Chapter 412 Norman’s Darkness [2]


Under Norman’s attack, the ghost was directly defeated, and the huge iron fist that hit Norman was cut alive by the racquet in his hand.

It seemed that it was not a racquet, but a sharp spear.

“Fight back!”

In the Japanese team, everyone frowned.

Norman’s counterattack was expected. After all, the opponent was the second highest high school student in the world, but the ghosts and gods who defeated the ghosts so powerfully seemed to be ruined, which shocked them greatly.

“This is the strength of the second-ranked man in the ranking of high school students in the world!”

In contrast, Byodoin appeared calm, he sat there calmly with his arms around his chest, and looked at the field.

And beside him, Fuji also had a calm expression on his face, without showing the slightest surprise.

The second high school student in the world, this status alone cannot be shaken by ghosts.

After all, the strength reached this level, to some extent, it has been separated from the category of ordinary people and reached a higher state.

And this state is the professional level.

Anyone who has reached this field is a person who has experienced many battles. Their strength, perseverance, experience, and spirit have all reached a top level.

Norman is a leader in this field, and his strength is not what ordinary people can imagine.

In their Japanese team, no one can compete with it for the time being, even he or even Fuji can’t do it at all.


On the court, Norman, who blocked the ball from the ghost, pulled the corner of his mouth.

“The power is good, but not enough!

While talking, the tennis ball that 897 was carrying in the racquet was shot out by its vigorous bombardment, as if a spear was shooting towards Guibiao.


The air is pierced by this ball, forming a slender vacuum belt.


The ghost’s eyes sank, and he didn’t dare to care about Norman’s goal at all.

A touch of determination flashed in his eyes, and the ghost quickly caught up with the ball, and then put his other hand on the handle of the ball.

And this ball, the ghost did not let Yue Zhi pick it up.Although their side is two-to-one, this level of confrontation is not something that Yue Zhi can participate in. Ball bombardment.

After all, even he was able to contend with Norman.

Looking at the ball that should have been received by him, but was picked up by the ghost, Yue Zhi’s eyes were slightly dim.

“Can’t you intervene at all?”

For the first time, Yue Zhi felt a sense of powerlessness, and he was still in the u17 World Cup where 10,000 people watched.

However, Yue Zhi didn’t force himself, because he also knew that this level of confrontation was not something he could intervene.

Simply, Yue Zhi retreated to the side and handed this duel to the ghost.

As for the smarter choice, Fuji did not feel surprised.

After all, this duel has risen to an unprecedented level. If you forcefully participate with the more intelligent strength, not only will it not help the ghosts, but will drag the ghosts, and may even be unable to block Norman’s attack. And cause self-injury.

Withdrawing, for Yue Zhi, may make him a little unwilling, but in this level of confrontation, it is the most correct choice.


On the court, the ghost added by the gods and gods once again intercepted Norman’s offensive.

But the ghost is not easy. At this moment, he only feels his arms are shaking. Upon closer inspection, he can find that the ghost’s arms are full of blue veins. This is caused by too much pressure.

Even ghosts are so difficult, you can imagine, if the wiser the one who catches this ball, what will happen?

Yue Zhi will definitely be blown out by this ball.

“go back!”

With a roar, the ghost strenuously waved racquet and knocked Norman back.

Although Norman’s strength is very strong, the ghosts that open the different dimensions will not be suppressed by Norman under normal conditions.

After all, the ghosts and gods are turned on, and the combat power of the ghosts is also approaching the level of world-class level.


Norman also nodded when he saw the ghost hit him back.

Although he is not the strongest at this moment, he can return to his ball. I have to say that this man named Oni Jujiro is also very strong.

The opponent’s strength is almost comparable to Amadeus.

call out!

The tennis ball flew, and then, a huge ghost and god blasted Norman again.

Norman retracted his gaze and swung his pat to meet again.

However, even though he said so, Norman did not show mercy, and the ghost was defeated again by such a powerful blow.

And in order to show his second-most strength in the world, Norman also used his stunt.

I saw that on his racquet, a black light emerged.

It’s as weird as the darkness, but the power it contains is palpitating.

“That is !!”

The moment the black light appeared, the pupils of Byodoin in the Japanese team shrank.

