McKinley said that Luffy and his friends were finished, and the priests would punish them personally.

Bai Yun said that he had just gone out and killed all the priests.

McKinley said that it was impossible.

Bai Yun said, yes, you are right.

"I was joking~"

After saying this, everyone staggered and McKinley fell to the ground.

"Bai Yun, can you be serious!!"

Nami shouted angrily.

Bai Yun felt wronged, "I just wanted to break the silence, it was just a little joke."

"This is not funny!!"

Nami was still angry.

"Assholes! Assholes! You assholes! Just wait to be punished!!!"

McKinley climbed up and didn't care about his men. He ran away after saying the harsh words. Luffy and his friends didn't have time to care about him. He was no longer a threat after seeing his strength.

A captain who was killed by Wei Ba.

Well, it's scary.


"So, what happened to you just now?"

Back to the point, Zoro had to figure out their current situation, and asked Nami and Bai Yun.

Nami then told her and Bai Yun what had just happened.

"We were obviously fooled by that damn old woman. She said [we can pass], but if we pass, it will become [illegal entry]!! This is fraud!!"

Nami was very angry. She had always been the only one who lied, but she didn't expect that she would also make a mistake.

"By the way, Bai Yun, didn't you stay to stop the four priests? Why did you suddenly appear behind me?"

"How many clones do you have?"

Nami suddenly thought of the fact that Bai Yun had just appeared from behind her and stood on the same Wei Ba with her. Wasn't Bai Yun stopping the four priests? Even if he came back, how could she not have seen it.

Bai Yun told everyone about the fight between him and the four priests just now.

"Then I'll fly away."

"But that god Enel can't afford to play with it, so he launched a sneak attack."

"Fortunately, I dodged it quickly. After catching up with you, Miss Nami, I turned back into a bullet and fell on Viba. You were driving fast all the way, so it's normal that you didn't notice it."

The voice fell.

Luffy and Usopp laughed loudly, and others including Robin couldn't help but smile.

"Hahaha, they just stood there waiting for Bai Yun's "palm technique falling from the sky" for a few minutes! Hahaha, it seems that the priests are not so scary!"

Usopp said, now that they didn't fight, he had already begun to disdain.

"Hahaha, yes! So stupid! Hahaha."

Luffy agreed.

Although Bai Yun did not take the priests seriously, he still said.

"Don't take it lightly, idiot, it doesn't mean weak strength."

When saying this, Bai Yun looked at Luffy.

"Hmm? Bai Yun, why are you looking at me? What's wrong?"

Luffy couldn't understand, so he asked.

"No, I'm looking at you."

Bai Yun smiled and replied.

Luffy gladly accepted this answer, "Really? Hahaha."

Zoro and Sanji's backs were speechless, you believe this!!!

Let's get back to the point.

"However, even if we were told that [we can't enter] or had to pay a 70 Bailey entry fee, we still chose to break in."

Bai Yun was talking nonsense, and when he said this, he looked at Nami.

"Shut up!!"

Nami rolled her eyes at him, just know it! You still have to say it!!!

Bai Yun shrugged, stretched out two index fingers and crossed them, and put them on his mouth.

Nami ignored him.

Pagaya spoke at this time.

"Anyway, it's bad!! We can't do anything if you become a second-level criminal."

Nami turned around and found that Pagaya and Conis were already "800 meters" away from them.

"Why do you have to talk so far away!!"

Luffy laughed, "It doesn't matter, we are used to being chased anyway."

"It would be better if it was a girl chasing you."

Just as Sanji was about to speak, a voice came from behind him.

Turning around, he saw Bai Yun, and his eyes were full of surprise, "Who doesn't know you?"

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