I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 102 Dad, Do You Want To Defeat Frieza Yourself? Make A Wish

Chapter 102 Dad, do you want to defeat Frieza with your own hands? Make a wish to me

in the past year.

Kahn uses his new super Shenron wishing ability to give Bulma and Eighteen both eternal youth and immortality.

Later, it was verified by experiments that he could not use the endless divine power in his body to fight, but could only use it to fulfill his wishes.

Although it is a little regrettable, Kahn is also satisfied.


Ten months ago, No. 18 also became pregnant successfully.

On the second floor platform.

No. 18 with a big belly sat on a chair leisurely basking in the sun, while Kahn and others surrounded No. 18 for fear that she would get any harm.

"I said, on the 18th, I have been pregnant for ten months, and I should be giving birth soon."

Bulma took a sip of the drink in his hand and said.

"It should be soon, I'm looking forward to my fifth granddaughter."

Gine on the side was all smiles, eyes full of anticipation.


Number eighteen is also pregnant with a daughter.

Counting Lades, Lin 29 Yu, Son Gohan and Son Goten, this is her fifth granddaughter.

"According to my estimation, it's almost a few days, but now it's ready to deliver. y

Vados, with a graceful figure and beautiful face, sat on the chair dignifiedly and elegantly, and suggested: "Sister No. 18, how about I help you deliver the baby now?"

"is it okay now?"

Thinking that her and Kahn's daughter was about to be born, the cold-tempered No. 18 directly turned into a loving mother mode, she said: "If possible, please trouble Sister Vados, I really want to see my little cutie right away .”


Number Eighteen even touched his stomach with a happy face.

"Husband, what do you mean?"

Although Number Eighteen agreed, Vados still asked Kahn.

Kahn nodded, indicating that he was fine.


Vados stretched out his hand, and the Angel staff flashed out.

Immediately, Vados waved the Angel staff in his hand, and drew several circles towards No. 18's belly, wisps of colorful light spots fell from the crystal ball at the top of the staff.


A miraculous scene appeared.

I saw that under the pouring of colorful light spots, a baby appeared from the belly of Eighteen Degrees along with the colorful light spots.


Vados raised his vermilion lips, and then cast the spell again, a red cloth emerged out of thin air, wrapping the baby up.

And the big belly on the eighteenth also returned to normal.

"You can still deliver babies like this now!"

Gine, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, called it amazing.

She had never seen such a delivery method.

"It's done."

After successfully delivering the baby, everyone surrounded her one after another.

"It's so cute, it's pink hair."

Bulma gently stroked the face of No. 18's daughter, and the mother's love suddenly flooded again.

The daughter of No. 18 was lying in Vados' arms, neither crying nor fussing, but looking innocently at the crowd watching her.

"Pink hair is rare."

Vados smiled, and handed her over to Number Eighteen.

Looking at the daughter in her arms, No. 18 liked it more and more. She raised her head and said, "Husband, come and give her a name."

"Take a name."

Kahn pondered for a while, and then had a flash of inspiration, and said, "Then let her be called Lin Xian. I hope she will grow up to be a quiet and beautiful girl as beautiful as a fairy."

"Lin Xian, then you will be called Lin Xian, cutie."

Number Eighteen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Hearing his own name, Lin Xian seemed very satisfied, and smiled childishly.

"Hey, did she understand?"

Bulma was a little surprised.

"It should be. After all, with her husband's genes, Xiao Xian'er will definitely not be like an ordinary baby." Vados said.

Kahn also smiled cheerfully: "It seems that the name is not wrong."

As it turned out, Kahn was very wrong.

The name Lin Xian doesn't fit her character at all!

When everyone was happy for Shan's birth, Vados' Angel staff suddenly rang.

"Hey, it's Myers."

Vados checked, then connected the call.

A light curtain refracted from the crystal ball, Myers' face appeared in everyone's sight.

"Myers, what's the matter with looking for me all of a sudden?"


Myers' face was serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Sister, brother-in-law, the Galaxy Prison was robbed just now, and all the criminals escaped, including King Cold, and the ancient monsters who were imprisoned in the Galaxy Prison for ten million years. Lo!"

"Jailbreaker, Frieza!"


Hearing this, Vados opened his mouth wide in surprise, and asked, "Didn't Frieza be killed by your brother-in-law more than ten years ago? What's going on?"

Myers said: "Frieza was indeed killed by her brother-in-law more than ten years ago, but the person who robbed the prison just now was indeed Frieza. I don't know exactly what happened."

Kahn pondered: "Probably the remnants of the Frieza Legion came to Earth to summon Shenron to revive Frieza.

"What? Did Frieza come back to life?"

Upon hearing the name Frieza, Burdock, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up.

Burdock has never hated anyone in his life, except Frieza!

Back then, he worked conscientiously under Frieza, but in the end it was in exchange for Frieza's extermination of the Saiyan nation.

He will never forget Frieza's aloof eyes as if looking at ants, this is the eternal hatred in Burdock's heart!

"That makes sense."

Myers continued: "Sister, brother-in-law, after Frieza broke the prison, I guess they will go to Earth to seek revenge from you, so you just need to be prepared in advance, and I will try my best to deal with Frieza, King Cold and the demons." I will notify you immediately if there is any progress in the pursuit of Luo et al.

After speaking, Myers cut off the call.

Because he wants to prevent the Galactic Patrol from starting to hunt down Frieza260 and Mo Luo and others.

The Galaxy Prison was robbed. This is the largest prison robbery and escape since the establishment of the Galaxy Prison!

After the prison robbery incident, Galaxy King attached great importance to it and handed over the matter to Myers to handle it.

"Frieza the bastard!!"

Burdock stood up immediately, fists clenched tightly.

It's not hard to see just how deep Burdock's resentment for Frieza really is.

Vados quickly comforted him: "Father Burdock, please calm down first, even if Frieza is resurrected, she will not pose any threat to her husband."

"Yeah, my husband was able to defeat Frieza back then, and he can definitely do it now."

Bulma chimed in.

Kahn shook his head, "You don't understand."

It wasn't a question of Frieza being a threat to them, but a question of Burdock's resentment for Frieza.

I worked diligently for you, but in the end you killed the donkey and even exterminated the Saiyan nation.

For this kind of thing, anyone would be angry.

Not to mention a bloody Saiyan like Burdock.

Originally, the Saiyan nation was ruled by force by Frieza, which was already an insult to the Saiyan nation. Even so, they could not escape the fate of being exterminated in the end.

Frieza is indeed the universe brought villains.

Immediately, Kahn looked at the furious Burdock and said, "Dad, do you want to defeat Frieza with your own hands? Make a wish to me.

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