The system pretended to be mysterious, and after hanging Bai Yun for three seconds, it told him why Bai Yun was so unlucky even though he had the ability to change his luck. That was because...

"That's because this ability has a limitation, which is: you can't swear."



Bai Yun couldn't believe his ears.

"In short, this ability will increase your luck a little bit every day, with 100 points as the peak."

"But you can't swear. If you do, it will be reset to zero and you will start over again."

"There is also a small side effect, which is that if you swear too much, you may become unlucky."

The system gave a detailed explanation.

The details are:

Luck cannot be defined, but after becoming an ability, Bai Yun's luck has become a visible number.

According to the numbers, the highest luck of a person is 100 points, which is the ultimate luck.

This is refreshed every day by ordinary people, and the same is true for Bai Yun.

But Bai Yun's ability is to give him 100 more points, 1 point a day.

Without saying anything dirty, it exists permanently, and accumulates and stacks up to 100 points a day.

To put it bluntly, Baiyun has 100 more points. That is to say, if Baiyun's luck is the extreme 100 points on a certain day, then add the accumulated 100 points.

200 points, that's super lucky, it's lucky that even Pluto can pass by and be unscathed.

But there is good luck and bad luck.

Points are distinguished.

1 point is normal, and the more points, the more lucky.

Then the negative number -1 is normal bad luck, the more negative, the more unlucky, until -100, it is extreme bad luck.

Baiyun's luck ability is reflected here.

If Baiyun's luck is the extreme bad luck of -100 on this day, but he has the ability to have an extra 100 points, then it becomes 0, normal form, bad luck or luck, all depends on fate.

But there is another side effect, that is, because of swearing, the 100 extra luck points accumulated for 100 days will be instantly cleared. If you continue to swear, it will deduct Bai Yun's random luck for the day bit by bit.

If this day is lucky, it's fine, but if it is unlucky, it will be even more unlucky.

So the system said, don't swear, be careful of bad luck.

Bai Yun was dumbfounded. He had forgotten how many swear words he had said in the past ten years. Even if not much, he must have said them. No wonder he was so unlucky when he went out to sea.


"Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

The system woke up the dumbfounded Bai Yun, and Bai Yun was startled.


"I have already told you the third ability. I have something else to do and I have to go back. Maybe we will never meet again in the future."

"We have known each other for a long time. Do you have anything else to say?"

The system asked, just asking unnecessary questions.

Bai Yun listened, thinking where did you get the "face" from? At the same time, he gathered all the dirty words of human civilization so far in his heart, wishing to give them all to this "diligent" system.

But when the words came to his lips, he only gritted his teeth: "Go slowly."

"Still a little polite."

The system replied.

Bai Yun shouted in his heart, polite? I was forced!

"I'm leaving, you should wake up too!"

The system finished speaking.

This white space seemed to collapse, Bai Yun only felt that the white in front of his eyes was completely white, and he couldn't even see his own hands clearly.

He tried hard to open his eyes, and suddenly opened them, and his consciousness returned to reality.

In reality, Bai Yun's eyes suddenly opened, and the sweat on his forehead dripped onto the pillow. What caught his eye was a very gorgeous bed curtain.


"Hello, is anyone there? We want to borrow a boat, and we are looking for Bai Yun!"

When he came to the door of Kaya's mansion, Luffy opened his mouth and shouted.

Bai Yun, who had just woken up in the room, just sat up and vaguely heard Luffy's voice.

"Why do I seem to hear Luffy's voice?"

Looking around again, his room alone was very gorgeous.

"It looks like a rich man's home."

"Logically speaking, this should be the island closest to where I fell into the sea, and that should be the home of Usopp CP-Kaya."

Just as Bai Yun guessed, he had just finished speaking when Merry, wearing a sheep's headgear, came into the room and brought lunch.

"Oh, are you awake? I'm glad you're awake. It's lunch time. Please have some lunch."

Bai Yun took the lunch naturally, "Are you the housekeeper of this house? Thank you for saving me."

"You're praising me, I'm not a housekeeper."

"I saw you at the beach this morning and brought you back. I hope you wake up safely."

Merry stood straight, looking veryThe appearance of the butler.

Knowing that it was Merry who saved him, Bai Yun immediately bowed to him.

Just as he was about to eat, he heard Usopp and a strange voice shouting.

"Oh, Butler Kuro seems very angry. It seems that the person who broke in did something terrible."

Merry said calmly, as if he was not a servant of this family.

Bai Yun probably guessed from the voice that it was because Kuro insulted Usopp's father, so Usopp and Kuro quarreled and fought.

Poor Kaya still protected Kuro, but she didn't know that these three years were just a big show arranged by Kuro.

After thinking about it, Bai Yun continued to eat lunch. He didn't plan to meet up with Luffy and the others now. He stayed in this mansion happily and waited for the battle to come.

"Then you eat, I'll go see what happened."

Merry said.

"Do your thing, don't worry about me."

Bai Yun also smiled and replied.


And Luffy and his friends.

Usopp left after saying "I will never come here again".

With Kuro's shout, Luffy and his friends also left the mansion, and the farce ended.


Handing the camera to Kaya's room, Kaya was confused. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong for him to get rid of Usopp for Kuro's comfort.

After all, Kuro in her heart is still a good housekeeper who has taken care of her for three years, not the pirate Kuro who has been planning for her family property for three years.

So, Kuro came in and acted.

He said that he was saved by Kaya's father, and he did this for Kaya's good, otherwise he would be so worthy of Kaya's dead parents.

With that, Kaya forgave him for what he said to Usopp. It was obvious that Kaya was CPU.

Bai Yun, who wanted to visit Kaya outside the house, heard it all, and had to admire Kuro's acting skills.

He couldn't listen anymore and knocked on the door directly.

"Knock knock knock."

"Come in," Ke Ya replied.

After getting permission, Bai Yun opened the door and walked in.

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