The moment Sanji saw Nami, he turned around and came to Nami, bending down like a gentleman.

"My beautiful lady, what would you like to eat?"

Zoro had closed his eyes to rest, opened one eye to look at the curly eyebrowed man, and then closed it again.

Bai Yun sat on the remaining seat in a flash, bringing a gust of wind, and the speed surprised Sanji slightly.

"Do you have steamed lamb paste?"

Bai Yun said a dish that Sanji didn't know.

"What is this dish?"

"Then steamed bear paw?"

"Can bear paw be steamed?"

"You dare to open a store without anything."

Bai Yun complained, which was regarded as Sanji's "revenge" for ignoring him.

Sanji also complained in his heart, good boy, the dish you said had better exist.

"Customer! This is a western restaurant."

"Oh, then five steaks, a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine, and a pitcher of iced orange juice."

Bai Yun smiled and replied, and ordered dishes for Zoro and the others. They had no objection, but Nami was a little absent-minded. When Sanji greeted her just now, she also responded.

"Okay, customer."

Sanji is a very competent chef. If he were on the ship now, he would answer Bai Yun, bastard, can't you cook it yourself? Delay me to see Miss Nami, and then go to cook.

But now he is in a restaurant on the sea, this is his job, and he will not delay his work because of other things.

So when he turned back, he pretended that the captain of the navy who wasted food on the ground did not exist.

And Bai Yun looked at Nami's absent-minded look, and he couldn't eat like this.

"Hey, who dropped 10,000 Baileys under the table?!"

(Because in the comics, Luffy and his friends exchanged the gold they got from Sky Island for 300 million Baileys, and they only put them in two suitcases, so what is written here is that Bailey is almost the same as the face value of the Japanese yen.)

"Where! Where!!?"

Like a switch, Bai Yun's words came out, and Nami immediately looked down, but there was nothing. It took two seconds for her to react.

"Asshole, Bai Yun, you lied to me!!"

"Hehe, who told you to be absent-minded! What are you doing, Nami."

Bai Yun replied.

Nami thought to herself, you don't know what I'm thinking about! Asshole!

"Yes, you are thinking about something, Nami, not like you usually are." Usopp asked.

"Are you worried about something?"

Zoro opened his eyes and joined the army of concern.

"No, no, what can I worry about? I'm just preparing myself mentally for entering the Grand Line."

Nami's answer is very credible, if Bai Yun didn't know about Arlong.

Zoro just nodded and closed his eyes again.

Usopp affirmed, "Yes, according to legend, the Grand Line is more dangerous than the East China Sea, and it is also known as the pirate graveyard. You have to be mentally prepared."


Bai Yun and the others were chatting, and when Sanji walked to Hebodi, the chef Paddy came out of the toilet.

He saw Hebodi sitting at Sanji's feet with blood all over his face, and his eyeballs bulged out of fear.

He immediately scolded Sanji, saying that he shouldn't hit customers, and there are customers in the sea restaurant.

Sanji replied that people who waste food like this don't deserve to be called customers.

Hebodi looked at the two people arguing and reacted.

"What kind of restaurant is this!"

"No... restaurants that beat up customers shouldn't exist. I'll... contact the government right away to destroy this restaurant."

It would have been better if he didn't say that. Sanji got angry again when he said that.

However, before his foot could reach Hebodi, Luffy and Zhuofu fell from the roof.

After learning the cause, Zhuofu kicked Sanji in the face, and then kicked Hebodi again, kicking him to slide out.

Luffy noticed Baiyun and the others, and waved to say hello. Only Baiyun and Usopp responded to him.

At this time, a navy soldier suddenly pushed open the door of the restaurant and reported that the members of the Creek Pirates had escaped.

Here it comes, the fuse of the sea restaurant war.


"Impossible, how could he escape after being hungry for three days."

Hebodi replied with disbelief, and was slapped in the face as soon as he said it.

A gunshot rang out from behind the navy soldier, and the soldier fell down. A man with dark circles under his eyes staggered into the restaurant, put his feet on the table, and sat down with his back against a chair.

It was the ghost man Ajin with "countless identities".

"Is this a restaurant?"

"Give me food, anything is fine."

Paddy walked over and served with a smile, although the smile was a bit disgusting, and it came out of his mouth."Welcome, idiot."

He treated customers as gods, provided they had money to pay, but he just had a problem with his mouth and didn't think before he spoke.

Knowing that Jin had no money, Paddy was pointed at by him with a gun, but he didn't panic at all. He directly hit him with a hammer and threw him onto the deck outside.

Hebodi took this opportunity to run away, but Sanji took a second look at Jin.


"Beautiful lady! This is your dish."

"And for the three of you."

After a while, Sanji happily put the steak in front of Nami, and his tone was so kind.

But when it came to Bai Yun and the others, he was much more indifferent.

After serving the dishes, Sanji did not leave, but walked outside with a plate of fried rice.


Putting the fried rice next to Jin, Sanji said coldly.

Jin swallowed his saliva and ate the rice with tears in his eyes.

"It's so delicious, I thought I was going to die. This is the best meal I've ever had."

Sanji was naturally happy to hear someone praise his cooking skills, "It's delicious, right."

Luffy could see clearly on the second floor, "I found a good chef."

Just as he was about to go down, someone put something on his head.

Bai Yun appeared behind him and put the extra steak on Luffy's head.

"Yes, he is a good chef."

Luffy took the steak naturally and swallowed it on the plate in one bite.

"It's delicious."

"This is what he made."

"That's even better."

"Then you go for the invitation, Captain."

"Also, although I don't know if it will work, Luffy, tell that A Jin, tell him that he hopes he won't repay kindness with hatred!"

Bai Yun said, and then turned back to the restaurant. He hadn't eaten yet.

He didn't know if the words he asked Luffy to say could resist the gears of fate, but it didn't matter whether it could resist or not.


A conversation.

Sanji rejected Luffy's invitation.

Luffy rejected Sanji's rejection.

That's right, it's just the first time they met, how could Sanji get on this pirate ship.

Then Luffy was warned by Kin not to go to the Grand Line.

But he said it, Luffy would listen and he won.

Finally, after sending Kin away, Luffy began his own experience as a handyman.

"Hmm? Did I forget to say something?"

Luffy suddenly asked himself, just like that, the gears of fate are not so easy to resist.

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