Chapter 240 Strongest vs. Strongest (1)

The next day, seven o’clock in the morning.

As soon as Fuji got up, he saw Yumiko who was busy in the kitchen.

On the table are plates of hearty dishes.

There are millet porridge, sushi, takoyaki, pineapple pie, blueberry pie!

All in all!

“Sister! This is too rich!”

Fuji couldn’t help but said.

“You leave home for a month, your sister, I will naturally make something delicious to supplement you!”

Yumiko smiled at Fuji.


Fuji smiled and sat down immediately.

Picking up a piece of blueberry pie, Fuji took a bite, and a scent filled the taste buds.

“Sister, you made it delicious!”

Although the food at the training camp is also good, they are all top chefs, but Fuji still likes the food made by his sister.

“That’s natural! Who in the world can compare to your sister’s craftsmanship!”

Hearing Fuji praise her so much, Yumiko also raised her chin proudly.

Immediately, she urged towards Fuji: “Hurry up! It will be cold later!”


Fuji smiled and nodded.

After breakfast, the hand’s family also came, wearing Seigaku’s uniform and carrying a tennis bag.

Seeing that Shou’s family had already come, Fuji also picked up his tennis bag, and then said to Yumiko: “Sister! I’m leaving now!”


Yumiko nodded, and immediately said: “What do you want to eat at noon, I will make it for you!”

“Anything! As long as you do it, I like it!”

Fuji chuckled lightly.

“Just your mouth is poor!”

Yumiko said so, but her face was full of joy.

Fuji smiled slightly and immediately came to the door of the house.

“Let’s go! Shoujia!”


Tejia nodded and headed to Seigaku with Fuji.

On the way, Fuji said to his family: “Who is our opponent to match today?”

Since Fuji has stayed in the training camp and the back mountain during this month, and did not participate in the lottery of the national competition, Fuji did not know the result of the lottery.

“Lion Music Country Middle School!”

The Teka talked about the opponent they Seigaku will face today.

“Is the Lion Music Middle School?”

In Lion Music Country, Fuji Ni knows it naturally, and it should be said that he understands it better.

Overlord of Kyushu!

The position in Kyushu has not been shaken for so many years, just like Rikkai’s position as the overlord of Kanto in the past.

When it comes to Lion Music Country, Fuji can’t help but think of those two people.

Tachibana Jiping!

Chitose Senri!

Kyushu duo can also be called the strongest two in Kyushu.

Since the timeline is two years earlier than in the original work, Tachibana and Chitose in this period should still be in the Lion Music Country.

“Tachibana, Chitose?

Since today’s match opponent is Lion Music Country, while Tachibana and Chitose are also in Lion Music during this period.

Then I should be able to run into it!

For Tachibana, Chitose!

Fuji is naturally also interested.

Being able to become a duo of Kyushu in the first country shows the strength of orange and Chitose in this period.

Only after Chitose’s right eye was injured by Tachibana.

Both of them were delayed because of this!

Chitose had a blank period because of his injury, while Tachibana Jiping felt guilty and stopped playing because of this incident.

If it develops normally, the strength of Tachibana and Chitose will definitely be much stronger than that of the third period in the original work.

And since Tachibana and Chitose in this period can become the duo of Kyushu, it means that their strength has reached the national level.

After all, if you don’t have national strength, how can you become the strongest two in Kyushu.

Soon, Fuji and his hand came to Seigaku.

Afterwards, Kikumaru and Kawamura also came. Fuji assembled the team and went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Arena Stadium, which was the venue of the national competition.

When Fuji and the others came to the match scene, the people from Lion Music Country had already arrived early.

A group of eight people stood on the side of the court.

“Are you coming? Seigaku!”

Seeing Seigaku was also there, the group of Lion Rakukoku High School cast their gazes.

Among them are Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose.

Different from the third year of junior high school, Tachibana and Chitose’s hairstyles are very wild, and Chitose’s hair is longer than that of junior high school.

And Ju Jiping, not as small as in the original book, but a wild blond hair, looking like a lion from a distance.

Unlike others, Tachibana and Chitose’s eyes fell on Tejia, Akutsu, and Fuji.

As the strongest two people in Kyushu, the height that Tachibana and Chitose aim at is naturally the strongest.

It is said that there are three masters in Seigaku.

Akutsu jin, a domineering style, and his violent style of play, I don’t know how many people have been defeated.