The reason why Byodoin showed such an expression is naturally because of the Swiss team’s Amadeus. The battle against Amadeus in Switzerland in September showed this scene in the hands of Amadeus.

It was a secret shot that made him extremely afraid.

However, although it is the same darkness, the darkness that shrouds the Norman racquet is more pure than Amadeus. Similarly, the sense of danger given to Byodo-in Temple is even stronger.

By the side of Byodoin Temple, Fuji’s eyebrows are frivolous. Although Fuji has never played with Amadeus, he, as a traveler, naturally understands Amadeus’s abilities. (addb)

The extreme darkness reflected in the Norman court reminded him of Amadeus’s trick.

Secret shot!

“This person can even hit the ball secretly!”

Fuji frowned slightly. He originally thought that the secret shot was Amadeus’s unique technique, but he never thought that the Swiss team’s main player Norman would actually do it.

“So, is Amadeus’s undercover shot from the master Norman?”

I thought that this should be the case. After all, Amadeus is also the Swiss team, and as the strongest new star player in Switzerland, it is normal for Norman to teach Amadeus this trick.

But knowing that does not mean that Fuji is not worried. The fluctuations emanating from the darkness on the Norman racquet are obviously stronger than Amadeus.

Although the ghost has opened the other dimension, Fuji can not guarantee whether it can be blocked.

After all, this kind of power is quite terrifying. Although the destructive power is not as strong as the destruction of Byodoin Temple, in terms of threat, it is even stronger than the destruction of Byodoin Temple.

The darkness that burst out at that moment will even swallow people’s vision and plunge the opponent into endless darkness.


The black light permeated, condensed from Norman’s racquet.

And with the racquet’s swing, the darkness condensed on Norman racquet is also fully integrated into the tennis.

Since the delay has wiped a black light.

“This is!”

In the crowd, Duke’s face changed slightly.

Camus, who was sitting aside, said with dread: “Norman’s trick is to hit the ball secretly!”

Although they are all newcomers during this period, as a member of the French team, whether Duke or Camus first joined the French team, the first lesson they took was to understand the strength of the German team, the Swiss team, and the Spanish team.

Norman, as the captain of the Swiss team, is the first object they know about.

Furthermore, they also learned about some of Norman’s stunts.

Undercover shot is one of them.

That kind of weird and unpredictable secret shot will even push the opponent into an endless abyss.

On the other side, on the German team’s side, Q.P also said solemnly: “I didn’t expect Norman to resort to this trick on Oni Jujiro!

This is indeed something he didn’t expect. After all, Norman is the second highest figure in the world’s high school rankings. In his opinion, even if he doesn’t resort to a trick, he can defeat Oni Jujiro.

“I didn’t expect it!”

Polk also said in a deep voice. He obviously also knows the secret shot. It should be said that as long as it is from the German team, there is no one who does not know Norman’s move.

Like Duke and Camus, newcomers like Polk and Q.P, after joining the German u17, the primary course is to understand the strength of the other three Big4s.

Not only the German and French teams, but also the Swiss and Spanish teams.

“Using this trick, it seems that Norman is planning to make a quick fight!”

Polk said solemnly.

“what is that?”

On the court, the ghost looked at the black light, and his brows suddenly frowned.

The ghost has never played with Amadeus, and he knows very little about the captain of big4, so he doesn’t know the nature of that black mang.

But intuition tells ghosts that it should be a very scary existence.

Because from that black light, he felt an extremely strong sense of danger.

call out!

As the thoughts turned, the tennis ball flew in with the black mans behind.


The ghost’s gaze condensed, and at the same time, it is also doing a good job.

However, in the next instant, the ghost’s pupils shrank.

The moment before the tennis ball arrived, it turned out to be as huge as a mountain.

Not only that, the grass-green tennis ball has also been transformed into pitch black.

Endless darkness swept out of the tennis ball, directly swallowing the ghost whole person in.

At this moment, the ghost is in endless darkness. As for where the tennis ball is, he can’t see it at all.

“what is this?

The ghost murmured.

At this moment, an unrivaled force hit him violently, and the ghost felt as if he had been hit by a train.


In an instant, his whole person was blasted out, flying upside down like a sandbag and hitting the back wall. .

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