I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Six You Are Arrested! Whis Surprise

Chapter Thirty-Six You Are Arrested! Whis surprise

Self-will, unlimited energy, if you add a super bloodline, Kahn can already make up the picture of his future battles.

With all these, who will play melee combat with you? Going up is to destroy, self-destruct, destroy, self-destruct, and then use your face to make it big.

Who the hell can stand this kind of fighting style?

Simply invincible!

Maybe this is a bit reckless, and it doesn't have any combat technical content, but there is no doubt that this is the most direct and efficient combat method!

If you can use energy to kill you, who will play with you in fighting skills?

Just kidding!


over there.

Bulma has also woken up from a coma. At first, she was still worried about whether Kahn's life was in danger, until Whis came to the earth and told her that Kahn was fine.

Only then did Bulma let go of his hanging heart.

two days later.

Kahn formally apprenticed to Whis and started special training.

Considering Kahn's current strength, Whis only temporarily asked him to do some housework and physical training.

The normal combat power of more than 10 million is too weak in Whis' eyes.

He even thought that Kahn would not be able to withstand a small torture of his own, so he could only improve Kahn's foundation and basic combat power first, and then consider the subsequent training issues.

Spring goes and autumn comes again.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed.

In one year, under the daily check-in and physical training of Whis, Kahn's strength has made a qualitative leap.

It was also at this time that King Cold led the Frieza Legion to Earth to avenge his dead son Frieza.

"Sister Vados, Frieza's father, King Cold, led his people to Earth."

Myers, who discovered King Cold's movements, immediately notified the news to Vados on Earth.

In the mushroom house, Vados sat dignifiedly and gracefully on the sofa in the living room, "Frieza's father? Is he here to avenge his son?"

In the light curtain, Myers nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I think so, do you need to stop him? Sister Vados."

"Angel can't interfere with the normal historical development of mankind. It seems that I have to leave it to you, Myers."

King Cold is not really a threat, but now Kahn is not on Earth, and she can't take action to clean up King Cold, so Myers can only let Myers lead the Galactic Patrol to arrest King Cold and put him in the Galactic Prison.

"I see."

After finishing the call with Vados, Myers went to ask the Galaxy King again.

The Galaxy King has no objections either.

The actions of King Cold and Frieza invading the planet in the past have seriously disrupted the order of the galaxy.

If they don't give them a little color, they don't even know who is the king of the galaxy.


When King Cold headed to Earth aggressively, preparing to avenge Frieza.

The Universe spacecraft of the Galaxy Patrol suddenly blocked their way.

Then, under the pressure of the universe spacecraft of the Galaxy Patrol, King Cold's universe spacecraft can only be forced to land on a nearby planet.

"King Kurd, it seems to be the spaceship of the Galactic Patrol!"

A subordinate reported to King Cold with trepidation.

"Galaxy Patrol?"

King Cold frowned, and said coldly, "It's really nosy."

When he was doing evil in the Milky Way in the past, the Galaxy Patrol never dared to take care of his affairs. Why did he suddenly have the courage to stop him today?

King Cold immediately led his subordinates to disembark the Universe spaceship in a huff.

The Galaxy Patrol on the opposite side also came down from the Universe spacecraft under the leadership of Myers.

The two sides were in a confrontational state.

Myers stared at King Cold in front of him with a serious face, and announced: "King Cold, in view of the crimes you committed in the galaxy in the past, you have been arrested with the authorization of the Galaxy King."

"Galaxy Patrol, are your brains flooded? Do you dare to take care of the Kurdish King?"

"I think starting today, there is no need for the Galaxy Patrol organization to exist."

"It's fine to take care of others, but how dare you take care of the Kurdish King? You really don't know how to live or die!"


Before King Cold could make a sound, the subordinates beside him were the first to mock him.

The corner of King Cold's mouth was also disdainful: "Who did this king think he was, but it turned out to be a kid from the Galaxy Patrol. If you dare to delay this king's time, you have already committed the death penalty."

King Cold, who was eager for revenge, was too lazy to talk too much nonsense with Myers.

Directly order his subordinates to launch an attack on the Galaxy Patrol.


King Cold was dumbfounded.

His subordinates are not opponents of the Galaxy Patrol members at all, and even he himself was arrested by Myers three times and five times.


With the iron gates closed heavily, King Cold, who was no longer majestic, was imprisoned in the galaxy prison.

Tangtang took office as the emperor of the universe, but now he has ended up being imprisoned in a galaxy prison.

It also makes people feel sad.

Next, King Cold can only be locked in the galaxy prison, waiting for the trial of the Galaxy King.


Beerus star.

bang bang bang!

In the sky, there are continuous waves of tyrannical battle aftermath spreading out.

After a closer look, it is Kahn in the super three form, who is conducting actual combat training with Whis.

After a year of training on Beerus, Kahn has broken through from Super One a year ago to Super Three.

"Da da da da!"


Lightning kept flickering around Kahn, and his violent and intensive attack enveloped Whis continuously, causing bursts of sonic booms.

Facing Kahn's fierce offensive, Whis is calm and unhurried, always avoiding Kahn's attack with the most extreme distance every time.

"Mr. Kahn, you can't go on like this, it's too slow."

While dodging the attack, Whis even had time to tease Kahn.

In his eyes, Kahn's seemingly thunderous and intensive offensive was like slow motion, posing no threat to him at all.

For Whis's ridicule, Kahn responded to him with only a huge explosion of energy!


Suddenly, Kahn, who was attacking, detonated the energy in his body.


The energy explosion detonated instantly like a nuclear bomb, and a terrifying shock wave swept out.

"Too reckless."

Whis sighed, then calmly exited the range affected by the energy explosion, and avoided the impact of the shock wave by the way.



Having just escaped Kahn's energy self-explosion, Whis has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

I saw a large piece of ground protrude suddenly behind him, and it exploded behind him!


Another violent explosion, coupled with Kahn's energy self-explosion front and rear pincers.

Whis has been completely surrounded by the energy explosion created by Kahn.

At this moment, Whis raised his eyelids, and there was finally a touch of emotion on Gu Jing Wubo's face.

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