Kunimitsu, an all-around player, is rumored to have a flawless technique.

And Fuji Syusuke, as the minister of Seigaku, is even more unfathomable.

They knew that it should be those three.

“Chitose, do you want to challenge it!”

With a wild blond orange, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

“of course yes!

Chitose nodded without hesitation.


When I saw Chitose, I had the same thoughts as him. Tachibana immediately said to his minister: “Minister Wushan, can you separate me from Chitose and put them in the position of singles?”

In the past, Tachibana and Chitose have always served as doubles. With their excellent tacit understanding and strong strength, the two of them are almost invincible in the Kyushu area.

But Tachibana knew that if they were to serve as doubles in this match, the three strongest with Seigaku, Fuji, Teka, and Akutsu, would most likely not be able to meet.

After all, he knows every match in the Seigaku Kanto Contest.

Fuji, Shoujia, and Ajutsu have always been singles.

Never changed.

Even if it is against the former Kanto giant Rikkai, it is the same.

Therefore, Tachibana proposed to play singles.

The words of singles should be able to meet Fuji, Teka, and Akutsu.

“You kid!”

Wushan, that is, Wushan Yizuru, the current Minister of Lion Music National Middle School, couldn’t help laughing after hearing Tachibana’s request.

Being in the same team with Tachibana, how could he not know what Tachibana was thinking.

I guess I want to compete with Seigaku’s Fuji, Tejia, and Akuzu!

Although Tachibana and Chitose are only first in the country, their strength is very strong.

Even looking at the entire Kyushu region, no one can compete with Tachibana and Chitose in strength.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Wushan asked towards Orange.


Orange nodded firmly with a face: “I want to play with them!”

“Okay, then I will arrange the two of you in singles!”

Wushan smiled lightly.

“Thank you Minister Wushan!”

Seeing Wushan agreed, Tachibana was also very excited, and Chitose was also very excited, too.

At this time, a third-year member of Lion Music Country Middle School turned towards Wushan and said, “Minister Wushan! Would this be a bit wrong? After all, if Tachibana and Chitose were placed in doubles, they would definitely win!’

“But not necessarily for singles!”

“I know!

Wushan nodded: “But in this way, singles match, there is no one on our side who can do it. After all, apart from Tachibana and Chitose, no one in our Lion Music Country can compete with the three of Seigaku. !”

Fuji, Teka, and Akutsu, the strength of the three of them is very clear.

It can be said that no one can compete with the three of them except for Orange and Chitose, even he himself can’t.

The reason why Wushan agreed that Tachibana would arrange him and Chitose on singles is not only to satisfy Tachibana and Chitose’s wishes, but also because of this.

If anyone in their Lion Music Country can compete with Seigaku’s trio, they are only Tachibana and Chitose.

“Next, we will start the match between Youth Gakuen and Lion Music Country. The first thing we will do is singles three!”

“By youth Gakuen Akutsu jin VS Shiraku Kokuchu Tachibana Yoshihira!”

As soon as the broadcast sounded, Fuji’s eyebrows also picked up.

“Is Tachibana Jiping?”

He originally thought that Tachibana and Chitose would appear in doubles. After all, it was like this in Lion Music Country in the past. Tachibana and Chitose have been serving as doubles, but he didn’t expect to play in singles this time.

And since Tachibana has played 3.1 in singles three, then Chitose must be arranged in singles, singles two or singles one.

Lion Le Middle-School, with a wild blond orange carrying racquet came out.

The warfare gaze made Fuji froze for a moment, then laughed.

It seems that Tachibana and Chitose will play in singles, which may not have been arranged by the head of Lion Music Middle-School, Wushan.

It is most likely that Tachibana and Chitose requested it themselves.

Because Tachibana’s warlike gaze gave him this feeling.

As for the reason, Fuji roughly guessed it.

I must challenge them Seigaku three!

As the strongest two in the Kyushu region during this period, it is also normal to say that the two heroes of Kyushu, Tachibana and Chitose will have this kind of challenge.

Since it is the strongest, then naturally I want to challenge the strongest.

“but !!”

At this time, Fuji’s eyes fell on the unruly figure walking out from his side.

“For Ajiujin, Tachibana is still in a bad light!’

Although I don’t know how strong Ajujin has become in the month he left.

But his instinct tells Fuji that it should be the kind he never thought of.

After all, this guy Ajiujin is a strange boy who is rare in ten years. .

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