Chapter 772 Kansai will have an answer [3]

From the Tokyo Big Game to the Kanto Big Game, there is a full month. During this month, Fuji also puts his mind on his own training.

Although my own training is not as great as training camp training, Fuji’s talent lies here after all, so progress is still acceptable.

Today’s Fuji’s strength has improved a lot compared to when he left the training camp. Although he did not break through to the seventh-tier domain, he also reached the sixth-tier peak.

Only one step away is to be able to enter the seventh level.

However, the seventh-tier field is obviously not so easy to enter. Even Fuji has been training quite hard in this month, but it has not broken this threshold for a long time.

“It looks like something has to be done!”

Although self-training can improve, but it takes a lot of time, so Fuji thought about it, and he was also going to go to those four schools again.

That is, Rikkai Dai, Makinofuji, Okayama Oku, and Shitenhouji.

Although with his current strength, the words left by the four seniors have no longer improved him as much as in the past, after all, now Fuji has stepped into the world professional level, and it has reached the world professional level six. field of.

Although the four seniors are also legends in the Japanese tennis world, their strength is not as terrifying as Nanjiro, and they are almost in the field of the pinnacle of the world.

The world’s professional sixth-order peak, although there is a 143 distance from the world’s peak, the gap is not very large.

Naturally, Fuji’s improvement cannot be as great as in the past.

But although it won’t be as big as it used to be, it is still somewhat helpful, at least faster than he can improve himself by immersing himself in training.

Therefore, Fuji is also going to go there again.

Of course, Fuji chose to go to those four schools for another reason.

That is Tejia and Ajutsu.

Originally, he planned to wait for Tezuka and Yajujin to break through the world class before taking them to these four schools.

And now, Shoujia and Ajiujin have both stepped into this field, among which Shoujia has reached the world-class first grade in this field.

Although Ajiujin’s strength is not as good as that of his players, he can see from the aura that Ajiujin exudes on weekdays that Ajiujin should have entered the world-class second block.

Therefore, Fuji is also going to take them both together.

Although the words left by the four seniors are not much for his strength improvement, the opponent and Ajiujin can still be of great help.

After all, this is how he came all the way, so he knew very well how much the words left by these four seniors helped to improve their strength.

Especially like the hands of the world-class and Ajutsu in this field, the improvement of their strength will help even more.

Because of their strength in this field, Shoujia and Ajiujin (addc) omnipotent to block the impact of these four seniors from different dimensions, and then to maximize the absorption of the knowledge left by the four seniors.

“Huh? Are you taking us to Kansai?”

In the tennis club, the player looked at Fuji with a little surprise. He didn’t understand how to do well, and Fuji wanted to take him there.

Alongside, Akutsu also looked at Fuji curiously.

I thought to myself, what is this guy Fuji doing and why should I take them there.

“Aren’t you curious, why can I increase my strength to this level in such a short period of time?”

“Kansai has the answer!

Fuji smiled.

Although Tejia and Akutsu didn’t say it clearly, Fuji could see that both Teka and Akutsu were curious about his growth.

After all, in the same team, the sweat is the same, but his strength is so much ahead of them. Tezuka and Ajutsu must have some doubts.

“Does Kansai have an answer?”

After Fuji said this, Tezuka and Akutsu frowned at the same time.

Fuji was right.

The two of them are indeed curious as to why Fuji can lead them so much.

Even now, they didn’t even see Fuji’s footsteps.

It’s just that Fuji didn’t say anything, they didn’t ask any questions.

The hand family did not ask, because he knew that Fuji did not say that there must be his reason. The time was right, and Fuji would definitely tell him.

Yajujin didn’t ask, because of his strong self-esteem.

After all, Akutsu has always wanted to defeat Fuji. In this case, how could Akutsu ask how Fuji became so strong.

It’s just that this question was buried in their hearts over time, and even gradually forgotten.

Now that Fuji talked about it, their curiosity was also aroused.

And seeing the curiosity in the hearts of Tejia and Akutsu, Fuji also smiled: “Let’s go! You will know the answer wherever you go, although it is not the main reason why my strength can be improved to this level!”

“But I can become as strong as I am now, and it plays a key role there!”

“Go, you will know!”

Hearing that, Tejia and Akutsu were also lost in thought, and couldn’t help curiosity in their hearts. They went to Kansai with Fuji.

It didn’t take long, just two hours, and the three arrived in Kansai.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Fuji, Akutsu and Tejia came to a campus.

“Is this Shitenhouji?”

Looking at the temple-like institution in front of him, there was also a flash of surprise in the eyes of Shoujia.

On the way there, they had thought about where Fuji would take them, but they never thought that it was Shitenhouji, a wealthy man.

Similarly, Akutsu did the same. He didn’t think that Fuji brought them to Shitenhouji from Kansai.

Standing outside Shitenhouji’s school gate, Fuji slowly said: “There have been four legends in the history of Japanese tennis. Learned!”

“Shitenhouji is one of them. The other three schools are Makinofuji in Hyogo, Okayama Oku Junior High School in Okayama Prefecture, and Rikkai University in Kanagawa!

Hearing this, Shoujia and Akuzu are also surprised. They are the first time they heard of this kind of thing. In Japanese tennis, there are such four legends, and these four legends have left their words in their respective schools. .

After the shock, the Shoujia asked Fuji: “So, Fuji, your strength has improved so quickly, because of the words Middle-School learned from these four seniors?”


Fuji nodded and said, “I can’t say everything, but at least the words left by these four seniors have helped me a lot!”

“How did you know this?”

It was Akutsu who asked this. He was curious how Fuji knew this.

“It was Rokkaku’s father who told me!”

Fuji opened his mouth and said, “Remember the Rokkaku match during the National Kanto Contest? After the end, Rokkaku’s dad met me, and I learned about it from Rokkaku’s dad at that time!”

Hearing that, Yajiu Yazuzu also couldn’t help but recall the match between the first-year Kanto Contest and Rokkaku Middle-School.

Soon they discovered that it seemed to have happened. After the match was over, Rokkaku’s father asked Fuji to pass by.

At that time, they thought that Rokkaku’s father wanted to meet Fuji simply because he was curious about Fuji, but they never thought that there was a secret in it.

“But you guys are a bit unkind! With this rich resource, you can enjoy it by yourself, don’t tell me and the hand!”

Ajutsu said with an unhappy expression.

In his opinion, if Fuji brought them here sooner, why bother he and his hand were able to enter the world class in the second grade. I am afraid that they would have reached the professional level as early as Fuji.

And he will not be so desperate for Fuji like he is now.

The hand family didn’t think so. He and Fuji met in elementary school, so he knows Fuji’s character very well. Fuji is not the kind of person who likes exclusive resources.

Fuji did not tell them, it must be Fuji. .

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