Chapter 290 The name of Fuji resounds throughout the world[2]

On the court, the ghost and Tanegashima, who were still fighting, stopped hearing Irie’s words, and then both looked at Irie.

“What rumor?”

Tanegashima asked Irie.

“From Makinofuji, Hyogo, and it’s about Fuji!”

Irie sat there with a smile.

“About Fuji?”

Suddenly, the eyes of the ghost and Tanegashima were bright.

To say who cares the two of them the most nowadays, it is undoubtedly Fuji.

Hell and Tanegashima wanted to know, Irie also smiled: “I just learned about this. It is said that after losing to us, the leader of South Korea, Park Dae-shu, took Jin Mingxuan and Li Yuzhe to Makinofuji!”

“And I ran into Fuji there, and the two started fighting!”

After hearing Irie’s words, the ghost and Tanegashima, who were still a little moved, their faces suddenly changed.

Fuji and Park Dashu fought?

“The result? Is Fuji injured?”

The ghost asked anxiously.

He knew Park Dashu’s strength, and even Kitajima was not an opponent at all, even he couldn’t guarantee that he could easily defeat him.

Although Fuji is very strong, he still can’t deal with Park Dashu in his opinion.

“That kid is not so easy to get hurt!”

Irie smiled and said: “August 17″ not only was not injured, Fuji also severely injured Park Dashu!”

As soon as these words came out, the ghost and Tanegashima, who were still worried, suddenly froze.

Fuji severely injured Park Dashu?

“Irie! Really?”

It seemed that I didn’t believe what Irie said, and Tanegashima couldn’t help asking.

Although the ghost didn’t speak, it could be seen from the expression on his face that the ghost couldn’t believe that Fuji Jingran could do this.

That’s Park Dashu!

World-class master.

“of course it’s true!”

Irie chuckled and nodded: “In addition, this matter was also published on the headlines of the monthly magazine!”

With that said, Irie threw the monthly magazine to Tanegashima.

Tanegashima took the monthly magazine and read it immediately.

The ghost came in too.

The headline of the monthly magazine published a shocking incident that Fuji severely damaged Park Dae-shu.

After reading the entire headline, Tanegashima was stunned, and so was the ghost.

Since it was published on the headline of the monthly magazine, it is undoubtedly true!

But neither the ghost nor Tanegashima could believe that Fuji could defeat Park Dae-shu, and also severely injured this person.

“Fuji is also growing at an amazing speed!”

Tanegashima smacked his lips.

Although they all had a hunch that Fuji would become a threat to them one day, they did not expect to come so soon.

Being able to severely damage Park Dashu, there is no doubt that Fuji already has the strength to threaten them.

Even in Tanegashima’s view, he may not be Fuji’s opponent.

The reason is simple, he couldn’t do a heavy blow to Park Dashu.

It may be possible to defeat, but Tanegashima thinks that he cannot do it.

“This kid is really terrible!”

The ghost also said.

But he was not as surprised as before, on the contrary, his eyes were shining brightly.

After all, Fuji is their Japanese u17, and the ghosts are naturally very happy to grow up to this point.

Withdrawing his gaze from the headline of this monthly magazine, the ghost immediately turned towards Tanegashima and said: “Come on! Tanegashima and Fuji have become so strong, neither of us should be left behind!”

“This is true!”

Tanegashima smiled and nodded, and immediately walked to the opposite side of the ghost.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fierce battle with ghosts.

After the ghost and Tanegashima played a game, Irie took out his racquet and joined it.

Although Irie knows that Fuji has already surpassed him a lot, but no matter what, he can’t be pulled away by Fuji too much.

After all, he is a senior!

Soon, the others at u17 also knew.

At this moment, in one army and one court, Otsuchi, Omagari, Kimijima, and Wu Gu also gathered together.

As the newcomers of this year’s u17, after scoring the first team, the four of them also often play together.

After Fuji left u17, the four of them also scored higher rankings.

Among them, Otsuchi rushed to the first army No.10, Omagari rushed to the first army No.8, Kimijima rushed to the first army N..9, and Wugu rushed to the first army No.6.

Compared with the past, the rankings of all four of them have improved to a certain extent.

And they often look for ghosts to play.

Kaji Kazena and Tohno Atsukyo came in from the same batch, and Kaji Kazena scored N..7.

As for Tohno Atsukyo, after being badly injured by Fuji, he lay in bed for a month and fell to court No. 5 because he lost to Fuji.

Even afterwards, he went through a lot of shuffling battles, but he didn’t make it to the first army, and he was still in the No. 1 court.

Don’t be too miserable!

However, due to their different personalities, the two of them rarely interacted with Yuezhi. Of course, the reason is more because of Byodoin Temple.

