Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine, a big problem was discovered

Since this press conference, the Gabriel Dynasty has carried out a series of reforms,

In addition to the foundation of the Ministry of Political Order, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, the National Security Agency, the Military Intelligence Bureau, the Internal Front Office and other departments have been established.

In addition, Yuri also specially established the Royal Knights,

This Royal Knights Order was specially set up to defend the royal family. It was specially prepared by Yuri for the offspring of unborn children.

The members will all be selected by Qianlongwei,

However, because Qianlongwei’s training has not yet ended, so I only mention it now, and it has not really been established.

Of course, the most concerned about the outside world is the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs of the Canadian Empire.

In the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, Bege is the marshal, and there are three Admiral under him. Now the only Admiral is Kizaru.

The Ministry of Military Affairs now controls 16 Marine fleets,

Each fleet has three iron-clad steam battleships,

Each armored battleship is equipped with a strategic electromagnetic gun,

Rotatable arrangement*16 three rocket turrets,

Sixty guns on the fifteen-centimeter shipborne gun,

It can be said to be armed to the teeth,

This kind of armored battleship was called the invincible battleship after the battle with the two large pirate groups.

The entire sea has no warship to rival it,

It was crushed as soon as it appeared, and the coalition forces of the two large pirate regiments did not have any strength to fight back.

In addition, each fleet is also equipped with ten large 030 sailing aids.

If such a fleet goes out, let alone the pirates, even the Naval Headquarters have to let go.

And there are 16 such fleets plus Emperor Dynasty Lie, which is enough to suppress the entire New World.

Each fleet has a fleet commander to govern the fleet,

There are two armored captains,

Ten sailing captains,

Unlike the Marine of World government,

Gabriel Royal Marine, the Marine on board only obeys the captain,

The captain only obeyed the commander of the fleet,

The commander of the fleet is directly under the orders of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs,

So even if Kizaru is the Royal Marine Admiral, he can’t directly command these fleets in normal times, and can only be ordered by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Moreover, in Royal Marine, it has always been based on the internal and external formations to discuss high and low.

If Kizaru is an internal formation, and the internal formation sequence is relatively high, then maybe we can order the captain or the fleet commander,

However, although Kizaru is Admiral, he has just joined the Gabriel dynasty. In the internal sequence, he can only be regarded as a member of the formation, and there is no way to order these fleets.

However, the Canadian Emperor Dynasty Lie will also build an Admiral-class iron-clad battleship specially for him, and he can dominate this battleship.

Don’t underestimate an Admiral can only control one warship, not a fleet

This is not actually Yuri targeting Kizaru, Admiral,

In the future, other Admiral will be treated like this,

Although it is only a battleship, Yuri is ready to use all the current technology and technology of the Gabriel dynasty to build this battleship.

With the current technology and technology of Jiadi Huangchao Lie, this first battleship will be a battleship comparable to the Dreadnought class, and some technologies even surpass the Dreadnought class.

However, although a battleship of this level is powerful, in this world with Devil Fruit and monsters rampant, I am afraid that only Admiral can protect him.

Otherwise, such a super battleship that spent a lot of time, money, and technology to go out and be destroyed by a single person in a blink of an eye would be really funny.

In order to compete with the Canadian Empire in military terms, World government Marine also began to build their armored battleships.

World government has the technology to build armored battleships, but every armored battleship is piled up with money.

In the same way that the World government is similar to Marine, I am afraid that it will build a few armored battleships at most, and it is for World government’s own use. Marine wants to use the armored battleship, I am afraid that some have waited.

In addition to the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, the biggest reforms of the Gabriel dynasty were the Ministry of Political Order and the National Security Agency.

A few months later, Robin’s belly began to bulge,

In order to give Robin a peace of mind, Yuri has taken over all the work of the Ministry of Government and Order, and is responsible for the reform of the Ministry of Government.

Although Yuri does not have the rich knowledge of Robin, he lived in the era of the information explosion after all in his previous life. He has seen various polities and has a much better overall view than people in this era.

Under his reforms, the entire government order department was operated several times more efficiently.

And Yuri’s secret is (daad) decentralization, checks and balances, and supervision,

He doesn’t have Robin’s knowledge and can’t handle various government affairs quickly, so he subdivided the rights in his hands and let professional people do things professionally.

He knows that if a person’s power is too great, he will give birth to thoughts that he shouldn’t have. Therefore, various departments need to check and balance each other.

He knew that no political system is perfect, after all, it is a human society, so he established an audit and supervision department.

And Yuri is only responsible for some big things, as well as strategy and overall situation,

This makes it easier,

But even so, now the Gabriel dynasty is waiting to be thriving, and Yuri is still busy.

Fortunately, after a period of turmoil, the entire Gabriel dynasty became extremely orderly, and with the continuous passage of sea trains, the Gabriel dynasty became prosperous.

At this time, a new life came, which made the whole dynasty cheer.

Yuri and Robin’s child was born, and they are a son,

Yuri named Gabriel, Roy.

The dynasty has always had a concern about the survival of the dynasty.

Because Jiadi Dynasty Lie was established from the pirate group, they were afraid that Jiadi Dynasty Lie was like other pirate groups, rising because of a captain, and disappearing because of a captain.

When Yuri was there, the Gabriel dynasty was as stable as Tarzan, but once Gabriel Yuri is gone, can the dynasty survive? Will the pirates who established the dynasty with Yuri replace it? How should the descendants of the dynasty continue?

But this worry finally subsided today,

Yuri finally has descendants, which means that the empire will have successors in the future.

After a few more months, Yuri was anxious for everyone to announce that Gabriel would be named and Roy would be the crown prince of the Gabriel dynasty.

Originally, Yuri didn’t need to be so anxious. He is still young and doesn’t need to choose the crown prince so quickly.

But one thing happened, so Yuri had to make this decision as soon as possible.

It has been almost a year since I returned from the Boeing Islands,

Yuri has been very busy this year, and only recently have time to relax,

Relax and prepare to resume previous training,

Usually, even if he is busy, Yuri will take some time to train, but because he is too busy, the amount of training is much less.

Now I’m free, Yuri is ready to restore the original training volume,

After all, physical training is something like that, if you don’t train for a period of time, your body will become sluggish.

But with this training, Yuri found that his body really got worse.

It shouldn’t be, even if you don’t train for a whole year with your body, it shouldn’t be like this.

And Yuri found that some gray hair appeared on his head, which shouldn’t be the case at his age!

He felt that there was a problem with his body, so he approached Guysa Courant and asked him to use scientific instruments to conduct a comprehensive examination of his body.

This inspection found a big problem…

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