"Go from the southern hills, see the whale facing west, tail..."


After listening to Bai Yun and Usopp's nonsense, Golden Dragon and others believed it. Sure enough, there are smart people in the pirate world, but there are also many fools.

"Really! Then tell me where the gold is hidden?"

There was no request in Golden Dragon's tone, but it was full of threats.

Usopp swallowed his saliva, took the treasure map, opened it, and saw a line of words written at the bottom.

""Go from the southern hills, see the whale facing west, tail..."

Then the remaining words were covered by stains and could not be seen clearly.

"The words below are not clear, aren't you a treasure hunter? Can you solve it?"

Yellow Hair said, Golden Dragon snorted, as if Usopp couldn't solve it and would kill him the next second.

"Of course! I'm a treasure hunter!"

"Well, the whale faces west, the tail... If the whale's head faces west, then the tail faces east. ”

“See the whale facing west, the tail facing east, the treasure is where the tail points?”

Without thinking too much, Usopp almost said it out loud, and he was also confused about the last sentence.

But as soon as he said it, he shocked the Golden Dragon and others.

“So that’s it!!”

“The whale faces west, the tail faces east!”

“Gold! Gold!!”

“Little ones, let’s go!”

The Golden Dragon was very happy, as if he had seen the gold appear in front of him, and gave an order, then turned and walked towards the southern hills.

The yellow-haired man pushed Usopp and Bai Yun to go together.

Usopp said, “Do we want to go together too?”

And before the yellow-haired man’s hand touched Bai Yun, Bai Yun consciously walked forward, and the yellow-haired man touched nothing.

“Look how sensible he is.”

“You can’t leave before you find the gold. Don’t worry, as long as you find the gold, the captain (small probability) will let you go.”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s go. "

Seeing that Bai Yun did not resist, Usopp could only put away the treasure map and then catch up with Bai Yun. Although he did not know what Bai Yun was thinking, he could only rely on Bai Yun now.

Bai Yun was thinking that although he did not know what the plot was like, he knew that Luffy and the others would meet them on the island under the arrangement of fate.

Don't rush to act, wait and see, maybe the process of finding the treasure still requires digging and the like, these are free labor, don't rush, don't rush.

And Nami, who was watching on the boat, could not think of Bai Yun's idea this time.

"What is this guy doing!!"

"You have the treasure map but you still don't defeat them!"

Putting away the telescope, Nami complained, but then got off the boat and went to the shore to see the situation.


On the other side of the island, the sea gate was opened. Iwaki, the owner of the oden restaurant, also docked his boat on the shore of the Golden Island and told his grandson to go to Tobio to wash the dishes.

Tobio was captured by the Golden Dragon some time ago and became a coolie. He was staying in the cabin that Luffy crashed.

After Zoro saved Luffy with a wooden board, Tobio also climbed onto the board.

When he was worrying about where to go and how to find Bai Yun and the others, Luffy asked about the aroma of oden in the air, picked up a wooden stick and quickly rowed over.

Then he saw the sea oden restaurant opened by Iwaki, and knew that Tobio was Iwaki's grandson.

But after eating one plate of oden after another, Luffy and Zoro were satisfied and had no money to pay back.

Then the two were surrounded by Iwaki with iron chains layer by layer and locked tightly.

"Uncle, we will pay back the money, let us go first. "

Zoro said.

Luffy, who was behind him, had his straw hat blown up by the wind and was carried to Tobio, and then he shouted, drowning out Zoro's voice.

"Hey, Tobio, help me catch the straw hat, it's something I cherish very much."

Tobio nodded and caught the straw hat, but when Iwazo said that being a pirate was not good and he wanted him to inherit the shop, he was so angry that he stepped on a few plates and ran away. Luffy immediately chased after him with Zoro.

"We will pay you back, uncle!"

"Tobio, give me back my straw hat!"

Luffy shouted and ran into the forest with Zoro.

Luffy shouted to Tobio to stop, and Zoro shouted to Luffy to stop.

But no one stopped.

Luffy has vision, When he saw branches blocking his way, he would lower his head to avoid them, so all the branches hit the back of Zoro's head as he leaned against him.

"Damn it, Luffy, watch out!!"


As they ran, Luffy finally caught up with Tobio when Zoro's green hair was covered with green leaves.

Tobio also returned the straw hat to Luffy, and at the same time stated that he wanted to be a pirate like Wu Nan, instead of guarding the oden stall all his life like his weak grandfather.

The three of them continuedContinuing to walk forward, Zoro stretched out his legs directly, and it was quite comfortable to let Luffy carry him on his back, but there was a sudden explosion, and Luffy ran over quickly again.

With a whoosh, Zoro and the back of his head were going to enjoy it again.


The camera turned to Bai Yun and the others.

The sound just now was made by Golas smashing the obstacles on the road with a knife.

Golas's knife skills are very strange. He didn't cut it with a knife, but exploded it.

The obstacles were blown to pieces, and even part of the ground was cut off.

Usopp was shocked, and Bai Yun said that this trick was good and took it.

Soon he saw the whale drawn on the treasure map, a huge stone carved whale.

The head was facing west, and the tail was facing east. The golden dragon couldn't wait to lead the general to the east, and sure enough, he saw a building that looked a bit like an ancient ruin.

"Gold, where is it?" asked the golden dragon.

Usopp was thinking about what to say when Nami suddenly appeared in front of the building.

"You really betrayed your father! I misjudged you, Stephen, Slochi!"

With tears in her eyes, Nami shouted at Bai Yun and Usopp.

Acting is one of the required courses for thieves.

Usopp was confused with a snot hanging from his nose, but Bai Yun guessed Nami's thoughts and walked over with Usopp.

"We are also forced to the end, Miss!"

Nami glared at Bai Yun fiercely, not knowing whether it was a real glare or a fake glare.

"Shut up! As Wu Nan's daughter, I will not forgive you!"

"You are Wu Nan's daughter?!"

"What about the gold? Where is the gold!"

Golden Dragon immediately asked.

Usopp also reacted at this time and joined the play.

"Don't worry, miss. I won't tell them that the gold is right under our feet. It will take three days and three nights to get it."

It's nonsense to stop. Digging for three days and three nights, the ground is dug through.

But the IQ of the other side believed it.

"Three days and three nights!"

"That's a long time. Do you start digging now? Captain?"

The golden dragon smiled slightly, which was very scary, and seemed to be sure, but before he could say anything.

Luffy and Zoro appeared on the cliff on the upper left.

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