The day before Bai Yun and Luffy set out to sea, a strange pirate group arrived in Windmill Village, a place with no people.

It is unknown whether they are enemies or friends.

But pirates, no need to think, most of them are enemies.

When pirates come, it is usually the old mayor who leads them. The naval base is in the kingdom, and they have no time to care about Windmill Village, a small broken place.


The mayor and his men are in front, and Bai Yun and Luffy are behind.

Bai Yun's eyesight has become very good due to his practice of shooting, and he can see the pirate ship on the dock from a distance.

It is indeed like what the townspeople said, as if it has been through a gunfight.

It looks shaky, and most of the sails have been burned.

The pirate flag on it is a skull, with three "Z"s arranged diagonally on the right, which looks like a skull sleeping.


The old mayor led everyone to the dock. On the shabby pirate ship, a thin man with a scarred face pushed a wheelchair and got off the ship and onto the shore.

Sitting in the wheelchair was a pale girl in a white dress with a wound on her abdomen, which was stained red with blood.

Others on the boat followed them off the boat one after another.

Including the thin man, everyone had injuries on their bodies, some were just flesh wounds, and some were even broken arms.

"Doctor! Call your doctor here quickly!!"

The thin man shouted immediately when he saw the old mayor and the others.

The old mayor looked around.

"Your injuries are too severe, and the doctors in our village can't do anything."

"Go to the right for a distance and you will reach the port of the kingdom."

"The doctors in the border town are much better than the doctors in our village."

The old mayor did not lie. Of course, good doctors can only make money by working in border towns.

The old doctor in their windmill village can usually treat colds, fevers, headaches and fevers.

This degree of trauma is beyond his ability.

However, there is one person who can cure it, and that is Bai Yun. During the time he spent with the Red Hair Pirates, Bai Yun learned the most about gunmanship and medical skills. With the ability of the replica fruit, he can't be said to be very powerful. Anyway, he has cured Luffy and Ace's injuries over the years.


The girl in the wheelchair groaned, and the thin man's expression instantly became ferocious.

With a clang, he drew out the long sword from his waist.


"You know it can't be cured without seeing it!"

"Go call the doctor!"

"Otherwise I'll kill you!!!"

The sword was drawn. Seeing the long sword, the old mayor and a group of townspeople broke out in cold sweat.

When Luffy behind saw it, he immediately stretched out his hands, grabbed a stone on the ground and bounced over.

"Drawing the sword means we're going to fight!"

The girl looked at Luffy who was blocking everyone, and recalled his arm just now. It seems that he is also a capable person.

The thin man was about to chop him, and the girl raised her hand hard.

"Forget it, let's go."

The thin man froze and could only stare at Luffy, put away his knife, walked behind the girl, and prepared to help her push the wheelchair.

As for Bai Yun, he didn't rush over like Luffy. Luffy's current strength was not so easy to defeat.

Instead, he activated the fruit ability and scanned the people in the pirate group.

Under the fruit ability, in Bai Yun's field of vision, vertical borders appeared around those people.

That was their ability, Bai Yun could choose one to copy.

But the abilities of this group of people were basically ordinary.

Only the thin man was a decent swordsman.

And the girl in the wheelchair.

"Superhuman-type Sleeping Fruit ability user."

The girl has only this ability.

"Sleeping Fruit... Not good!!"

Bai Yun murmured about the girl's fruit ability, and suddenly found that something was wrong.

And it was just as he guessed.

As soon as the thin man walked behind her, the girl's eyes immediately turned white and she said.


The power of the fruit was released instantly, and a group of people including Luffy and the old mayor immediately felt sleepy, and their eyelids were fighting with themselves.

"Why am I so sleepy all of a sudden..."

Luffy said, and when he was about to close his eyes completely, he heard a huge gong sound.


Everyone was instantly awakened by the loud noise.

It was Bai Yun behind him who struck the gong that the bracelet had transformed into at the critical moment.

The girl was still not giving up and continued to use her power, and Bai Yun continued to knock!

Bai Yun was just moving his hands, while the girl's power consumed her spirit and physical strength.

Seeing that her power was broken by Bai Yun, the girl stopped pretending and her expression instantly became ferocious.

"Kill them!!!"

With an order, the thin man and the crew behind him immediately rushed forward.

Luffy attacked head-on.

"Rubber! RubberGlue! Whip!!"

Luffy gathered power with his right foot and kicked sideways with force. His foot instantly stretched out and hit the people who came to kill him like a whip.

Except for the thin man who immediately bent down and the girl sitting in the wheelchair, the others were instantly kicked to the left by Luffy.

The thin man stood up, with the same expression as the girl, his mouth wide open, and a face full of horror.

The thin man gritted his teeth and continued to rush forward, "I will fight you!!"

Bai Yun instantly flashed in front of him, poked his stomach with a stick and hit him back.

The thin man fell down immediately, holding his stomach in pain, and had lost his fighting power.

The long stick in his hand turned back into a bracelet again, and Bai Yun asked Luffy and other townspeople to tie up these pirates.

Then he changed his expression to a smile and slowly approached the girl.

The girl wanted to use her ability, but Bai Yun directly hit her with a face-breaking punch.

"Stop it. "

But he suddenly took out gauze and medicine to bandage the girl's wound.

Misunderstood, Bai Yun is not the kind of person who can't walk when seeing a woman.

Looking at the way the girl gave orders just now, she must be the captain.

Kill him? It's better to take him to the town to exchange for a bounty, just in time he and Luffy need money.

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