Probably because the ghost defeated Byodoin in the past, both of them instinctively resisted the ghost.

So seeing Yuezhi and the others frequently interact with ghosts, the two of them did not want to interact with Yuezhi and them.

This also led to the formation of two factions in the current army.

Dovish headed by ghosts.

The hawks headed by Byodoin Temple.

Of course, nowadays, the doves still occupy the majority. Although Byodo-in Temple returned from the Houshan practice, the nominal army N..1 is still a ghost.

Therefore, the more wisdom they entered the army, they were naturally more willing to deal with ghosts.

The hawks, that is, the faction of Byodo-in Temple, have relatively few people.

However, this situation will not last long. Once Byodo-in Temple returns from wandering overseas and takes control of an army from the hands of ghosts, the situation will change.

By then, Otsuchi and Omagari will most likely also turn to Byodoin.

Of course, these are all things to do, at least the current pattern of u17 is like this.

At this time, in the court, Yue Zhi and others were also looking at the monthly newsletter they just got, and theirs was on the headline of the monthly newsletter.

After reading the entire headline, Omagari couldn’t help but said: “Forgive me! That kid actually hurt Park Dashu!”

“This is indeed a bit shocking!”

Kimijima pushed his glasses, he couldn’t believe that Fuji actually hit Park Dashu.

You know, Park Dae-shu is the main player of South Korea and a real world-class player.

Monsters like Kitajimao were defeated by him.

“Has Fuji become so strong?”

Yue Zhi was also shocked, but he was more surprised.

It can be said that among the four of them, he and Fuji are the first to know each other, and their relationship is also the best.

And after Fuji came to u17, he stayed in the same dormitory.

He can be regarded as witnessing Fuji’s growth along the way.

From the junior high school competition before the start of junior high school, Fuji defeated him strongly, to Fuji entered the u17-road, and finally defeated Kitajima and boarded the throne of N..3 in the first army.

And now even the leader of South Korea Park Dae-shu has defeated it.

Such a growth, I have to say it is quite amazing.

Even he himself did not expect that Fuji had grown to such a high level.

Although Park Dashu did not disclose the fact that he lost to Fuji, it has now been spread in the Japanese media.

In addition, the Internet is so developed now, so it soon spread to foreign media.

Then, in just one day, it was released in the world.

Its limelight has even overshadowed the Greek super genius Zeus and the four European super geniuses Polk, Medanoa, Amadeus, and Camus.

It’s not that Fuji is better than Polk’s four, but Fuji’s age.

Twelve years old.

This is three years younger than Polk and the four of them.

At this age, he possessed world-class strength, and he also severely damaged Park Dae-shu, the leader of South Korea.

The natural limelight is even worse.

Greece u14 base.

At this moment, a handsome boy is sitting on a stone step.

The boy has a baby face and golden curly hair.

At this moment, he is holding a newspaper and looking at it seriously.

After reading the entire report, the corner of the boy’s mouth was pulled over.

“Unexpectedly, besides me, there are such powerful middle school students in other countries!”

“Fuji Syusuke? I wrote it down!”

At this time, the coach of u14 came over and said to the boy: “Zeus, you will go to u17 for training from tomorrow!”


The boy named Zeus was a little puzzled.

“Didn’t you always want to play in the expedition match? It happened to be an expedition match against the Japanese team in mid-September. During this time, you will go to u17 for training and get to know the people of u17 by the way!”

The coach said.

“A match with the Japanese team?”

Zeus’s eyes lit up, and then he stood up.

“Then go over now!”


The coach frowned. It was clear that Zeus had not caught a cold before, so how could his attitude change in an instant.

When Zeus left, he picked up the 3.1 newspaper that Zeus had placed on the ground and read it.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth grinned: “This kid!”

He probably knew why Zeus’ attitude suddenly changed, and he must have wanted to compete with Fuji Syusuke!

Speaking of which, he never thought that Japan would have such a powerful junior high school student.

Being able to defeat Park Dashu does not seem to be inferior to Zeus!

At the same time, far away in a small city in Russia.

A blond man was pacing on the road. Compared with the golden and blue-eyed appearance of Russia, the obvious Eastern face of the man looked out of place.

“Do you want a newspaper?”

At this moment, a little girl selling newspaper came over and asked the man.

“do not want!”

The blond man waved his hand and wanted to leave.

But in the next moment, his eyes were attracted by the newspaper in the girl’s hand.

Because he actually saw Fuji’s name in the newspaper.

“I want a copy!”

He took out a coin and handed it to the little girl. The man even took the newspaper in the girl’s hand.

While eating the bread he had just bought, the man spread out the newspaper.

But when he saw the content of the newspaper, the man was stunned and laughed.

“Oh? I defeated Park Dashu. It’s pretty good! Little devil!”.

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