"Luffy, we must win this battle!"

This is what Nami said when she saw Luffy wake up.

Luffy was a little surprised, "You..."

Nami immediately raised her fist, her eyes shining, "I'm for the treasure!"

Luffy took back his surprise and pressed his straw hat tightly.

"Well, it's fine as long as everyone is happy."

Then, Luffy caught a glimpse of Bai Yun on the top of the opposite slope.

"Ah! Bai Yun! I finally see you, are you okay?"

Bai Yun shook his head, "It's okay, Captain, help me punch that hypnotist."

Kero was a little surprised. Bai Yun has so many strange abilities, but he is not the captain?

Zango is hypnotizing the thick-skinned tabby cat who was not defeated by Zoro's knife.

I was startled just after I finished it. Why did he suddenly come to me?

As soon as I turned around, Luffy's fist hit him accurately in the face, and Zango flew directly to the ground next to Kuro.

Bai Yun looked at Kuro, "It seems that we still have a bigger chance of winning, Mr. Refrigerator."

Kro had a blank expression on his face, and instantly grabbed Bai Yun with his right cat claw.

A long stick appeared in Bai Yun's hand to block, but his consciousness was already blurred, and he could not use half of his strength, and was directly shaken down the slope by Kuro.

Zoro immediately caught him, "No way, your strength..."

Zoro wanted to say that Bai Yun's strength was not that great, but he felt that Bai Yun's body temperature was abnormal, just like a hot water bottle.

Luffy also flew over in an instant.

"You have a fever!"

"It's normal, just take a rest, and the rest is up to you."

Bai Yun smiled and replied.

"Of course, you take a good rest, Bai Yun, I will beat this hateful butler away."

"I believe you."


"Uh, it hurts."

Zangao recovered and felt a burning pain on his right face.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Cloe with his head down, staring at him, which frightened him so much that he immediately stood up.

"Cloe, ship...ship..."

"Shut up!!"

"Go to the mansion in the village now and find Kaya, hypnotize her to write a suicide note, and then kill her to prove that you are still useful!"

Cloe pushed his glasses and ordered.

"Yes! Yes! I'll go right away."

Zango immediately ran towards the village, and was hit on the back of his head by a hammer. Usopp, who was bleeding, struggled to grab his feet.


"Don't hurt Kaya!!"

If he dragged it on, Zango was afraid of being stabbed by Cloe, so he kicked Usopp away.

"Get out of here!"

Cloe flashed and tried to finish him off.

"You are such a loser, Usopp."

"You still owe me a punch!"

At the same time, the frenzied tabby cat also grabbed Zoro and Baiyun.

"Go help Usopp."

"I'll take care of this fat cat."

Baiyun said.

Zoro didn't say anything and rushed up directly.

The tabby cat was kicked by Baiyun to the cliff on the right side with a whip kick, and the cliff was hit hard, and the cliff was cracked.

Luffy also punched Kuro who wanted to attack Usopp, but because of Luffy's previous experience of punching Zangao away, Luffy's punch was dodged by Kuro.

But Usopp was also rescued by Zoro, who carried him on his back to chase Zangao.

Their biggest enemy is not Zangao, but Zoro's road idiot.


On the slope, Luffy missed one punch and then another, and the whole person flew past Baiyun to Kuro and fought with him.

Bai Yun continued to stay where he was. The tabby cat was kicked away by Bai Yun's whip kick, and his anger rose sharply.

"Flying cat kick!!"

The tabby cat jumped lightly with a fat body and kicked Bai Yun. Just when he was not in a frenzy, he could crack the ground with one foot, not to mention now that he was in a frenzy.

Bai Yun was not panicked at all. He raised his head and stared at him calmly. He turned his arm and a long stick appeared. At the moment when the tabby cat fell down, he hit it horizontally in the abdomen with a stick, and then hit it to the ground with force.

With a bang, the dust was scattered all around.

The huge force directly embedded the tabby cat into the ground, and the slope in the middle section was instantly full of cracks.

Bai Yun used 60% of the stick skills copied from Hongo. He thought that his strongest close combat skill should be the stick skills, and using it now would help him understand and improve.

The copied one can only be used once, and the one you own can be used at will.

The tabby cat couldn't get up. Bai Yun turned his head and saw the group of people from the Black Cat Pirates over there were shocked. They actually knocked down the crazy tabby cat with one move. What kind of "killer gods" are these people? Where did they come from!

But Bai Yun was not looking at these passers-by, but at Nana on the ship of the Black Cat Pirates.Mei's busy back.

Turning his head to look at the battle between Luffy and Kuro, Bai Yun smiled, "It seems there is nothing for me to do."

Walking to the edge of the cliff, Bai Yun sat down directly, leaning against the cliff, and began to take a break.

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