dagger hit the blade of Dobal's scimitar, stopping Dobal's figure.


Omir didn't move. He only knew that Bai Yun had stopped Duobal with just a short dagger. It was amazing.

Duobal's eyes were obviously surprised.

"What a rough knife."

Bai Yun looked like he was preaching.

Hawkeye: Just copy it, right?

"Shut up!!"

Duobal retreated and slashed at Bai Yun's waist.

Bai Yun still blocked it with a dagger.

"Too slow, too weak, come again!!"

"Fuck you!!"

Duobal couldn't help it and raised his knifeHe hacked wildly. If one of his hands hadn't been lost, he would have tried to hack with both hands.

But no matter which direction he hacked, Bai Yun could block his blade with a dagger held in one hand, and sparks flew everywhere.

After replicating Zoro, Shanks, Hawkeye, and the Little Garden Giant's Baguo, Bai Yun's swordsmanship was not far from being a swordsman.

Just the feedback from Shanks and Hawkeye's swordsmanship after the replica was over was enough for Bai Yun's swordsmanship to defeat a lot of people in the first half of the Grand Line.

"So... so awesome..."

Ocas had told Omir that Bai Yun was awesome and that he should respect him and be polite, but Omir didn't expect Bai Yun to be so awesome, not to mention him, and Ocas didn't expect it either.

Loskaya of the Magic Valley Town was incomparable to Dobal, and now Dobal was suppressed.


Bai Yun had had enough fun, and with a strong bounce, he shook off Dobal's knife and stopped his attack at the same time, then turned to reverse the grip of the dagger and hit Baguo with a side swing.

Duobal's eyes widened, and he used the blade to block, but the dagger blade blocked it, but the impact could not be stopped.

Instantly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, the weapon fell out of his hand, and the whole person flew out and returned directly to his own ship.

"Captain! Captain!!"

Duobal's crew immediately surrounded him and helped Duobal up. He seemed to be a good captain.


Omir shouted excitedly, but then realized that he had lost his composure and immediately covered his mouth.

Bai Yun sat back in the chair and picked up the teacup. Well, the tea was not cold yet.

Duobal covered his chest and looked at Bai Yun who sat back in the chair.

Just felt too strong.

"I lost, I lost completely, I surrender, you can kill me or cut me, it's up to you."

"But the others are innocent, can you let them go."

Duobal lowered his head. He was indeed a qualified captain, and he was really popular.


"No! Captain! We won't run away by ourselves!!"

"That won't do."

"Cut the grass at its roots. I just said, if I leave, what will you do to take revenge on Ocas and the others?"

Bai Yun was referring to Ocas.

Ocas was a shrewd businessman.

"Mr. Bai Yun... I have known Dobal for a long time. Although he collects tolls, it is because of him that we have not been attacked by other pirates over the years. Please spare his life."

Bai Yun glanced at Ocas.

"Whatever, you decide for yourself. If they take revenge on you in the future, it will be none of my business."

Revenge later, revenge later.

Bai Yun kept mentioning this word. The more he mentioned it, the more embarrassed Dobal would be to do it in the future.

"Of course, of course."

Ocas said with a smile.

Bai Yun had to admire his courage. No wonder he dared to be a sea merchant in the pirate world.

"Okay, then don't disturb me while I'm watching TV."

After saying that, Bai Yun closed his eyes.

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