Chapter 111 When the stars return!

The distant Pacific Ocean!

“High priest, can you start?”

Above the boundless Wang Yang, there are seven or eight cruise ships or small boats floating here.

One of the main officers of Hara’s Hand is asking for instructions from the high priest standing at the forefront of the deck of the cruise ship.

“let’s start!”

Here are all his own people, the high priest lifted the cloak, revealing almost all the murloc heads transformed into deep dives.

No one laughs at him, because the others are the same.

The degree of conversion of several important cadres is almost the same, and the rest of the conversion process is probably a bit slower, bulging the appearance of a mixed deep diver.

In fact, most mixed deep dives are the product of hybrids between deep dives and humans.

They are all born like ordinary human beings, but when they are seventeen or eighteen years old, there will be a double change of 08, both psychologically and physically.

By middle age, most of the mixed-breed deep divers show obvious deformities, and most of them retreat to their closed, hidden residences.

Within a few years, he finally transformed into a deep diver and started a new marine life.

Among them, the awakening of new senses, strange dreams about the underwater city, and the desire to go to the sea often come together with the changes in the body.

Especially the homes of ancestors and their birthplaces.

Of course, some of them were unsuccessful in metamorphosis due to gene deletion, and became half-human and half-fish, and some did not change at all.

But this is a very small number, like the albino mutant “golden python” of the python.

The Snake Hand these people are obviously not hybrids, they are the types that borrowed some kind of holy relics to actively transform into deep dives.

Ordinary people may not be able to succeed, even if they use holy relics, they are more often driven mad.

After he gave an order, soon everyone started to act!

Today is Lunar Day!

Originally it was not suitable for casting God’s spells.

But the Dagon God Sect and his party did not call the gods at all, but used the celestial changes to create an opportunity for Lalaiye to appear.

For today, they prepared for a full three years.

The high priest performed divination for today, and forcibly spied the future.

Jumped from the deck to the sea, and the high priest stood on the sea.

He has almost completely evolved into a deep diver, and he already has the abilities of a deep diver, stepping into the sea is almost flat.

Holding the transcript in his hand, he raised his head slightly in an almost pious manner.

As if foreseeing something, the sky became particularly gloomy.

Spreading his hands, the high priest stood on the calm sea. He knew that earth-shaking changes would happen in the next moment.

Our god, will return with this!

The next moment, transformed into a deep dive, he made a hoarse and gloomy sound that was completely non-human.

The icy hue was stained with the sound of blasphemy, announcing the ancient prayers loudly to the heaven and the earth to call the stars back to their place.

“Turn into holes, turn into dust, turn into dreams, turn into style!

Turn into night, turn into darkness, turn into wish, turn into will!

Fast, fast, fast, fast, disappear without a trace!

Go to heaven, enter the earth, live in the heaven and the earth!”

The evil syllable seems to penetrate the clouds and reach the cosmic space.

Others on the cruise ship threw nine huge enchanted slabs into the sea, which were full of complicated spells, the result of three years of collection.

The stone slab, which was clearly carved out of huge stone carvings, did not sink into the sea after being dropped. Instead, it floated on the surface of the sea, completely violating the laws of physics.

The weird lines on it are wriggling, changing autonomously as if they had gained life.

The text is gradually distorted, and the symbols fluctuate and change.

The hieroglyphs are automatically arranged into seven rows, and the brilliance flows in and out from the final rune formed in the middle, and shoots directly into the sky.

The nine boulders finally formed an irregular pattern, and a certain connection penetrated the endless light years and connected with countless stars.

After several years of accumulation and sacrifice to millions of people, he only gained the power to manipulate astronomy.

The high priest continued to chant the spell of returning the stars.

The stars that were already moving quickly are moving along an unknown orbit under strong control, and the trajectory of the celestial body is completely changed.

The day suddenly turned into pitch black, and a huge 370 starry sky pattern lay across the sky.

Affected by this, the originally calm sea seemed to be angry, and endless waves slammed in.

Nine beams of light connected to the starry sky and locked the city of Lalaiye that had been dormant under the sea for countless years.


The Federated States of Micronesia, which received the news of seeing the monster from the dispatched person, immediately notified the bald eagle country of the strangeness.

The Federation, located in the central Pacific region, knows that an event that can wipe out 100,000 people overnight is absolutely beyond its own capabilities.

Upon receiving the news, the Bald Eagle Nation immediately dispatched its own foundation members to conduct an investigation.

Before Foundation personnel arrived to find out the specific news, they received a notification from the Meteorological Bureau in China.

Observed by meteorological satellites, rare abnormal changes were found at 47 degrees 9 south latitude and 126 degrees 43 west longitude.

Then when I checked it in detail with military satellites, I found that a large group of people were performing an evil and terrifying ritual. .

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