Chapter 21 Departure, Planet Namek!

"Even if you don't tell me, I'll kill Frieza sooner or later, but..."

Kahn narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You are different from the kind of trash like Nappa and Raditz, and it's still useful to keep you alive. You can go, before I change my mind."

Kahn and Vegeta don't have any feuds either.

You can kill him, but you don't have to.

What's more, keeping him alive is still helpful to Son Goku, at least on the way to Son Goku becoming stronger, Vegeta is still needed as a competitor.


Vegeta could hardly believe his ears.

Kahn didn't kill him?

"Are you deaf if I tell you to go? If you don't go, maybe I will change my mind."

"You can't let him go!"

At this time, Kelin shouted impatiently: "Kahn, these guys killed Piccolo, Tien Shinhan and Dumplings, they can't let him go!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Kahn glanced coldly, causing Klin to shrank his neck in fright, and fell silent for an instant.

"I hope you won't regret today's decision!"

Given the chance to live, Vegeta naturally wouldn't give up. After all, if he could live, who would want to die?

Vegeta didn't dare to neglect, and dragged his bruised body back to the Universe spaceship with difficulty.

call out!

The universe spaceship starts and rushes to the sky at the fastest speed.

It wasn't until the moment he left the earth that Vegeta dared to believe that he had survived.

He thought he would end up like Raditz and Nappa, but he survived.


Magnum Capsule Company.

"Win, that's great!"

Bulma danced and hugged Vados. Through the live broadcast of the war correspondents, they also saw the scene of Kahn fighting Vegeta and others.

Although Vegeta was released, they finally relieved their threat to the earth.

"Of course, it's no accident that my husband took action." Vados also pursed his lips and smiled.

" this is my husband."

Bulma pouted.

"Hehehe, who told you not to cherish breaking up with him." Vados chuckled lightly.

After staying on Earth for more than a year, Vados naturally knew about the past between Bulma and Kahn, but it was no longer important to her.

"Is it too late for me to cherish now?"

Bulma regrets it, even if she is small.

After all, she really liked Kahn deep down in her heart, but they broke up peacefully because they didn't have much time to spend together in the past.

"Well, maybe you'll have to ask Kahn yourself."

Vados smiled meaningfully.

Having been with Bulma for so long, Vados knows enough about Bulma.

Although she doesn't really want to share Kahn with others, if it's Bulma, it's not impossible.

Firstly, Bulma is a good woman, and secondly, Bulma has helped Kahn a lot over the past year, and she can see that Kahn and Bulma still like each other.

Vados is not so narrow-minded, and in her concept, there is no so-called monogamy.

In the sixth universe, it is common for a person to marry several wives.

Therefore, as long as there is no problem with Kahn, Vados can also accept Bulma.


Bulma understood what Vados meant, that is to say, Vados agreed with her to be a child.

Now all she has to do is take care of Kahn's side.

Bulma, who was already desperate, sees hope again!

the other side.

After Vegeta left, Kelin and Yamcha also let out a long sigh of relief.

But then there is an important question.

Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Dumplings, and a city of tens of millions of people died, and they had to figure out a way to revive them.

"As long as you find all seven Dragon Balls, you can revive Piccolo and the others." Yamcha said.

"How to resurrect?" Kahn asked back: "If I remember correctly, the Dragon Ball on Earth is now made by Piccolo, and his death means that the Dragon Ball is useless."


After Kahn said this, everyone suddenly remembered this crucial question.

When Piccolo died, Shenron naturally died as well.

"Then what to do! Is there no other way!"

Clint said anxiously.

It doesn't matter even if someone is dead, after all, there is still the existence of Dragon Ball.

But now that Piccolo is also killed by Nappa, the Dragon Ball is naturally useless.

"It's not impossible."

"any solution!"

Son Goku and others looked at Kahn one after another.

The dead Raditz and Nappa don't care, but Piccolo and Tien Shinhan have to be resurrected!

The thousands of innocent people who died under Nappa's hands must also be resurrected.

"Go to Namek, the planet where Piccolo's race lives. There should be a Dragon Ball there that can revive Piccolo. As long as Piccolo is resurrected, then the earth's dragons can be used to revive other people."

Kahn put it succinctly.


With a purpose, the next question is not a problem.

Bulma can build a universe ship to Namek, and can also translate Namek language.


Kahn went to the Temple of Heaven, and brought the Universe spaceship that the old gods took when they came to Earth back to the Universal Capsule Company for Bulma to transform, and by the way, do a translation of the Namekian language.

ten days later.

everything's ready.

In the huge yard of Universal Capsule Company.

An octopus-shaped Universe spaceship is parked on the lawn, and Kahn, Vados, Bulma, Son Goku, Son Gohan, Kling and others are all here.

"Let's go with Goku, Gohan and Krillin this time."

Kahn said.

"I also need to go!"

Seeing that his name was not among them, Bulma stood up immediately.

"Bulma, Namek should be dangerous, aren't you afraid?" Son Goku said.

After all, going to Namek this time is not for tourism, maybe you will meet enemies, if Bulma goes, maybe you will be delayed.

"I'm not afraid, Kahn will protect me anyway!" Bulma put his hands on his hips, confidently.

"Ah this."

Kahn scratched his head, then looked at Vados and asked, "Honey, what do you think?"

"I don't care, husband, you can make your own decision."

Vados said softly and brilliantly.

Whether or not to take Bulma with her, she left the decision to Kahn.

After hesitating for a moment, Kahn could only say: "Then... okay."

Since Bulma wants to go too, let her go.

Immediately, everyone began to board the Universe spaceship one after another, and Bulma personally controlled the Universe spaceship. When Bulma pressed the button to start the engine, the Universe spaceship burst into flames.

The huge thrust propelled the Universe spacecraft into the sky slowly, and then the speed soared, and it disappeared above the clouds in just a few seconds.

ps: Anyone else watch it? Please let me know, and drop some flowers by the way, please! ! !

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